Chapter 9

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I shade my eyes as I stand by the drop off entrance looking for our ride. I was looking for something over the top because well, it was J. I pull my phone out of my back jean pocket to reread the messages J had sent not long ago.

J: Hey no rush but i'll be waiting for you in the car in front of the drop off area.

Strange, there was only one car parked out front , a lime green Honda civic.

The rear passenger window rolled down and J stuck his head out. "You coming or not?" he asked.

Surprised but somewhat amused I head over to the car. As I buckle my seat belt I can't help myself, I punch him in the shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for?" he whines, rubbing his arm.

"All that time I was standing there and you just watched. Not cool."

"I thought you would've figured that the only car out here would be waiting for you since, you know, I texted you that we were waiting for you." he states sarcastically.

"I just wasn't expecting you to get us an Uber." I say sitting back. "No offense to you, your cars sweet." I say quickly to the driver, looking at him through the rear view mirror.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" the driver asks staring back at me through the mirror.

"No." J cuts in. "Now please let's get going before we're late for our reservation.

The driver did as he was told and put the car in drive. I look out my window as we drive through the busy streets. I'm in awe as I see the tall brick buildings melt away and glass skyscrapers taking their place. Everything looks so modern and shiny.

I take my phone out and take some pictures to send to Mel later. Soon the glass buildings are behind us and we're passing large ranch style homes.

I'm so busy staring that I don't notice that the car has stopped.

"We're here." the driver says looking back at us.

"Great!" J says clapping his hands together." We're right on time." he says glancing at the clock on the car radio.

I reach to open my door and J pops my hand. "I'll get it." he says getting out and walking around the car to open my door. I guess chivalry isn't dead.

I'm confused because I remember him mentioning a reservation but it seemed like we just pulled up to someone's house. We walk along the side of the home and delicious scents hit my nose. Whatever they were fixing smelled delicious.

I looked up and saw a sign "Lala's" hanging above what I assumed was to be a basement door. Hm? J reaches for the door and follow me inside. I'm shocked to see a quaint restaurant layout. There were about 10 round tables with white table cloths and a long rectangle table set up around the room. A man came up to ask our reservation name.

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