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“Akutagawa, are you really going to ignore me?”

The boy looked up at Higuchi through his glasses, an almost permanent scowl embedded on his face. “Yes,” he grumbled and went back to doing his chemistry homework.

Higuchi huffed and laid her forehead against the desk, her blonde hair slipping out of it's ponytail. “But it's just one date and I promise you that she's nice,” she added with a smile.

Akutagawa's hand paused over the paper before he placed it beside him and leaned back in his chair. He knew that Higuchi was trying her best to be a good friend and push him to go out more but Akutagawa hated interactions. So, he kept his reply curt and short.


The smile fell from Higuchi's face and she watched with a frown as her best friend continued with his work. “Fine,” she said. “I just don't understand why hate dating so much...”

He pursed his lips but continued to write nonetheless.

Akutagawa didn't hate dating, it was merely the fear of what could happen if he let himself get attached. He wanted to know what it felt like to be with someone and fall in love but the thought of it only made him sick. Akutagawa was scared.

“Thank you, Higuchi,” he mumbled and she looked up in surprise. “But I'm just not ready, you know?”

“I understand,” Higuchi replied with a genuine grin. “We're still going out this weekend though, right?”

“Of course.”

Just as they were about to continue their conversation, the teacher walked in and everyone fell silent. Akutagawa curiously looked up when he noticed a head of white hair peeking behind the man in front of the classroom.

“Good morning class. I have some news to share with you,” he mumbled as he stepped to the side to reveal a nervous-looking student with a hesitant smile. “This is your newest classmate. Please introduce yourself.”

The student stepped forward to bow and a few girls cooed at his appearance which caused him to blush. “Hello, I'm Nakajima Atsushi. I-It's nice to meet all of you,” he chirped with a slight stutter.

Almost every girl in the class giggled at his awkward behaviour while Akutagawa couldn't help but stare at him. Nakajima was cute, at least the dark-haired boy would admit that much but Akutagawa had to make sure that Higuchi stayed away from him.

She had the tendency to make friends.

“Okay, okay, settle down please,” the teacher muttered tiredly. “Nakajima-kun, why don't you take a seat?”

The only free seat in the whole class was in the back by the window and most people usually avoided it because of how inconvenient it was. At least that was the reason why Akutagawa avoided it.

He turned to speak to Higuchi only to find her seat empty and he began to quietly look around. Akutagwa heard his name being whispered behind him and he turned around to see the blonde girl now sitting at the once empty desk at the back.

Which now meant that the only free seat was now next to him.

Higuchi smiled innocently and mouthed, “You'll thank me later.”

Akutagawa merely gave her a glare that read, You're dead to me.

During their silent conversation, Atsushi had managed to sit down awkwardly and began to shyly introduce himself. “Hi, I'm Nakajima Atsushi. But you can just call me, Atsushi,” he smiled.

“I know who you are,” Akutagawa told him dryly, seeing the other visibly sadden. “Sorry... I'm Akutagawa.”

The white-haired boy smiled after that, a light blush covering his cheeks. Akutagawa looked away to hide his own flushed cheeks and he could hear Higuchi softly snickering behind him.

“Since there's 10 minutes left until the bell for 1st period rings, I guess you can do whatever you want,” their teacher announced before walking out of the classroom.

Atsushi's desk was quickly surrounded by a group of girls who were bombarding him with questions that he tried his best to answer.

“Which school did you come from?”

“Where did you live before moving here?”

“I love the white tiger plushie on your bag, Atshushi. Where did you buy it?”

“Do you have a girlfriend?”

“Why would you even ask that?”

“Because I think he's cute.”

Akutagawa noticed how Atshushi seemed to grow more and more uncomfortable with each thing that was said, the smile on his face becoming forced. The dark-haired boy began to feel bad for him, wishing that he was able to help him.

Thankfully, the bell rang and all of the girls scattered back to their tables. Atsushi sighed in relief when the teacher walked in, pulling his books out of his bag.

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