Chapter 14

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"You really got lucky that i had my phone in my hand when you text me." he says while laughing and adjusting in his seat. "Must've been fate." 

"Must've been dad." i say with a sigh while looking out of airplane window.

Miraculously when my father called me to talk about my text he was already heading back home from a business trip and his layover just so happened to be at the airport where my convention was located. It really was as simple as him calling and saying that he was in town to get me and that my driver would be bringing me to meet him at the airport.

I had 3 hours to pack and say my goodbye's and it really was one of the toughest things i had to do. My heart ached crazily enough but i just kept trying to remind myself that this was for the best. Alice's words kept echoing in my head. "This is what he does."

Somewhere i knew that J and i couldn't be together long term but i thought we would have more time than this.

I called Bre, Molly and Brina over to give them the news and wish them the best of luck going into senior year and we promised to keep in touch.

When it was time for me to leave i glanced once at J's door and proceeded to walk to the elevator. One boy wasn't worth what my family had worked so hard to build.


It been hours since Carissa and i had last spoken and the silence was killing me. I wanted to give her time to process and think but the uncertainty really had me on edge. She was the best thing that had ever happened to me and i needed her to know that and know that i had changed.

She hadn't responded to any of my texts and all of my calls were going straight to her voicemail so i decided to confront her friends in the cafe at dinner.

"Where's Carissa?" i ask placing both hands on the table in front of the girls.

"Well hello to you too." Brina says looking up at me.

"I don't have time for this right now." i say frustrated. "I really need to talk to Carissa."

"Well you missed her." Bre says quietly.

"Oh so she's in her room?" i ask standing up straight. "You guys could've led with that.

They both look at each other confused and then at me with sadness.

"Why that look guys? I don't know what she told you guys but i'm going to fix it. I promise." i say rubbing my palms together.

"She's gone J." Brina says quietly looking down at the table.

"What do you mean by "gone"?" I ask.

"Like her plane has probably already taken off gone." Bre says staring at me.

"What?" i shout. I run off towards the elevator ignoring the stares i get from other students in the cafe.

"We thought you knew! We thought she told you like she did with us!" one of the girls yells out behind me.

There has to be some type of misunderstanding i think as i wait for the elevator to reach the fourth floor. 

I rush over to her door and start banging. 

"Carissa open up!" Bang bang bang. "Please! I need to see you!" Bang bang bang. Soon i hear the latch sliding off of the door.

"Wow. I didn't know you had it in you to beg. You certainly never begged me." Alice remarks snidely while looking up at me.

"I don't have time for this Alice, you've caused enough problems for me already. Where is Carissa?" i ask looking past her.

"Oh your little girlfriends gone." she says with a laugh. "You really screwed up this time."

"Gone where?" i ask panicking. It can't be true.

"Home. Didn't she tell you?" she asks with a playful pouting face.

"Carissa!" i say shouldering past Alice. I push open her room door and reality slaps me in the face. All of her things were gone and all that was left were the bare bed, desk and desk chair. It was as if she were never here. 

"Now why would i lie about such a thing?" Alice asks in a mocking tone from behind me.

"What did you do?" i ask quietly turning to face her.

"Me?"she asks shocked holding her chest.

"Yeah you!" it wouldn't be the first girl you've run off. i shout.

"What?" she asks clearly confused.

"Yes i knew Alice. Every time you chased someone off i knew, i just never cared. But this time it's different. You know what type of home i grew up in and you know what i've gone through. With her i felt safe. like i didn't have to pretend. She didn't want anything from me and she was true to herself and her family." I shout angrily.

"Why are you saying this? I knew things were rough for you and you were afraid of giving us a title but what we had was real, that's why you kept coming back." Alice chokes out with tears in her eyes.

"I never came back to you because i loved you or wanted to be in a relationship with you. I came back because you were a warm body to fill the void and being in your presence makes me feel like at least  i'm not the worse type out there. I knew that at least with you i wouldn't look too bad in the press because you at least know how to look decent for them and spin a positive story. I was using you just like you were using me to get more celebrity." i say walking around her. "If you didn't get the message before get it now. What we had is over. Contact me in any way and i will have my lawyers draw up a restraining order."

I rush back to my room and begin throwing everything in my suitcase. There was no point in me staying in this hell hole any longer if she wasn't going to be here anymore. It was just so crazy to me that i hadn't even wanted to come here but in the short time i'd been here i'd felt the most alive. I used to love the rush of being bombarded by paps but now i get a rush from dodging them. I used to need companionship but now i've grown accustomed to sitting alone peacefully with my thoughts. Self reflection is what she called it. As much as the old me would hate to admit it Carissa had definitely changed me and for the better.

I glance around the room one last time before i head towards the elevator. I'm going to get her back one way or another.

As the elevator door dings to signal the door about to open i hear my name being called.


"What Alice?" i ask turning around annoyed.

"I'm pregnant."

"What?" i ask dropping my bag. 

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