Chapter 13

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I cannot believe what i just witnessed! I mean this must be some sick plot, i think to myself while locking my room door and walking over to barricade myself in my bathroom. Alice and J were a thing? 

I lean my back up against my bathroom door and slide myself down. How was this even possible? So every time she was yelling on the phone it was with him? The ex that she was so in love with was J? My J? How could this possibly end well for me?

I take my phone out of my pocket and text Bre and Brina: 911, come ASAP.

Within moments i hear banging on our main door and i go to open it.

"What's wrong? Is everything ok?" Brina asks as i fling the door open.

At that exact moment Alice's door opens.

"Oh everything is ok for her now, but all hell is about to break loose, i promise." Alice says pushing through us and heading towards the elevator.

"What is she raving on about now?" Bre asks staring after.

"Come in." i say pulling both girls in and closing the door.

"WHAT?" both girls say in unison as i finish telling them what happened.

"Wait so the guy she was yelling at on the phone all that time was Jason?" Brina asks confused.

"Apparently so." i sigh.

"And he didn't know she was here?" Bre asks.

"A few weeks back he told me his ex was in town but he didn't know she was actually at the convention, much less my roommate." i say raking my hand through my curls. "But i mean, what if this is his way of getting back at me?" i ask nervously.

"Who?" Brina asks.

"Sean. Maybe he's using his sister and Jason." I say getting up to pace.

"That's kind of crazy, i don't think they would go that far. Plus Alice seems genuinely pissed." Bre says trying to calm me down. "Have you talked to J?" she asks quietly.

"No, i don't know what to say." i say sitting on the floor next to my friends.

"Nothing, let him explain." Bre says getting up. "We'll leave so you guys can talk, but call us if you need us." I walk them out and then pull out my phone.

Carissa: Call me when you can.

Within a minute my phone is ringing.

"Hello." i breath into the phone.

"I can explain!" Jason blurts into the phone.

"Well get started." i say quietly.


I take a deep breath and think about what i am going to say to fix this.

"It's not what it looked like out in the hallway." i start.

"Oh yeah? Then what was it because you and Alice looked really comfortable out there. I'm sorry i ruined the moment for you two." she says icily.

"I wasn't comfortable with her! I didn't even know she was at the convention much less your freaking roommate! I was just as shocked as you!" i yell loosing my cool for a second.

"So you expect me to believe out of all the times you guys talked she never mentioned that she was here?" she questions slightly raising her voice.

"Noooo! Because every conversation was short and i told her every time that i was over her! Every time! I didn't have time to hear her details because they were irrelevant. I swear to you that i didn't know she was here! Nobody matters but you Car, you have to know that by now." I breathe out.

"Why didn't you tell me that Alice was your ex?" she asks angrily.

"I didn't even know you knew her. Why would i randomly name drop my ex? That wasn't important to me." i say confused

"Yeah, well you should have. Your ex and i aren't exactly besties after what her brother did to me a few years back." she says quietly.

"What? Did he touch you? I swear i'll kill him!" i yell angrily.

"No so relax ok. Just know my parents handled it and ever since then our families haven't seen eye to eye and i know this isn't going to make it any better." she states flatly.

"I had no idea Carissa." i say quietly. "Please just tell me there is still a chance for us." i plead.

"I honestly don't know." she says before hanging up on me.


I let out a slow shaky voice as i look down at my phone. That call didn't go as bad as i thought it would but it also didn't go great either.

I hear a small knock on my door and get up to open it. Standing on the other side is Alice.

"Look i had no idea that J was your ex. I would've at least said something to you if i'd.."

"Cut the crap Carmichael! I really don't want to hear anything you have to say but i'm sure you would love to hear what i have to say! As of right now you and "J" are over, finnito!" she says pointing her index finger at my chest.

"I'm sorry Alice, i know that you're hurt but you really can't tell me what to when it comes to Jason." i say standing up straight.

"Oh but i can. You see, some girl at the Marriot leaked a blurb to the paps about "J" checking in there with some girl. Obviously knowing what i know now it had to be you!" she blurts.

I take a step back. "It's not what you.."

"Isn't it? It's exactly what i think. I know J better than anyone and i know what he does. He makes you feel just special enough to drop your guard and then he moves in. It's what he does best. Trust me you weren't the first and you definitely won't be the last. He does his little wandering and guess what he always comes back to me." She says inching closer.

"If he wanted you he would be with you." i say quietly with a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Oh he's going to be with me. He just doesn't know it yet." she says with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"You're going home Carissa, like now!" she says laughing.

"What?" i ask confused.

"You're leaving because of a family emergency." she says staring me in my eyes.

"I don't have a family emergency." i say flatly.

"You will if the paps find out it was you at that hotel with J during one of our passes." she says icily.

I feel the breath leave my body. I know what that type of press could do and what it could mean for my family. The same thing it had done to her family. Blackball.

"Oh and you're not going to tell J or anyone else about our little conversation. As a matter of fact you're not going to talk to him, ever again." she says turning to go.

"I can't do that, it'll break his heart." i blurt out in a sob.

"Exactly." She says while opening the main door. "Oh and you have 48 hours to be gone or i'll make sure i leak the mysterious girls identity to the paps. Safe travels dear." and with that the door closes and i am left all alone.

I pace back and forth trying to find a solution but everyone i come up with doesn't seem to end up well. There was really only one thing i could do. I pull out my phone to send a quick text.

Me: Hey, i've made up my mind. Call me when you can.


Who do you think she text?

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