Chapter 16

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10 Years Later


"Omg! Mel you look fine! Can we please leave before we're late?" I ask looking at Mel twirl in front of the mirror.

"Don't rush me! It's not everyday we get ready for our 10 year high school reunion." she says grabbing her clutch off of my bed and walking towards me. "I know i look good, i just wanted to make sure this dress captured that." she said laughing. 

She had nothing to worry about. Her red, sequined, strapless floor length dress accentuated her every curve just right. I on the other hand chose to go for a simple black calf length dress and black strap up pumps.

"You girls can never be on time, even to save your lives." my moms says laughing as she walks in my room.

"I'm trying to get us out of here but you know Mel." i say grabbing my sweater.

"Aw, you don't need that thing Carissa." my mom says to me.

"It might be cold." I say.

"It won't be." she says grabbing the sweater from my hands. "Stop being so uptight, you're 28, go have fun while catching up with your old friends." my mom says ushering us out of the room.

"Uh, Mel was my only "friend". " i say laughing.

"You know what she means." Mel says playfully punching my shoulder from behind me.

"Where's dad?" i ask looking around the living room. "He doesn't want to see us out?"

"Uh no. He's actually a bit tired. He's in the bed already." my mom says looking down.

That's strange i think to myself, it's only 8pm. Come to think of it i hadn't seen him since i'd been back in town the last 3 days. It's always been an excuse .

"Ok." i say heading out the door. "Don't wait up."

I back my white Range Rover out of the driveway and head to Bomonte Prep in silence. So much had changed since i'd last been to the school. I hadn't been back since graduating. Senior year was a painful time for me and i just wanted to be far away from the place. Everyone was getting into "serious" relationships and coupling up and i had to see the guy i had stupidly fallen for walking red carpets with his pregnant girlfriend. Talk about bummer. I went so far as to stop going to industry events with my parents so that i wouldn't have to see them in person. I threw myself into a slew of activities to keep my mind occupied but it all just seemed to swirl together. That was my one regret, not engaging senior year. I felt as if i was robbed of one of the best years of my life and it was all stupid Jason Douglas's fault.

"Hey girl, you ok?" Mel asks breaking the silence.

"Yeah I'm fine." i lie.

"Yeah and i was born last night." Mel says looking at me from the passenger seat. "Whatever you're thinking about forget it. We're going back to the den of queen Bee's and we're going to show them that we made it and we still look good. It's so funny how things turned out." she says laughing.

"Yeah it is." i say. "It's like everyone settled and found their place. Everyone except me." i sigh turning right at the light downtown.

"What do you mean? You own a successful greeting card company, you've made Forbes top 30 under 30 every year since you turned 21, and you're hot!" Mel says sitting forward in her seat.

"Yeah but all that stuff is superficial." i say so.

"So what! Who cares? You won." Mel says looking out her window.

I do. I think to myself. Sometimes i wonder what i would be like as a wife. A mother. What life could've been like with Jason. I stop my thoughts right there and turn up the radio willing myself to cheer up as we get closer to the school.

"Oh my gosh! Carissa! Mel!" a girl gushes as she speed walks toward us as we enter the gym packed with people.

"Victoria!" Mel greets back while walking to hug her.

"Oh you look so good ." Victoria says eyeing Mel up and down.

"You too girl." Mel says pointing at her boobs.

"I can't lie, i had mommy surgery after my second child." she said looking proud. "As a matter of fact i brought my husband and i would love for you to meet him." she says pulling Mel and looking at me expectantly.

"Actually i'm going to grab a drink, i'll catch up with you guys a little later." i say with a small smile. There was no way i was getting wrapped up in family talk tonight.

I glance around the gym at all of my classmates and their partners or spouses that they brought along with them. Everyone seemed to be in a great mood chatting and catching up. The energy was high with everything glittering in our blue and gold school colors. The DJ on stage was playing some of the hottest songs from the year that we graduated high school. This eerily reminded me of prom. I was standing near the punch bowl watching everyone else. In a way i suppose i was stuck in that year unable to move forward.

"Can i have another surprise punch?" i ask turning towards the guy behind the drink table.

"Geez slow down." He says with a laugh. "Was high school that bad for you?" he asks pouring me another drink.

"Actually no." i say with a small smile.

"Before i give you this drink i have to ask. Do you have a driver?" he asks holding my drink hostage.

"I sure do. The bombshell in the red dress over there." i say pointing at Mel on the dance floor and snagging my drink.

"Okay sounds good Ms. Carmichael." he says wiping the table top down.

"You know who i am?" i ask bringing my drink up to my lips.

"Of course i do. Who doesn't?" he asks matter of factly.

"Well come dance with me." i say standing up cheerily.

"I can't." he says with a smile.

"Why not?" i counter.

"I can't leave the drinks unattended." he says waving at the booze.

"So just come on this side of the table, you can still see it. Pleasseeee?" i ask jokingly.

"Ok. Just one dance." he says taking off his apron and walking around the table.

I wasn't until he was right in front of me did i realize how fine he was.  "What are you like seven foot tall?" i ask taking his hand.

"Six four actually." he says sliding his other hand at the top of my waist and pulling me close. "Why are you here alone?" he asks looking down at me.

"No date." i say with a small smile.

"Lucky me." he says whispering in my ear.

I shudder and lean into him to enjoy the dance. After our dance was over i ended up sitting at that table with Bryan joking around all night.

"Well hello." Mel says eyeing Bryan as she walks up to me. "Are you ready Ms. lady?" she asks giving me a look.

"Yeah." i say looking at Bryan. "It was really nice getting to know you." i say standing.

"Likewise, call me if you want to chat some more." he says sliding his business card my way.  I blush and nod my head as i slide the card into my clutch and head out with Mel.

"Who was that sexy piece of chocolate?" Mel asks excitedly at the car. "What was that?"

"Nothing." i say pulling out of our parking spot with a smile.

At least not yet i think to myself.

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