Chapter 6

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I sit through one of my first motivational speakers in a daze

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I sit through one of my first motivational speakers in a daze. Whatever she was saying was falling on my deaf ears. Who had come up with the roommate rosters? Was this some sick joke? Surely all the staff here knew of the bad blood between our families. Maybe i could speak with someone to get switched, maybe it was a big misunderstanding. My mood perks up a bit at the thought.

"Hey you okay? You seem a bit out of it today." J asks touching my shoulder from the row of seats behind me.

I jump, frightened from the sudden intrusion of my thought.

"Sorry Car." he huffs sitting back in his seat. "Just talk to me when you're ready." he whispers.

I didn't mean to seem cold but things were complicated and I needed time to think.


I stare at the back of her head, her curls tamed in a high ponytail today. I awoke late and missed breakfast. I was just getting to the room where we were supposed to be listening to some lady talk about her experiences starting out as a young entrepreneur. Carissa seemed to not be paying much attention, lost in thought. Maybe i should check on her.

"Hey you okay? You seem a bit out of it today." I ask tapping her shoulder from behind.

Christ! She nearly jumps out her chair. "Sorry Car." I say backing up in my seat, "Just talk to me when you're ready." I whisper.

I wonder what's wrong with her today? Everyday it's something new with her. She always tries to smile and keep a upbeat positive attitude but i saw right through that facade. She acts as if she had the weight of the world resting on her shoulders.I keep asking myself why i care so much about this girl. There was nothing really over the top about her. My goal was to come to this little convention camp hing, get a few numbers, have a few steamy hook ups and go home. So far i had only gotten one number,hers, and that was not like me at all.

I was known for my bad boy ways and having a different girl every week.I don't know what possessed me to ask Carissa to be exclusive with me. I never did exclusive. Ever. Nothing good could come of this, i don't know the first thing about being a boyfriend. I had already gotten off to a bad start in the relationship anyways. I sighed at the thought.

Last night she called me twice but i declined the calls because i was on the phone with my ex. I lied and told her i was on the phone talking to my father. That was a pretty crappy lie but it was all i could come up with.

I should've just told her the truth because most of the call was my ex begging to hook up again and me saying no. My ex told me she was in the same town as me right now but what would be the odds of me bumping into her especially being locked in this convention five days out of the week. When Car and i went into town i would just steer us clear of the places i knew my ex might be. My ex was the closest thing to a girlfriend i'd ever had, after every other girl i always went back to her. She was easy to please and we were alike.

But this time is different, i don't want to hurt Car. There's something different about her, innocent.

Carissa and i had about the same celebrity status but she didn't let it affect her. I flaunted it all the time and enjoyed the perks while she wanted to be treated normal like everyone else.I liked that about her. Her personality is laid back and cool. She didn't try to be someone she wasn't. I guess it's an added bonus that she's fine as all get out. She was a short mocha girl but her legs seemed to go on for days. Her brown eyes made me want to tell her my deepest most intimate thoughts. And those lips! Those plump,full, pink lips made my imagination run wild. I would love to kiss those lips as i ran my hands through her long tight curls. I imagined myself grabbing her by round bottom and pulling her in for a kiss as her full breasts push up against my chest.

My goodness J! Snap out of it man. I think to myself as i try to adjust my seating to accommodate my arousal.

I refuse to use Car like i had with the girls that came before her. None of my intentions were pure with them and they knew it but they all thought they could tame me. They were all wrong but i intended to keep my word with Car and if things started to get rocky i would end things.

I focused back in on the speaker. She was droning on about the importance of keeping your image clean when it came to your personal and professional life. She added that the most valuable thing you had was your name. I guess i'm already failing at that i think laughing to myself.

Soon the speaker was done and i got my chance to pull Car to the side to speak with her. Something in me wanted to tell her the truth about last night.

Once i was done explaining myself she just stood there staring up at me with those big doe eyes. Oh God.

"Okay." she said simply.

"That's it?" i asked incredulously.

"Yeah, just don't lie to me again. I totally understand, at least you didn't give in to her and at least you're telling me the truth now." she says with a small smile.

She was sweet and i loved that about her.

"Okay." i say feeling better.

"Well i guess i'll see you later. I want to go talk to the speaker privately, i have a few questions to ask her." Carissa said with a little wave.

I watch her walk away,as if floating in her blue pumps, as she headed to the front of the room.I hated the way some of the other guys stared at her as she passed by them. Anger welled up inside of me and i had to work hard to not spazz out on them. Stop acting like a possessive dweeb i told myself.

I saw my roommate Miles standing near the exit typing away on his phone.

"Hey man what's up?"i ask clapping him on the back as i walk up to him.

"Nothing much, about to grab some lunch. Want to come with?" he asks looking up from his phone.

I glance at Carissa near the stage talking excitedly to the speaker. She would be here awhile and i'm already starving from missing breakfast.

"Yeah man let's go." i say heading out of the door.


I stand there staring at J as he explains to me that he basically lied to me last night.I wanted to be mad but i just didn't have the energy. I had a lot of other things to figure out at the moment. Plus this thing with J really wasn't that serious to me, i really didn't plan on hearing from him after the convention was over. I knew of his bad boy ways. There aren't really any feelings attached. I guess i'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Okay." i say simply. I wrapped my conversation with him and went to talk to the speaker.

While talking to her i was excited to hear that she had a story similar to mine. She had celebrity parents and was expected to take over the family business as well. She had took over and fell into her with grace and ease. Hearing her really made me feel better.

By the time we were finished speaking the room had cleared out. I checked my watch. 12:32pm

Too late to wait in line in the cafe but plenty of time to go find someone to discuss my rooming situation. I was hopeful that they could make this right.


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