Chapter 8

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"So that's a yes or a no, no in betweens." Bre said pressing the issue. Her and Brina had been in my room for the last thirty minutes grilling me about my relationship with Jason.

"Yes! Yes ok." I finally blurt out. Might as well tell them the truth.

"Oh my gosh! You've really been thinking about giving him your virginity?" Brina questioned shocked.

"You? Ms. i'm going to save the goodies until marriage. Wow it must be true love." Bre giggles hitting Brina's shoulder.

"It's just something special about him, he makes me feel things I've never felt." I say smiling.

"Babe hurt to burst your bubble but that's called lust." Brina says wiggling her eyebrows.

"No aside from the physical aspect. Plus I know that if we didn't work out he wouldn't tell a soul unlike some regular, random, low key star struck guy I could meet. But enough about me, what are you guys doing this weekend?" I ask while propping myself up with the pillows on my bed.

"Tomorrow we're going shopping and Sunday we're going to get mani's and Pedi's and then come back to binge watch Black Lightening on Netflix." Bre says looking down at her nails. "What about you and J? What are you guys doing on y'all first pass alone together?" she asked looking at me mischievously.

"I honestly don't know, he says it's a surprise."

"That boy always has something up his sleeves for you, handsome and charming. Wow." Brina says making kissy faces at me. So mature.

"I know it's only been a few weeks but I feel like I've known him my entire life and i'm definetly going to miss him once thi convention is over." I say looking down at my palms. This all felt like a fantasy but I knew it couldn't and wouldn't last forever.

"Well." Bre started slowly trying to think of a solution. "You guys live in the same area so that's a plus."

"Yeah but then we'll be leaving for college and I don't even know where he's going yet. I can't ditch my bestfriend and the school of my dreams and I can't ask him to change schools or his plans for me." I say quickly getting worked up.

"Well then that's one of the next conversations you two need to be having before things get too serious." Brina says sounding much older. She's right.

"Okay now that that's settled turn off the lights so we can get some shut eye. I want to be up as early as possible to sign out on my weekend pass." Bre says getting comfortable in her covers on my floor.

"Are you guys sure you want to sleep in here tonight? You're not worried about being caught out of your rooms after curfew?" I ask walking over to the light switch.

"Sweet, Carissa, nobody does room checks. Hit the switch!" Bre demands pulling her eye mask from on top of her forehead and onto her eyes.

I turn off the light and bury myself in the comforters on my bed.

I remembered asking my dad before i left home to leave camp early. Tonight he had called and asked if I still wanted to come back early and I wasn't sure. I could go back and hang with Mel and miss out on one of the greatest things in my life. He told me to I have three weeks to decide and let him know. I don't know if i'll be leaving early or not but I plan on making the most of my time with Jason. I will make sure that this is a special summer that he will never forget. I roll over and close my eyes imagining his strong arms wrapped around me.


I toss and turn restlessly thinking of her. Her face keeps flashing in my mind. Her warm smile so vivid behind my eyelids in my dark room. I was so far gone I could swear I heard her sweet laugh. I heard it again.

Never mind, it was just my roommate with some girl in his room. Jennifer, I believe that was her name. I get up to take a whiz and throw myself back in my bed. I had texted Carissa earlier but she never responded back. That was unlike her. I really would like to hear her voice right now.

I debate with myself for a moment whether I should call or not until I hit the talk button on the screen. I take a deep breath as my phone begins to ring. It rings a few times then tells me I've been sent to a voicemail box that hasn't been set up. Typical. Should I call back? Probably not. I stare at my phone in the dark when it suddenly vibrates, lighting up the entire room.

Carissa: Hey is everything okay you've never called this late b4? I wish I could talk but the girls slept over and they're knocked out.

I read her message relieved that she wasn't ignoring me.

Me: Lol! Who would've thought YOU'D be breaking the rules????? Everything is fine I just wanted to hear that sweet voice of yours but i'll let you rest. See you in the morning, 9am sharp! Night.

Carissa: I've been breaking the rules since I started dating you!!! New year new me lol. Good night, see you then.

I put my phone down and stare into the darkness of the room. I couldn't wait for tomorrow. In talking to Car on different occasions I have come to learn that I was missing out on a lot in my childhood. I never got to do all the things other kids my age were doing with their families because I was always on the road with mine. Turns out I missed out on some great movies and tv shows. She would always reference some joke from a movie or show and I would come up blank every time. Just yesterday I had a piece of hair sticking up and she said "Hey Alfalpha." I didn't get it until she explained the movie Little Rascals and the character who constantly had a piece of his hair standing up. She had me thinking now that I really was missing out and so I took it upon myself to make special arraignments for tomorrow. I made us an appointment at Lala's and then we would head over to the Marriot where I had us a suite booked. I had ordered some of the classic movies she had mentioned to me and they would be waiting in the room for us. I knew that getting a hotel room was risky with the rules and all but she was worth the risk if it brought us closer. I also knew that she didn't want to be seen in public with me so being holed up in a room with her would be a win win for the both of us.

The hotel was a safe bet as long as the wrong person doesn't find out about it. I smile to myself envisioning us getting room service and cuddled up watching all the movies my parents denied me the chance to watch as a child. The smile slowly faded from my face as I thought of them. My parents. They hadn't called, text, or emailed me since my arrival here a few weeks ago. I knew they were probably busy but it still hurt. Carissa's family managed to squeeze in time every other day to speak to her, I wish I had that.

I close my eyes trying to wish the bad vibes away. Comparison is the thief of all joy, I think to myself.

I roll onto my side and mentally tick off the list of things I had for tomorrow. Reservation at Lala's? check. Marriot reservation? check. Movies? check. Driver? Oh shoot.

I pull out my phone and search the local area for personal drivers but none of the one's are available with my type of car and the rest look seedy. Think Jason think! Aha, I have the perfect solution.

I slide the phone back under my pillow and chuckle to myself. There's a first time for everything.


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