5. Tommorrow's Arrival

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<On a deserted iland>

JK: F* Now what, where I am? <Wakes up Hoonie.> SH: Again, now where are we? JK: You know I'm thinking this isn't my Mom's doing. This is some sick perverted underground organization doing this to us. Why else are we naked again? Like that would work to turn us on, so they can see us wango tango. <screaming at the surrounding banana trees looking for cameras> Fat chance weirdos, I got principles. I'm not a teenage horn dog. SH: Corn dog? JK: Nevermind.

SH: You think we are in some type of survival mating game? I thought you said it was a time warp? JK: Maybe the ones messing with us can control time? SH: S* That's op. JK: You're right, why waste your time on us when you got that type of power. JK: Maybe we pass the first stage, and activated the next level? SH: But for what? JK: Hm. Let me think.

SH: Maybe we have the right genetic dna mutation composition to transform to the next evolution, and it's a race against time before the creatures from other galaxies start to invade us through wormholes? JK: How do you know this stuff? SH: I was reading your research paper when I got back home. JK: That's not my paper, that's my webtoon. SH: No wonder it was more interesting. There are pictures, but you're really s* at drawing. It's still amusing. But, stick to words. JK: Well, I have a hard time reading anime, the pictures get in the way.

JK: Can you tell I'm a big fan of Farscape? SH: Was that a backhanded credit? JK: Did you just credit shame me? SH: Take your medicine, you big baby. JK: <shots him the french bird> 

SH: You know they translated it in Korean, you can get the dubbed version or Korean subtitles. JK: I hate when it's dubbed, they never get the right voiceover artists with the right tone and inflection to match the actors/scenes. I mean how hard is it?  SH: What are you saying, that you would be good at that? JK: Maybe? SH: Well it's still better than reading.

JK: 10 years later, and google still can't translate properly. Shouldn't we feel sorry for foreigners who don't know Korean? SH: Yeah, the wait time must be killing them. JK: Or the bad translation is killing us?

SH: Well, words are a dying art form. JK: What? Thought comprehension is better? SH: Haven't you upgraded your phone yet? It's like they skip word translations to thought comprehension. JK: Too many languages, thoughts are universal. SH: Yeah, but we still have privacy issues. It's not like we can easily censor sections of our thoughts. JK: <Thinking of an algorithm and stores it away.> 

SH: What if we were abducted by human traffickers by mistake? JK: I could see kpop idols as hot commodities in the market. SH: But that's not us. JK: We look young, our visuals can pass for one. SH: You're right. Isn't there a national hotline? JK: 1 (888) 373-7888.  SH:  You have it memorized? Was that a PSA? 

JK: I'm good with #, names and faces. I have what they call a super recognizer/memory.  SH: Do you remember what I ate for breakfast and lunch last time. JK: Don't you just eat steak? I mean does it really matter what you eat, cuz it all comes out as poop right? SH: What? JK: So you might as well eat stuff that's good for you, right? SH: <laughs> How do you come up with these things? JK: I don't know, I guess I have an enlarged..... funny bone? SH: <chuckles> Stop, you're killing me.

SH: So is it like a photographic memory. JK: Not really. But enough, where I can't forget a name or face, especially, if the person touched my heart. SH: What if the person touched you elsewhere? JK: <scratching his head> Like what? SH: Like your......... funny bone? JK: Boy, I was getting nervous. But yeah, that's a good one, definitely. Wait is that code for something else now? <giggles>  SH: <laughs along with a smirk>

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