19. Omertà

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Preview - Breaking omertà is punishable by death.

SH: <excited, jumping, punching in the air> Ok boss, what's the game plan, who are we going to whack this time.

JK: Are you trying to incriminate me? We haven't whacked anyone.  SH: Metaphorily, ok. You know cancel, prosecute, destroy, it's all the same.

JK: I don't like violence. I'm a businessman. Blood is a big expense.

SH: What? F* No. Revenge is a dish best served cold.  JK: Take the cannoli, Hoon, leave the gun.

SH: Don't ask me about my business.  JK: I thought your businesses were legit? SH: They are, but I got this side hustle with connections.  JK: Just when I think I'm out, you pull me back in. What now? Don't tell me you're innocent. It insults my intelligence and makes me very angry.

SH: I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse. JK: A man in my position can't afford to look ridiculous.  SH: I have a sentimental weakness for my man. I like to spoil him and include him in my ventures as you can see.

JK: <puzzled> Who are you referring to? SH: <That slipped> We're family, remember.

SH: A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man. JK: You're family Hoon, no blood or paper needed.  I trust you with my life, to ask me to leave would be an insult.

SH: I would never underestimate your virtues or overestimate your fault. JK: You think too much of me Hoon, I'm not that clever. What are you getting at? Are you scheming again?

SH: I respect truth, no matter how hard it is.  JK: What's on your mind? SH: <pulls own 2 suits> Do you think I look better in flamingo or zinzolin? JK: Icy linen? SH: Oh, yes. perfect.

<After an hour trying out different white suits with shirts, ties, lapel, socks, etc, with JK's help, who throws in a floral hibiscus scraf>

JK: Are we going out? SH: Yes, we're meeting a crime lord. I needed the right look. JK: WTF, who are you associating with?

SH: He plays by the rules most of the time, besides he's respected. JK: By who? Who is he? Has he killed anyone? SH: That's not polite to ask. JK: Not directly. SH: Probably, come on he's a crime lord.

JK: Wait, you're not working with the police to catch him are you? SH: No, but do you think I'm bugged? JK: What? This better not be another one of your kdrama. SH: Actually, I met him because I was doing research for a kdrama, and we got along. So he invited me a few times on his yacht. He likes to surround himself with celebrities. I think he wants to clean up his act.

JK: So now you're going to drag me into this. SH: He needed financial advice. And I recommended you. JK: F* Hoon, I don't work with criminals. SH: He knows you're straight as an arrow. He's not going to launder money through your business, he knows better.

JK: F* Hoon, I can't be seen with a criminal, my investors wouldn't trust me. That would impact my reputation. SH: I guess it's different with my line of work. JK: You think?

SH: Well, I can't just cancel it. He would be insulted.  I was just helping you bring in new business. JK: With dirty money? SH: Money is dirty to begin with. You know how many germs it collects. JK: You're not helping, this is serious. How am I going to get out of this without insulting him?

JK: Wait, are your businesses dirty? SH: No, I met him last year, my empire was built before that. Besides, he would come in handy if we want to whack someone. JK: No, we're not going to whack anyone. SH: What if someone assaulted a family member. JK: Don't go there.

 <At the Crime Lord yacht>

CL: So Hoon, you finally, brought your boyfriend. He's a looker, just like you. You're both better looking in person. But JK looks a bit uptight.  SH: He's never met a CL. JK: What? CL: I'm flattered. But they don't make them like me anymore. Criminals these days have no respect. SH: Don't get me started with fans.

CL: Respect is earned, not given.  I'm old school. I still believe in respect.  They come to me and say give me justice, CL. But they don't even ask with respect.

CL: So JK why do you not want me to invest with you? JK: What? I mean why would you think that? CL: I pulled your file, and I can tell your business is clean. You're also the smart one.  SH: What? He hasn't even said anything. CL: Sit Hoon, don't raise your voice, improve your argument.  SH: Ok, but I'm the visual.

CL: Knowledge will give you power, but character will give you respect. 

JK: <looks at SH> I like him. <looks at CL> You're not what I had expected. But I'm not sure what I was expecting.  So have you ever whack anyone? SH: What? I thought we weren't supposed to ask that question. Have you? CL: It's part of the job. It's like being a chef, you gotta get your hands dirty. JK: What? CL: You say that a lot. JK: Sary. I'm just not used to hearing this, you're so frank about it.

CL: So JK, tell me more about yourself.

<JK proceeds to talk about himself, his business and his relationship with SH>

CL: So you think I should divest, balance my portfolio with foreign real estate which is good for my line of work, place some of my holdings in a trustee in case of seizure and donate at least 10% to charity.  Hahaha, I knew there would be a condition. My gain would be triple that, well you drive a hard bargain. If it doesn't, I'll break your leg. JK: What? CL: A joke, my son.

JK: <not convinced> I'll devise an investment portfolio to match your business and risk appetite. But it can't be through my firm. I will recommend another foreign firm.

CL: He's a keeper Hoon. I can tell why you're into him. JK: <looks back and forth between the 2 like if they were scheming somehow and he's being played>

CL: So JK, why do you like Hoon?

JK: What? <is this a test?> I mean, I think most people don't know his character and personality because he's private and don't open up to people? But those are his best qualities.  He has a persona he keeps for the public, but once you get to know him, he's actually kind, caring with a savage wit I quite enjoy. I trust him completely. I can't imagine life without him.

<After spending a few days on the yacht, jet skiing, floating, swimming, fishing, scuba diving, eating well, visiting nearby ports of call.>

CL: Remember seek respect, not attention, it will last longer.  I wish you two good health which is the most important thing, more than success, money, and power.  

CL: Finally, you can not leave without pledging your undying loyalty to me with your blood. Your enemies are my enemies.  JK: What?

CL: Just joking. Just sign the non-disclosure and you two can leave. And if you ever need me to whack someone for you, you can reach me through our special batline. Don't be a stranger.

JK: <shook>

<You can't escape your destiny>

Bonus -

JK: Why did it feel like we were in a Godfather sequel?  SH: What's that? JK: <did SH set me up, but why?> He wasn't an actor was he? SH: With that kind of money? JK: <yeah, that would be much to rent a yacht and hire an actor, but for what reason?> Nevermind. SH: Don't ever cross me. I know people. JK: <shook>

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