Chapter 7

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Wrong. I was absolutely wrong. The woman sitting at her desk listen to my story about what happened attentively but then told me that they would not be switching me or my roommate. Apparently it was a good way to let bygones be bygones. Whatever that meant. I left her office feeling deflated. Nothing good could come of sharing a room with Alice Moore. I floated through the rest of my seminars for the day on autopilot. I didn't have an appetite for dinner so I retreated to my room early. I wasn't in the mood to talk to the girls or laugh at whatever random stories they decided to tell. I had gotten pretty far in my book when I heard a loud commotion coming from the main door. I picked outside of my door only to see Alice struggling to get in the door with bags and one hand and her phone to her ear.
"You don't mean that!" She snapped into the receiver. "We have great chemistry, you'll never find someone more perfect for you than me!" She continued yelling into the phone. "Hello? Hello?"
I close my door silently and credit back to my bed. Maybe staying with Alice wouldn't be so bad if I just avoided her. My phone beeped from my desk. I got up to check it and saw a message that was from Jason.
J: Hey, what's going on? You walked around like a zombie all day and then skipped out on dinner? I hope I didn't scare you, if I did I'll back off.

I smiled to myself. He was just so sweet.

Me: It's not you, I just have a lot of personal things going on right now.

J: I completely understand, I'm here if you need to talk.

Me: thanks

I put my phone back on the desk to charge and get back in my bed to read.
I can hear Alice shouting on the phone from her room. Ugh.

"Basically he's ditching me because this is our last summer before we graduate." Alice sobbed.

As much as I didn't like the girl I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"I don't know but I'm going to try and sneak away to see him one weekend while we're on pass. Maybe if he see's me it'll change his mind. He was my first."

I rummage through my backpack to find my headphones. I don't want to spend all night listening to her plot to get some poor guy back in her clutches.

The next three weeks fly by. The daily routine of breakfast, seminar, lunch, seminar and dinner was pretty much engrained in everyone. The first weekend pass was uneventful but we went bowling and the second weekend pass we used to go see Black Panther.

Walking down the isles of the library with J, looking for a specific book, I couldn't help but giggle a little too loudly.

An older looking librarian gave me a stern look.

"I'm just saying the movie wasn't all it was hyped up to be." I said looking up at J's face.

"No, you just didn't get it." he said looking around before pulling my face closer to his for a kiss.

I hesitate at first but then give in. My first kiss.

He wraps his muscular arms around my slim waist and pull me closer, deepening the kiss. I part my lips giving him more access and he eagerly thrusts his tongue into my mouth. I have no clue what I'm doing but from the sounds of his moan I must've been doing it right.

The librarian cleared her throat and sprung apart remembering where we are.

I looked at the floor, the books on the shelves, anywhere but J's face. He was standing there cool and collected unlike me who was breathing hard and trying to hide my blush. I wonder if the kiss affected him in the same way it affected me. I try to be discreet as I adjust my bra to accommodate my sensitive, hardened nipples.

"Still didn't change my mind." I joke trying to calm some of the energy that's flowing between us. Looking at the names on the spines of the books I finally find the one we came looking or.

"That's fine I have all summer." he says with a smirk. "I'll be right back." he says hurriedly rushing off.

"I'll wait for you at the check out desk." I call out.

Once again the librarian gives me a stern look. Oops. I know this lady is tired of me. I smile at her and head to the front of the library.


I hold the book in front of me as I rush to the restroom. Luckily when I get in here it's empty. I lock myself in the last stall and lean up against the door. I run my hands through my hair and let out a long shaky breath I didn't know I was holding in. Get it together man I think to myself.

It's something about Carissa that does something to me. Makes me lose control. We were supposed to be looking for books for our papers and here I am locked in a bathroom stall waiting for my boner to go down. I would've took her right here in this library if I could've. But I knew I couldn't touch her like that until she asked me to. Carissa had already told me that she was still a virgin, saving herself for marriage. I would never pressure her into sex, I cared for her too much.

I kissed girls all the time but they had never had this type of affect on him before. Her sweet, plump lips were so addicting and it got worse when I pulled her luscious body closer. I expected her to pull away but she held my shoulders tighter and opened her mouth wider. That pushed me over the edge, lighting a fire I didn't know was out. Luckily that librarian was there.

It had been weeks since I'd last had sex so the sexual tension was high for me. Carissa was so composed and tame that I knew that when I comes to sex she's going to be an out of control freak.

Soon my member went down and I could finally leave the bathroom. I walked to the sink to ash my hands and stared at my reflection.

These last few weeks had been some of the best times of my life. Genuinely meting new friends and having fun. Nobody here made a big fuss about me here and nobody wanted anything from me. Well except my ex but I had blocked her to weeks ago. I had gotten so close to Carissa and I didn't want to mess it up. Last weekend when we had went to go see Black Panther I slipped and told her that I was in love with her. She said that she felt the same, simple words but they felt like they held so much promise.

I walk towards the check out desk and see Carissa chatting with another girl. Once she spots me coming she ends the conversation and head towards the main entrance with me.

"What took you so long? I thought you had died, I was going to start a search party for you." she says laughing as the sliding doors opened for us.

I glanced at her face scrunched up from laughing at me. She was so pure. So innocent. I think hat's what draws me to her. She was so unlike any other female I had ever met.

"You have no idea." I say following behind her.

"You ready for lunch?" she asks me looking at the rose gold watch on her wrist.

"Yeah sure, I can go for some food right now." Anything to take my mind off the thought of touching her body.

"Want to go to my room and order take out or the café?" she asks stopping to look up a me.

"The café." I say smirking to myself. I don't trust myself alone with her in her room at this moment.

"Okay." she says starting to walk again completely unaware of what she had done to be and the mental war I was currently waging with myself.

I shake my head and follow.
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