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“I'm sorry that you couldn't get something for yourself,” Higuchi apologised, watching as Elise skipped ahead of them with the octopus plushie in her arms.

Atsushi smiled, keeping his eyes on the small girl to make sure she didn't go too far. “It's okay, I can just get something next time. Akutagawa, do you think your sister will like what you got her?”

Akutagawa shrugged as he looked at the matching skull keychains that were dangling from his hand. “Gin likes these types of things. She'll probably make me keep the second one though.”

His sister must secretly be scary too, Atsushi thought nervously before his phone rang in his pocket. “Hello?”

Atsushi, where are you?

“I just went out with Elise-chan for a bit. Do you need us to come back home?” He asked.

It would be good if you did,” Fukuzawa told him with a sigh. “Ranpo said that he's coming back today and I won't be here because I'm taking Kumo to the vet.

“Oh, then we'll be back soon. B—” Elise tugged on his arm and he looked down with a frown. “Wait, I'm on the phone.”

She only pouted and stomped her foot. “But I want to talk to Papa, too.”

“Okay, okay fine.” Atsushi handed her the phone and turned to look at his two friends. “Sorry guys, we have to go now. I'll see you on Monday.”

They all said their goodbyes and Atsushi latched onto Elise's hand, the girl still chatting happily to Fukuzawa on the phone.

Higuchi waved as they left, turning to speak to Akutagawa only to see that he was gone. “Oi! Why are you going back that way?” She shouted after her friend.

“I left something at the arcade. You can go ahead with me.”

“Eh?! You're gonna make me walk home alone?” He ignored her and continued on his way, Higuchi staring angrily at his retreating figure. “Fine, I'll go too!”

Akutagawa simply ignored her and continued on his way back to the arcade, a deep frown set on his forehead. The dark-haired boy didn't understand why he was going back but he had a feeling that he would soon grow to regret the decision.

He looked up at the sign and released a sigh, pushing open the door to walk in.

The Fukuzawa household was full that late afternoon with Ranpo back for the weekend and Mori deciding to stay for dinner. Elise couldn't stop talking about her new plushie, Fukuzawa trying his best to look interested.

“Elise-chan, why don't you show me your new toy?” Mori asked with a wide smile, looking at the girl sitting in Yukichi's lap.

She glared at him briefly before turning away with a pout. “No, I'm still talking to Papa,” Elise retorted in annoyance.

Mori's smile dropped and he leaned against Fukuzawa's shoulder with a sigh. “You've always liked, Fukuzawa-dono more than me,” he mumbled and the older male smiled at him.

The doorbell rang a few moments later and Atsushi turned his attention away from the TV, standing to his feet.

“I'll get it,” the white-haired boy said as he waddled to the door. Atsushi slid the door open and was surprised to see his classmate on the front porch. “Akutagawa?”

“Hi,” he greeted with red cheeks, his arms behind his back.

“Hey,” Atsushi replied, closing the door behind him. “Did you need something?”

“Well,” Akutagawa blushed and glued his dark eyes to the floor, “you couldn't win something for yourself so, I thought that I should go back. I don't know why but I guess that I kind of felt bad.”

The white-haired boy stared at the big white tiger plushie that was being held in front of him–a happy blush covering his cheeks. Atsushi took it into his hands before looking up at Akutagawa with a smile.

“Thanks, Akutagawa.”

“You're welcome, I guess,” he replied before checking a message that made his phone buzz. “I-I should get going. I'll see you on Monday.”

Atsushi nodded, that deep blush still covering his cheeks as he watched Akutagawa silently walk away. When he was out of sight he walked back inside, only to be face to face with Ranpo. “W-What the heck, you scared me!”

Ranpo gave him a sly grin, green eyes looking at him. “Was that a boy?” He inquired cheekily to which Atsushi's blush only deepened. “Oh, so I'm right?”

“S-So what if it's a boy?” Nakajima hissed under his breath, making sure that Fuluzawa and Mori couldn't hear them. “He's only a friend anyway.”

The older boy raised a brow, looking at the gift in his hands before slowly shaking his head. “Nah, he totally likes you~.”

Akutagawa...liking me?

Atsushi didn't know why but the thought alone made it feel like his heart was about to burst, his face practically on fire from how red it was. The white-haired boy looked at Ranpo with pursed lips before yelling, “Ah, don't say such weird things! What's wrong with you?”

The younger boy stormed past him and headed straight to his room, Ranpo showing off a smirk.

Fukuzuwa looked up from the stove, seeing his youngest son storm off. “Atsushi?” He looked at the dark-haired boy who was now leaning against the counter. “Ranpo, what's wrong with Atsushi?”

He shrugged, feigning innocence. “Nothing.”

lol, what was this? but at least the story is moving forward.

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