Chapter 11

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I reach inside his pants and grab his member. Much to my surprise it was hard. Rock hard. I deepen the kiss and moan as his hands tightly grip my bottom. He moves his lips skillfully from my lips to my neck, trailing kisses down to my collarbone. I run my hands threw his hair and tilt my head further to give him more access. He backs us up to the couch and my knees buckle when the back of my leg hits the chair. I pull his shirt over his head and run my hands across his chiseled chest. I notice that he's fumbling with the buttons on my shirt so i sit up to help him out. I undo the buttons and slowly pull the shirt over my head. J's eyes get big as he hungrily eyes my full C- cup breasts. I take the time to pull off my jeans. I reach for his hand and place it on my right boob. That was all the encouragement he needed as he captures my lips again with his and kneeds my breast. I shudder as the pad of his thumb brushes in circles around my nipples.I can barely comprehend the sensations i feel as his hands roam over me. He moves his hands down the sides of my body and i find myself wanting more. Needing more. His hands move to the front of my thong and he hesitates. I lift my hips up into his hand and the wetness inside starts to soak through. He breaks our kiss and stares at me as he massages my clitoris. I bite my lip to stifle a moan. More wetness erupts and he inches a finger inside. My eyes roll back and i grip his shoulders as he adds two more fingers inside. He moves his fingers in and out, faster and faster until i'm out of breath and climaxing. He quickly stands up and takes his jeans off. My eyes grow big as his boxers fall to the ground and i see his erect member in all it's glory. It was standing straight up and seemed to be pointing in my direction, i giggle nervously to myself. We eye each other as he walks towards me and leans over me on the couch.

"God you're beautiful Carissa." he chokes out as he positions himself in between my legs. "We'll take it slow ok." he says grabbing his member and guiding it towards my entrance. I shake my head yes and wrap my arms around his neck.


I find myself nervous as i position myself to enter her. This is her first time and i don't want to ruin it or hurt her.

I grab my member and stick the tip inside. I feel her tense up. 

"Hey relax, the more tense you are the more it will hurt," i say easing out. She nods but i can still see the nervousness in her eyes. I try to slide in again and i see her face contort. This isn't going to work.

In one swift motion i slide out and shove my member back inside. She claws my back and cry out. I drop my head into the crook of her neck and trail kisses on her cheek. I wait until i think the pain has subsided for her and i slowly begin to thrust in and out, After a few strokes i feel her body loosen up under mine. I lift my head up to check on her and she's staring straight into my eyes. She grabs the side of my face and kisses me with passion. She sucks my bottom lip into her mouth and nibbles on it. I increase the speed of my thrusts and soon she's moaning my name. 

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