14. Swerve

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<Fastforward to present-day on the iLand>

JK: Why do I feel like you're going to screw me over? SH: Isn't that your line of business? JK: Investments? SH: Yeah, hedging, derivatives, short sells, insider trading, pyramid schemes and bitcoin? JK: Are you saying I scam people? SH: You make money off of people's livelihood. JK: I help people make sound investments to secure their future. How do you know anything about investments, Mr artsy-fartsy?

SH: I was going through your hard drive. JK: What? You mean the dilbert investment comic strips, cuz I was bored in class. SH: That explains the pictures, there's a nerdy resemblance of someone I know. JK: How many nerds do you know? SH: Exactly. JK: Should you be going through my stuff? SH: Well, if you don't entertain me, I have to find it elsewhere.

JK: By invading my space and breaching my firewall. SH: Well, if you got weak security, you deserved to be penetrated. JK: You mean hacked. SH: No. JK: <shook> Who are you calling a s*? SH: Why would I call anyone a slug? JK: No, are you saying I like to shag? SH: You like hags? JK: You're doing this intentionally, aren't you. SH: Doing what? JK: Playing with fire? SH: You mean a loaded gun. JK: You better not be pointing it at me. SH: What if I am? JK: Oh, well, don't think I don't know how to defuse it. SH: What are you MacGyver with bubble gum?

JK: Better, Ironman with Thor's hammer. SH: WTF. You think you can defuse me with expensive gadgets and a nordic hammer. JK: Whatever it takes. SH: In your dreams. Are you going to just snicker like a teenager talking about sex all day? JK: Me? Isn't that you instead? SH: Ok, guilty, you bring out the best in me. JK: This is your best? SH: What? You think I need to work out more?

JK: Alright, we don't have time to joke around. Let's go find some food and survey the iland. <They start walking around>

JK: Well, if they ever make a movie about our life, I'm playing you. SH: You don't know how to ice skate well enough to pass for me. JK: No our personalities are reversed. SH: No way, I'm playing myself with a body double. JK: Why are you throwing me under the bus for entertainment values when most people don't even get your humor? I want to be the savage one for once. 

SH: There's nothing wrong with playing the nerd? JK: Well, then you play me. SH: I'd rather do you before I play you. JK: The only way you're going to do me is if you play me. SH: I don't trust you to play me.  It wouldn't be authentic. JK: I'm not sure how to take that comment. SH: Take it like a man?

JK: I'm just saying, we can test our acting chops, we could play each other, you're the nerd, and I'm the flirt. SH: You would giggle the whole time. JK: We can try it? SH: No way, I'm the leading man. JK: I thought I was the leading man. SH: I guess there's 2 without a leading lady? JK: Wouldn't that be strange? SH: Not if you're the leading lady? JK: I think people would know I'm not a woman. SH: Don't get hung up with biology. You can't tell these days. Besides it no longer matters. JK: How come?

SH: Don't you read scientific today? JK: Didn't the climate deniers ban that? SH: There are underground copies that confirm space station colonies where procreation is done scientifically. You go in to make a sperm deposit, then select your genetic match, and 6 months later you go back to pick up your baby without any entanglements or female liability. The replication is execelerated through op stem cells and you don't need a woman or surrogate. JK: And you believe that s*. SH: I thought you were a man of science. JK: Science and Religion. SH: Isn't that a contradiction. JK: No, religion is very scientific and science is based on faith if you want breakthroughs and innovations.

JK: I read another space colony has banned gender classification and it's sister colony is promoting universal gender. SH: You think maybe we are being recruited, and this is some type of experimental iland before we go up? JK: Sounds plausible? SH: So then f* is relegated to entertainment only? JK: Not so fast happy pants. You still have emotions of the heart, brain and p*. SH: My p* doesn't have emotions, my p* gets what it wants when it wants. JK: No wonder you're flipping them like pancakes, your p* has no emotional ties. SH: I don't do carbs.

SH: Besides, that emotion s* just gets messy, and my p* is all about good hygiene. JK: I generally don't do day trading, but promote long-term investments, so my clients can sleep well at night, knowing slow and steady gains are more prosperous to maintaining a healthy portfolio. You have better odds of climbing higher and reaching your goals. SH: What if I want a quick fix, you get in and get out for rapid gain. JK: It's generally not my philosophy, that's like gambling, the house always wins, you will eventually get burnt. It's a suckers bet and greed is in the driver's seat. SH: So is that a no? JK: Yep.

JK: Why does everything center around your p*. SH: Cuz, that's the source of all power. JK: WTF. Since when? SH: I don't know, birth?

<SH and JK walked for miles, amusing each other with their antics until they came across an abandoned bus, they enter and see a skeleton. It looks like the person was attacked by a wild animal, maybe a bear, some time ago. They rummage through the place and found his backpack, clothing, and tools. They went looking for food and tried to fish. For some reason, they didn't seem too scared, whatever their path would take them, they know, they now had each other, contract or not.>

<My universe>

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