Chapter 4

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We get to the auditorium and it's everything I hope that it wouldn't be

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We get to the auditorium and it's everything I hope that it wouldn't be. While my friends were chatting and catching up I was trying to fend off almost all the newbies. Everyone wanted to be my friend, everyone had questions or wanted to get a picture or video for their social media. I was trying not to get overwhelmed with all the shouting and pushing when Jason came to my rescue.
"Okay,okay enough." He said waving everyone backwards. " I mean it's not like we'll be spending all summer with her or anything." He said sarcastically.
"Well, who are you?" One of the younger girls asked seductively batting her eyes at him.
"Your father's worst nightmare." He said looking down at her. It was as if that excited her because she got closer. Probably liked bad boys smh. "A walking PR disaster,one that could ruin any business." he added catching on.
With the mention of being broke the young girl sauntered off and the rest of the group dispersed.
"Thanks." I say clasping the back of my neck.
"No problem. What exactly do your parents do again? You would've thought they were lining up to see Beyonce herself." He joked questioningly.
"They're marketers." I said shortly. I hated talking about my parents company when it wasn't needed.
"Huh,small world, so are mine! Maybe they've collaborated before." He says with a smile.
"Maybe." I say " I owe you one."
I turned to head to the cafeteria when he blurts, "Why don't you repay me now? With dinner? I mean just sitting with me not paying for it." He mumbles out. The handsome creature actually looked nervous. I guess I'll spare him.
"Yeah sure,let's do it." I say leading us toward the cafe.
The cafe was basically like a college Cafe and the way that it was set up. I pulled the doors open and looked around the huge open area. From left to right they had a pizza section, stir fry section, May section and a salad bar. Besides the salad bar there was a mini store where you could purchase microwavable Foods, drinks and snacks.
"Wow,i think I'll like it here." Jason says grabbing one of the trays.
"Eh." I say picking up a tray and following him. "Most of the food is organic but it tastes okay. I remember last year they made these really great barbecue wings and everybody freaked when we found out it was really BBQ cauliflower." I giggle to myself as I head toward the stir fry section.
"You've got to be kidding me?" He asked incredulously behind me.
"Nope I'm afraid not Jason." I say sitting my tray down on the counter.
"You can just call me J,thats what my friends call me." He says looking down at me through those long eyelashes.
"Call me Car."
I turn to the cashier standing before us and order my food.
"Can I have a shrimp bowl with noodles, broccoli,carrots and mushrooms with a mystic?"
"Which flavor?" He asks
"The blue one." I say pointing.
"He said what flavor not what color." J says poking me in my side and laughing.
"Who remembers the names?" I joke back. That'll be all I say reaching into my pocket for my card.
"I got it Car." J says nudging me along."I'll take the same as her,both to go."
He paid for our food and we watched as it was prepared. The girls seem to know what she was doing and she move new with the Open Flame in the skillet. I felt the heat on my face and instinctively backed away.
"The foods cheap! I've never paid $7 for two large shrimp stir fry." He says eyeing the receipt in his hand.
"Yeah so it's affordable for everyone here, some kids are here on scholarship." I say grabbing my container when it was placed on the top rack. J grabbed his and followed me to a nearby table.
" Believe it or not a lot of the kids are average its not a lot of us privileged kids." I say plopping down into my seat and opening my food container to get ready to dive in.
J eyed my food in amazement.
"There's no way a tiny thing like you could finish, all of that." He says pointing to my plate
"Watch and learn." I say eating.
He smirks and opens his food."Hm not bad." He says with his mouth full.
"Nope,not as bad as your table manners." I say teasingly.
"Ha,ha,ha." He joked wiping his mouth with his napkin.
"Thanks for doing this with me." He says looking down at his food
"It's no big deal, we're just eating food together." I say back with a small smile.
"It is to me." He says suddenly looking serious. "My parents are never home so I usually end up eating alone or at a friend's house."
"Oh." I say. That was all I could muster up to say. Smooth Car.
"I guess this could be counted as our first one though." J says smirking with a slight tease in his voice.
"Our first what?" I ask confused.
"Our first date." He says trying to read my face.
"You know nothing about me!" I say throwing my fork down and standing up fast making my chair fall back with a loud thud. "How can you possibly be talking about dating? If this is some sick game to get close to me and leak photos and personal stuff to the tabloids you're messing with the wrong one!" I shout angrily unable to control my breathing. A few people glanced in our direction but I didn't even care at this point.
This was why I never got close to people you just didn't know their motives these days.
J stood up as well with wide eyes and came around the table to grab my hand. I snatched it away and stared at him.
He ran his hands through his curls and let out a frustrated sigh.
"Carissa I'm not playing a game with you!" He says loudly drawing in a few more stares. "I know we barely know each other and I know this may sound crazy but you make me feel different. No one has ever made me feel the way you do every time I'm near you. I'm usually level-headed and cool but you!" He says pointing at me. " Something about you throws me off my game, makes me feel flutters. I just want to try and see what it'll leave. Whether it's just a friendship or something more." He finishes quickly.
A few people had gathered around In the heat of the moment and we're now staring at me expectantly. I was breathing fast myself and hadn't even noticed.
" I don't know what to say J." I say quietly.
" just say you'll give it a try Carissa I promise you won't regret it." He says stepping closer and pushing one of my curls behind my ear.
"Fine!" I say poking him in the chest. "But if this ends bad I promise you'll pay."
"Yes ma'am." He says lifting my had up to his lips and kissing it.
I shuddered. His lips were so soft.
"Well what do we have here?" A loud voice asked from the crowd. I looked up to Mrs. Jones one of the instructors.
"Uh nothing Mrs. Jones!" I say a bit too quickly while snatching my hand back.
"It better not be." She states looking between the two of us. She turns her attention to J. "Mr. Douglas I know you're new here but we have a strong no fraternization policy here." J drops his head but I could see the small smile on his lips. "And you, Ms. Carmichael, you definitely know better! I guess I'll just have to keep my eyes on you this summer." And with that she turned and walked off.

Are you here for Carissa and Jason or is Jason being a bit pushy?

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