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Atsushi was distracted.

Of course, he had been getting distracted a lot these past few days. The main reason being Akutagawa who was stoically eating his lunch beside him, his glasses placed firmly at the bridge of his nose. Naturally, the white-haired boy was staring.

Atsushi couldn't tear his eyes away from his relaxed expression as he ate the custard bun he had brought with him. His heterochromatic gaze trailed along the edges of Akutagawa's face before briefly glancing at his lips.

They look so soft, Atsushi thought to himself, an evident blush spreading across his pale cheeks.

Akutagawa looked at him, quirking a non-existent brow. "Can I help you with something?"

The younger boy's blush deepened as he turned his eyes away, staring down at his own lunch. "No," he squeaked, embarrassed that he was caught.

"Really? Your staring says otherwise," Akutagawa said with a subtle smirk.

Ever since his confession, the dark-haired boy had only seemed to grow more bold with his actions. Atsushi had found the development surprising and couldn't hide his flustered blush each time Akutagawa outwardly flirted with him.

"I-It's nothing." Atsushi didn't think it would be wise for him to admit he had been staring at his mouth. "Where's Higuchi?"

Akutagawa shrugged and took another bite of the bread in his hand. "She's been hanging out with my sister a lot so she might be with her," he informed him after swallowing.

Atsushi nodded and jumped when his phone buzzed in his pocket before pulling it out. He switched on the screen and frowned at the text that displayed across the screen.

Dazai-san 🍄
A-tsu-shi-kuuuunnn~ :3✨

The white-haired boy cringed at the text before typing out a reply, wondering why Dazai was bothering him so early in the day.

Crybaby 😿
what do you want?
im at school.

Dazai-san 🍄
oh, don't be so cruel!
I was wondering if you were free this weekend? I need help with something

Crybaby 😿
whatever it is, i won't do it

Dazai-san 🍄
*gasp* Σ(°ロ°)
is that anyway to talk to your brother?

Crybaby 😿
it's how i talk to you
and did you just type out "gasp"?

Dazai-san 🍄
how rude...
but come on! chū-chan will kill me if you say no ( ╥ω╥ )

Crybaby 😿
well, if nakahara-san is involved...
fine, what is it?

Dazai-san 🍄
you finding a hat rack more trustworthy than me is offensive but if you must know...
the university is having a fundraiser and since my group is setting up a pet café, chūya said i should ask if you wanted to volunteer.
you can bring that stupid cat of yours, too

Atsushi could feel his face light up at the words 'pet café' and Akutagawa noticed it, leaning closer to him to peer at what he was smiling at. "Why are you suddenly so happy?" He grumbled.

The white-haired boy turned his head and noticed how close they were, his cheeks burning a deep rose colour. If either of them was to move a few inches, their lips would surely touch and the thought of it made Astushi look back at his phone.

"Oh, um, I'm volunteering at a pet café this weekend." He noted on Akutagawa's disinterested expression as leaned away, his heart sinking a bit. Atsushi was keen on going to spend the day with Dazai but the thought of being the only high school student there made him nervous. So, maybe...

"Aku-kun," the nickname made the older boy look up, a light pink on his cheeks, "do you want to volunteer with me? You don't have to though, I just thought it would be nice for you to be there too. I mean, it would be weird for me to be there by myself but if it's really not your thing then..."

Akutagawa listened as he rambled, fiddling with his hands in his lap as his cheeks turned an embarrassed shade of crimson. He's so cute... "Sure."


"I'll volunteer with you." He didn't think it was possible for Atsushi to look so excited about something but the sight of his grin caused the corners of Akutagawa's lips to twitch upwards.

"Higuchi-san, are you okay?" Gin asked worriedly, watching as the girl dramatically placed a hand over her chest.

"Gin-chan, I'm sensing romance. Don't you?" Higuchi said with a wide smile.

The dark-haired girl stared at the curve of her lips, a small flush dusting her cheeks pink. "Y-Yeah, I guess I do..."

the way i started this book for fun and im already so many chapters in.

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