Chapter 10

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I look over at Carissa and she's visibly shaken. That was really close, they had to be more careful. No more Uber's for them from here on out.

"I'm sorry you must be Mrs. Lala, THE LALA, from Iron Chef? I'm Jason and this is Carissa." J says leaning up to talk to the woman.

"Why yes I am." she says smiling at us through the rear view mirror. "And no need to introduce yourselves, I know exactly who you are. My daughters won't stop gushing about you Mr. Jason and they spend all my money trying to dress like you Carissa. I've done business with both of your folks." she says driving expertly through the narrow streets of the neighborhood. "What brings you two out here?" she asks looking between us and the road.

"Youth business convention. "Carissa chimes in. She looked more relaxed than earlier. Good.

"Ah, following in your parents footsteps?" Lala asks.

"Not quite." I say looking out the window as we pull up to the eight story hotel. "Thanks for the lift and everything else." I say patting her on the shoulder and hopping out.

"No problem son and you two be more careful,"

We climb out and head into the lobby. Once in the lobby we go straight to the check in desk,careful to keep our heads down so we don't attract unwanted attention.

"How may I help you?" A young girl asks from behind the counter, batting her lashes at me.

"I'm here to check in, I have a reservation."

"Yes i'd be happy to assist you with that." she chirps , leaning over to give me a clear view of her cleavage. I clear my throat. "Yes my name is."

"Oh I kno exactly who you are." the girls says cutting me off while typing on her keyboard.

"Ah yes I have you pulled up. Will one key do?" she asks smiling at me.

"No, I need two actually."

"Are you expecting company later?" she asks twirling her hair around her index finger.

"Yeah, me." Carissa interrupts moving closer to me.

"Oh, I seemed to have, overlooked you." the girl says snidely. "Are you a friend?" she asks with a smirk.

"Yeah, THE girlfriend." Carissa snaps back. "Now if you don't mind doing your job, we'd like our room keys."

That's my girl.

Shocked the girl coded our keys and handed them to me.

"Enjoy your stay sir." the girl said professionally.

"Oh he will." Carissa says grabbing my hand and leading me towards the elevators.

"Woaaah easy girl." I say joking as we step into the elevator. "I didn't know you had that in you."

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