Chapter 12

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I place my hands on the shower wall as the steaming hot water rolls down my back. I tilt my head down let the water run down my face. A flash of J kissing my neck crosses my mind and I find myself blushing.

We had gotten back on campus about an hour before curfew and i'd been on cloud nine the entire time. I can't believe we actually did it! We actually had sex!

I must admit though, I am feeling a bit guilty. When we were signing back in I felt like the volunteer talking to us could sense what we had done. She kept asking if we were doing ok and what had kept us occupied all day. Of course J answered the questions smoothly but I still felt jumpy. Maybe I was being paranoid. I mean wasn't it her job to check on us and make sure we were doing ok?

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my pink plush towel around my body. I peaked out of my room to make sure it was clear and tip toed to our fridge to grab a water. I closed the frigde and headed back to my room.

"Ugh put some clothes on,this isn't your house!" Alice snapped from behind me.

"You have issues." I say closing my room door.

"Open the door and say that to my face!" she yells hitting my door. I check the lock just in case and start putting the pajamas I have laid out on my bed on.

Once i'm dressed I grabbed the headphones off of my desk and drift off to sleep listening to some SZA.


I stare up at my ceiling smiling to myself. I can't believe the day I've had. It was simple but it was relaxing and fun.

I had no idea it would turn out the way it did though I won't complain. I had never felt that way with anyone before. The feelings inside of me right now are scary and I don't really know how to process them but I will try my hardest not to screw this up.

I really should check on Carissa though to make sure she's ok. After we..... did the deed, she lashed out at me. I'm not sure why but i'm going to find out. I pull my phone from under my pillow and hit her contact.

ME: hey babe.... I just want to make sure we're ok.... you know after earlier. The fight...

I didn't quite have the words but I knew she got the picture. She responded almost instantly.

Carissa: Hey everything Is fine. Sorry about that by the way, you didn't deserve that. I guess it was just my insecurity showing it's face. I just don't want to get so wrapped up in you and you break my heart.

Me: You don't have to worry about that babe I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you and insecurity??? Whoa I didn't know you dealt with that like us mere mortals lol

Carissa: Ha ha ha, that's right i'm a Godess and don't you forget it. Tomorrow i'll be in bed all day so don't look for me to come out.

ME: Ohhhh now that's a sight to see. I might come over to check on you.

Carissa: Down boy lol

ME: Ok but at least text me or FaceTime me, going a whole day without a hint of you would kill me.

Carissa: We'll see ;)

Well she seems fine. I can catch some shut eye now.

Boom boom boom boom

What the heck. Whose knocking on my door and why.

"Get up man it's noon!" my roommate says from the other side of my door.

I look at my clock, it's no way it can be noon already. It felt like i had just closed my eyes.

12:23pm Woah

"Fine. Fine. Let me get dressed real quick." i say throwing my covers off and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. "What are we about to do?" I ask stumbling over to my closet.

"Grab some grub bro. Duh! What kind of question is that?" he asks sarcastically.

"Yeah ok." i say pulling a loose blue shirt over my head. I turn to my pants hanging up and choose some beige cargo shorts.

I pull my door open and come face to face with my roommate.

"Welcome back to earth mate." he says clapping me on the shoulder.

"Ha ha ha." i quip back.

"Oh bro you need to handle that." he says backing up holding his nose.

"What do you think i was about to do? I open the door and i'm staring at Shrek." i say moving past him to get to the bathroom.

I brush my teeth and wash my face in a rush. Looking at myself i realize that it was almost time for me to get a trim, my bangs were dang near to my eyebrows.

"So where are we getting lunch from?" i ask walking out of the bathroom and slipping my feet into my tan Sperry's near the front door.

"Where ever you want, i just didn't want to go alone. Sad huh?" he laughs to himself.

"It's cool." i say pulling my phone out of my pocket.

ME: Hey i'm about to head out for food do you want me to bring anything back?

Carissa: So sweet of you but no i'm good. Have fun.

ME: Well can i at least see your face for a sec before we go?

Carissa: Yeah give me a sec, i'll meet you at the door.

"You ready?" i ask my roommate.

"Yeah man." he says opening the door.

"You can head down the elevator if you want i'm waiting on Carissa for a second."

"Nah man it's cool i can wait." he says leaning up against the wall in the hallway.

I hear Carissa's dorm door opening up behind me as i'm making sure our door is locked. I smile to myself.

"Heeeeyyyyy baby!" i say cheerily turning around.

"Well hello to you too handsome." Alice says smirking and strutting towards me.

"Woah." i say blinking as she runs her hands down my chest.

"You missed me?" she asked whispering in my ear.


I look around Alice to see a hurt Carissa standing at the door.

I take Alice's hand off my chest and start walking towards the door but not before she slams it in my face.

"Carissa!" I say knocking on the door. "Babe open the door!" "Let me explain."

"Just go away." she yells from the other side of the door.

"Babe?" Alice asks walking up beside me grabbing my shoulder.

"I told you we were over!" i say backing away.

"Come on man just give her a little space." my roommate says pulling me towards the elevator.

I look back one last time at a very angry Alice, my ex,standing in front of the door to the love of my life.

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