4. Space-Time Continuum

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Preview - When worlds collide, it's always messy.

<At the Hotel>

JK: <wakes up naked and jumps out of bed then pulls the sheet to cover himself> WTH, not you again? SH: <wakes up naked and grabs the sheet back, leaving JK to cover himself with a pillow> WTF, what's going on? JK: Wait, do you know me? SH: We met yesterday at this same hotel, in this same predicament. JK: Right, you know also. SH: Wait, are you setting me up again. JK: What? No. How do I know you're not setting me up again. You drugged me again? I'm sorry, but I'm not interested. SH: F* No. You're behind all this.

JK: Ok, I can see we both still have trust issues with each other. Truce. <hops over to the 2 robes, order breakfast and hits the do not disturb button> So who are you? I mean, what year are you from? SH: <wondering if he's being tricked> 2030. JK: Yes, I'm from 2030. But we seem to be in 2021 from yesterday. What do you recall last? 

SH: We went to the hospital and those kids took us back to the dorm where I fell asleep and I woke up here again. JK: That's what happened to me. I was so tired I fell asleep. We seem to be in a space-time continuum loop. I think 2 worlds collide, and we might have swapped places with ourselves from an alternate universe? SH: How do you know this? JK: I did my paper in college on worm-hole, and maybe watched a few movies on alternate universes.

SH: So how did you end up going into investment? JK: I'm good in math and physics, and I created my own investment portfolio in college, and it took off from the algorithm I created to monitor the stock markets. It has AI adjusting itself and monitoring trends/news. SH: Ok, stop there, I can't take anymore. JK: Sorry. So we should be expecting those kpop guys and our clothes delivered. SH: Sounds about right.

JK: I didn't research anything on you when I got back, so I'm going to trust, this isn't a continuation of some type of ruse to get me laid by my friends. SH: Wait, what? How do I know you're not trying to trick me into F* you. JK: How do you explain, what's outside, this room and the outdated tech? SH: I was drugged, these are theme rooms, and I'm in NK? You don't seriously think I believe you about your wormhole theory, do you? And you seem to know a lot, like you plan this and you are trying to trick me into thinking we both travel back in time. Like I would be so scared, I would F* you? Is this your sick fantasy?

JK: What? No. SH: Well, why else would I be here again in a hotel room naked with another guy with no recollection of how I got here? And you're too calm and know too much.

JK: Me? I just find this fascinating if any of this is true. I mean, we're at an advantage, right, it's better to go back in time than to lose time right? So now we know stuff. SH: What if we alter things and make them worse? JK: It would eventually self-adjust. So we don't need to be afraid of the time-travel paradox. SH: Why do you think we are here? JK: I don't know, but I think we need to play along for now and figure out how to get back without altering the forces around us too much or risk altering our lives somewhat in the future if and when we do get back before it self-adjust.  SH: F*, now I am scared.

JK: I think there will be forces that will guide us, humans are bound by destiny that will keep us on track. It's not like in the movies where a single action will cause a ripple effect and we see photos of ourselves disappearing. SH: I don't feel any better. Are you making all this up? But I guess we're stuck together since we're both from 2030. JK: Did you hear that? SH: What? JK: Static, like something is moving again. This room must be some type of portal.

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