Chapter 3

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Thank you for reading this far!! It means a lot to me!

Thank you for reading this far!! It means a lot to me!******************************************

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"Jason?" The girls ask in chorus while smiling at each other.
"Yeah,we caught the same flight." I say heading towards him. "I'll be right back."
"Fancy seeing you here." He says with a little smirk.
"How so?" I ask with a small wave.
Everyone knew who I was here, he had to know as well. Guess he was trying to play a game, well I'd play too.
" I didn't think a pretty girl such as yourself will be into this boring stuff."
He says lifting his arms to point at the building. He had no idea.

" I've been attending this convention every summer since the 7th grade, this is my last summer." I say shoving my hands in my pocket.
" Oh, so you're about to be a senior as well! Me too! I thought I would be the only upperclassmen here." He says rolling his eyes up." This isn't particularly my scene but my pops. This would be a good experience."
" I hope it is for you." I say staring into his eyes. " a good experience I mean." I stutter out before looking away quickly.
" With you around it should be." He says with a smirk. Trying hard to hide the blush creeping up my neck I change the subject." If you don't mind me asking, what's your family's business?" I ask curiously.
"Yeah it's no biggie,my dad.."
"Everyone gather around so we can pass out room assignments and itineraries." One of the counselors shouts cutting off Jason.
"I'll tell you later." He mouths.
I"Ok." I mouth back as I head back to my girls. We stand for a few minutes listening to the counselors introduce themselves and going over rules. It was the same speech every year just with new faces. I glance around the room taking in the fact that this was my last Convention as a junior, maybe one day I will be back as a professional speaker. Before I know it one of the counselors is handing me a paper with my name and room number and I was collecting my things and heading out. The best thing about being a rising senior was that we got the best rooms on the top floor. Instead of the many rooms with shared bathrooms on the lower levels they received a two bedroom suite with separate bathrooms in a shared common area. I had been looking forward to this for years. I pressed the elevator button at the entrance of the dorms and wait. I look up to see Sabrina and Breanna approaching.
"Who'd you get paired with?" Sabrina asks pointing to the paper clutched in my hand.
"Uh. A Alice Moore." I say checking the paper. "Room 5A. What about you guys?"
"Bummer! We got each other!" Sabrina shouts excitedly beaming at Bre.
"But we're only two doors down in rooms 7A and 7B." Breanna quickly adds giving Brina a pointed look and trying not to hurt my feelings.
"It's cool, it's going to be nice meeting someone new."
There was a ding in the elevator doors open, once everybody crowded on we were on our way up. We stopped on three other floors but quickly we were getting off on the 4th floor.
Stepping off of the elevator i noticed differences right away. The hallway is a warm peach and clearly dormie but these were bright and cheerful like a luxurious Hotel. The peach was complimented the checkered grey and Peach carpet. Rooms 5A and 5 B were in the middle of the hallway close to the elevator. I thank my lucky stars and slide my key in the door.
The scent reaches my nose as soon as i push the door open. I saw a marble countertop with a sink, a white two-seat marble table with golden chairs and a mini fridge. Room 5A was to my left and 5B to my right. Room 5B was slightly ajar and I could hear faint music coming from headphones. I thought to go speak until the girl I assumed was Alice, looked me up and down and slammed the door.
I turn to go to my room and swear I hear Alice's door lock. Major eye roll, I didn't even know the chick.
Rolling my luggage into my room I look around. The room was the same as the one I had stayed in on the lower levels except instead of two beds per room there was only one bed and instead of a window I had a glass door that let out to a small balcony. I notice that instead of the extra bed I had a wooden desk matching the wooden twin bed. The first thing I pull from my bag was my rose gold silk sheets and matching comforter. I didn't have much time before we had to be in the auditorium so I had to at least have my bed made.
As I was putting my pillow cases on my pillows my phone vibrates in my back pocket. I pull it out and see Mel's name.
I swipe to open the message.
Melissa: hey, just making sure you're getting settled in okay, hope you get a great roommate. Seen any cute boys yet?
I laugh to myself a little,Mel was obviously boy crazy,its only the first day sheesh.
I replied: just got to my room, roommate seems like a queen bee. Met one but we'll talk.
I put the phone back in my pocket and pull my desk lamp and desk clock out of my bag.
I had only put up a few things but the room was already looking cozy. Soon there was a knock on the main door. Just as I was coming out of my room to open it I saw my roommate opening the door expectantly. Her face fell when she saw Bre and Brina. She glanced over her shoulder at me, rolling her eyes and shouldering past the girls.
"What's her problem?" Sabrina asks loudly staring at the girls back.
"I have no idea." I say making sure the door locked after me and turning to the girls in the hallway. "She hasn't said one word to me since we got up here."
"Never mind her!" Bre says tapping my shoulder and standing in the middle of the hallway with her hands on her hips. "Give us the deets on the hottie! He's fine girl!"
I blush automatically knowing exactly who she's talking about. "I told you all there is to know."
"You wouldn't lie to me would you?" Bre asks jokingly.
At that moment the door behind us opened and Jason walks out looking scrumptious. He had changed from his flight clothes and now wore a white button down shirt and khaki cargos paired with suede black loafers. I had to force herself to look away.
"What are you lying about now?" He jokes. "We've got to stop meeting like this." He says throwing his arm around my shoulder.
"Is that your room?" I say pointing at the door he came out of.
"Yep. Where's yours?" He asks looking down at me.
Weakly I point to my door. Right. Across. From. His.
His face lit up. "Well let's get going Shall we?" He says beckoning towards the elevator.
"We shall." Bre says allowing Jason to throw his other arm over her shoulder.
Sabrina rolled her eyes with a smile and walked ahead to press the elevator button.
"How long is this meet and greet in the auditorium?" Jason asks dropping his arms as we step into the elevator.
"It's usually about 45 minutes long but people usually start leaving to head to dinner after about 15 minutes. It just depends on who all you want to get to know." Bre says pressing the button to close the doors.
"I think I already met all the cool people." Jason says looking at me out of the corner of his eyes.
I lean against the back elevator wall.Oh boy.

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