Chapter 18

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"Ok dad slow down." i say huffing as my dad continues to ramble on about the meetings and events he has scheduled for the next month." So who will put the presentations together?" i ask looking at the stack of campaigns he has sitting on his desk.

"You dear." he says sliding the stack over to me. 

"What?" i ask shocked.

"Of course you will have help pulling it all together but you need to give as much input as you can because ultimately it'll be you pitching the ideas. You need to do your due diligence researching brands and artists so that their brand identity and the message they want to convey can shine through. All of the campaigns we have for the next two months have been done already but you need to look over them. Learn them." he says calmly.

"How will i know who to contact?" i ask nervously.

"Camile will help you." he says referencing his assistant. She had worked for my father since i was in middle school and she was dang good at what she did. "The most important thing here is that you give it all you have Carissa. Nobody is expecting you to be perfect. We know it's a lot on your shoulders but we also know that you can do this." he says folding his arms. "I will say though that it is a tough business and you might catch some slack but stand strong and never compromise your morals. Do you understand?" he ask looking me in the eyes.

"Yes sir." i say back solemnly.

"Okay let's get back to it." my father says turning back to the stack of papers.

I roll my shoulders back and get comfortable absorbing everything he is saying. Occasionally i jot down  a few important tid bits here and there. Hearing my dad talk so passionately about his business and sharing the tips and tricks that he'd learned really inspired me. It made me really want to handle this transition like a boss. The hardest part would be getting to know each brand and artists likes and dislikes. I knew in order for me to accomplish this i would have to relook at some of the campaigns my dad had done for them. 

"Well dad, i'm sorry to cut you short but i have to go look at an apartment and i have to get going." i say glancing at my watch. " Okay drive safely, but hurry back because we still have so much to go over." he says closing the binder we had been looking in.

"Will do." i say heading to the garage.

I scan the street for the Pondarosa building but i keep passing everything but that. I knew i was in the right place because the GPS said i'd arrived but i didn't know exactly which building it was because all of the signs were little. 

I pull over to google what the outside of the building looks like and realize i'm in the parking lot already.

I open a text message that pops up on my phone.

Unknown: Hello, this is Todd, the owner of the studio. I am already here, come up to the 8th floor suite 808 when you're ready. See you soon.

I get out and look around. Immediately i notice that there is a guard at the door. I already love it here. I walk in the lobby and am surprised that it looks like a hotel lobby. I walk over to the elevator and realize i need a key card to access it.

I head over to the lady behind the counter but she doesn't notice me because she's busy on her phone.

I clear my throat.

"Yeah, can i help you?" she asks in a bored tone without looking up.

"Um yes, i'd like to know how i can access the elevator so i can tour a apartment?" i ask politely.

"Yes i can help you with a guest card." she says finally looking up. "Oh my goodness! Carissa Carmichael!" she gushes as her entire demeanor changes. "I am so sorry! Here you are!" she says handing me a card with the word guest on it.

"Uh huh." i say grabbing the key card and heading back towards the elevator.

I hear her camera shutter go off and i turn around as i step on the elevator. "Delete it or it'll be your last day working here." i shout as the doors close. Once i'm on the elevator i hit the number 8 button but nothing happens. I stand there for a few moments thinking the button is broken until i see that i have to scan the guest card for the elevator to move. Duh Carissa.

 I get off on the eighth floor and start counting. 800. 802. 804. A yes. I gently knock on the door.

"Come in! Come in!" a guy i'm assuming to be Todd says. "Let me take you around this beautiful apartment." he says closing the door behind me. To my surprise it actually wasn't a studio but a one bedroom apartment with an office and separate dining room.

The bedroom was huge with floor to ceiling glass giving an amazing view of the city. The bathroom was about the same size as the room and had the washer and dryer in the closet. To me the best two features in the bathroom were the separate shower with the rain roof and the jacuzzi bath tub. In the kitchen i was mesmerized by the marble countertops and stainless steel appliances. 

"Ok, i'm sold!" i say as we return to the living room.

"I am so glad to hear that." Todd says clasping his hands together. "And i just want you to know that we do have other high profile residents here and that your safety and privacy is our utmost concern. The paparazzi are not allowed 500 feet of this property." he says proudly.

"Well that is good to hear. I can definitely tell by some of the security features you have here." i say.

"When are you looking to move in?" he asks opening his folder to retrieve the lease for me to sign.

"As soon as possible." i say pulling out my pen.

"I can get you your access cards in two days. Is that soon enough?" he asks laying the documents down on the marble counter tops.

"That's perfect." i say. I sign the documents and head out to the elevators. As i'm  waiting i hear one of the other apartment doors open. 800.

"Yeah i'm on the way now. Stay calm." i hear the voice say. That voice sounds familiar. I turn around and sure enough it was the bar guy from our class reunion. 

"Bryan?" i say with a small smile.

"Oh hey!" he says sliding his phone in his front pocket. "Who do you know that lives here?" he asks pointing down the hall.

"Me actually, i just signed the lease to move in." i say stepping into the elevator. "You?" i ask.

"Me, i live in 800." he says looking down at me as the doors close. I gulp. What are the odds that he'd live here? We ride the elevator down in silence until the doors open again.

"Well it was good seeing you, i'm sure we'll bump into each other again." i say with a nervous giggle.

"Oh, i certainly hope so." he says smirking down at me and stepping out of the elevator.

"Hey Miranda." he says to the girl behind the front desk counter.

"Bryan." she says typing away on  her phone.

"Here's the guest pass back." i say sliding it across the counter.

"Thanks and i'm sorry about earlier. I got a little too excited but don't worry the pictures gone." she says apologetically. 

"No biggie." i say walking outside through the double doors.

"Remember Suite 800." Bryan says slowly driving past me in his white Range Rover.

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