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After school Akutagawa and Higuchi were waiting for Atsushi to show up so they could leave together. But the white-haired boy was nowhere to be seen and this had Higuchi worried.

"Do you think that he got lost?"

Akutagawa gave her a side glance before rolling his eyes. "Atsushi's been here for a week, there's no way that he still doesn't know his way around."

"I guess you're right," she mumbled in reply.

"Besides," the dark-haired boy spoke up after a moment of silence, "didn't he ask us not to wait for him?"

Higuchi rolled her eyes. "I know, I know but I really want to see this friend he was referring to. I really hope it's a girl," she told him with an excited squeal.

Akutagawa remained silent after that, not understanding why the idea of Atsushi being with a girl bothered him so much.

It took a few more minutes before the white-haired boy walked through the gate and Higuchi couldn't contain her smile when she him walking with dark blue hair. The two of them were talking and Atsushi had a bright smile on his face; and even though the girl's expression was mildly blank, anyone could see how comfortable she was talking to the older boy.

The sight made Akutagawa's stomach curl.

Amidst their conversation, Atsushi looked up and his eyes widened in surprise when he saw the two best friend's standing together. "Hey guys. I thought you two were gone already?"

"We would have been but Higuchi wanted to meet your new friend."

The mentioned girl had a bright smile on her face, an excited glint in her eyes. "This is her?! She's so cute! I'm Higuchi by the way."

"I'm Kyōka."

Akutagawa and Atsushi looked at each other awkwardly as the two girls exchanged a few more words, the latter blushing shyly. The dark-haired boy had begun to find the habit a bit cute and tried to stop himself from blushing as well.

"Oh, I have an idea." All eyes turned Higuchi as she spoke up. "How about you join us this weekend? We're all going to be at the arcade and it would be nice to have another girl around."

The dark-haired boy sucked in a breath, fearing the intruder's reply. It was times like this that Akutagawa truly hated Higuchi's social behaviour, watching how it caused her to socialise with random people. 

But much to his surprise, Kyōka slowly shook her head. "I'd rather not. I don't do well in crowded places."

"Oh." The blonde girl's mood dropped drastically, her bright smile fasing away. "Maybe next time?"

"Maybe," the short girl replied with a shrug. "Can we go now, Atsushi?"

"Uh? Oh, sure... I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Atsushi waved at the pair as he left with Kyōka and Akutagawa watched as they left. He turned his dark gaze to Higuchi who was sulking beside him before sighing deeply.

"Do you want to get some ice-cream?"

"Really?" Higuchi asked.

"Yeah, let's go." The blonde girl immediately pirked up and clung onto Akutagawa's arm–much to his displeasure. "Were you even sad?"

Higuchi looked at him with a small pout. "Of course I am. Do you want me to cry instead?"

Akutagawa glanced at her before shaking his head, a small smile on his lips. "I'd rather you didn't. You're very ugly when you cry."

"Akutagawa, did you just tease me?" Higuchi wiped away a fake tear. "You really are my friend."


Even with him and Higuchi spending time together like this, Akutagawa's mind couldn't help but drift towards Atsushi.

He didn't know why but his new friendship with Kyōka was bothering him a bit. They both acted as if they knew things about each other and Akutagawa didn't like the idea of not knowing what. Even though he usually withheld information himself.

But whatever they talked about would have to remain between them because it was none of his business anyway. Nevertheless, he couldn't stop thinking about Atsushi.

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