Chapter 5

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Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

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Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

I heard knocking on the main door and rushed to open it.

I threw the door open and was surprised to see a group of girls standing outside.

"OMG! Tell us everything!" Bre squeals pushing past me to get to my room.

"Tell you what?" I ask waiting for the last girl to enter so I could lock the door back.

"What happened in the cafeteria." Brina states I'm patiently. "And don't say nothing because it was all the lower classmen have been talking about in the lounge."

"Yeah spill the beans." one of the girls I hadn't noticed said from my desk chair.

"OMG Molly!" I say excitedly running over to hug her.

She looked the same but a thousand times more mature. Instead of usual curly hair she had it straightened and in the place of her usual colorful nails were a fresh set of clear acrylic nails.

"I thought you were going to get a jump on your college courses." I say smiling at her. Like me she had attended the convention every summer.

"I thought I wanted to go but looking at homework as well as business plans all summer wasn't going to cut it for me. I thought about calling you to tell you but thought surprising you would be better. Now tell us." Molly says shifting the attention back on me.

So I did it. I told them everything from our first encounter at the airport, to our flight. I told them about some of the conversations we had but was careful to leave out anything I thought he might not want me blabbing about. I gushed about how jittery and nervous he made me feel and what he had told me in he café. At the end of my spill I was just sitting there out of breath with a slight smile on my face.

Six faces stared back at me. Did I say something wrong?

"Oh Car, you're in love!" Bre blurted out clutching one of my pillows across her chest.

She was so dramatic.

"I don't know about being in love but I definitely do like him. Like, like-like him." I say looking at the girls. "I really don't know what to do or how to act on these emotions, I've never felt this way about a guy before and let's not forget I've never been in a relationship." I say sitting on the edge of my bed and covering my face with my hands. "Plus if word gets out about this and leaks to the press I'll be ruined! You guys know how gung ho my parents are about boys and dating." I lay back on my bed closing my eyes. Well I just answered my own question, I would just let the feelings and emotions fizzle out.

"Okay so keep the relationship secret." a girl named Lily said from across my room. I hadn't noticed her either, I believe she was from London. One of three international attendees here. "Keep it mum and you should be fine, it's not like the media can get on the property and none of us will rat you out."
she continues excitedly.

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