6. Take Off

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<Flashback to the times before the arrival>

JK: <calls SH> So do you want to grab some dinner to formulate our agreement. SH: What? Dateless and horny? JK: F* No. Ok, maybe, but not the horny part. SH: Prove it. JK: What? No. How? SH: Use your imagination, oh, wait, you don't have one. 

JK: What do you mean? I'm a visionary, I deal with unknown variables all the time to formulate the path of least resistance to ensure maximum profit and optimal client satisfaction. SH: WTF. TMI. I don't need to know about your cringy sex habits. JK: WTF are you talking about? SH: WTF are you talking about? JK: Nevermind.

SH: Well? JK: F* No, I'm not taking a pic of my d*. That's private property. SH: I've already seen you naked. JK: No you haven't, we were in our boxers. SH: Really? JK: Do you know something? SH: Maybe? JK: You know nothing, you're buffing. SH: Ok JK. So what about the proof. JK: Wait, are you trying to have phone sex with me? That's just creepy. 

SH: JK, I don't think it will work if you have a hard-on for me. JK: What? I don't, that was an accident before. Trust me, you're not my type.

SH: What's your type? JK: I don't have a type. Let me check my tarot reader and I'll get back to you on it. F*, okay, here. SH: Little duckies? JK: What's wrong with them? SH: Am I supposed to think it's cute? I hate cute with a passion. Cute is for underage teenagers who have nothing better to do than idolize kpop idiots. JK: You sound like me when I talk to my friends about kpop.

SH: You have friends? JK: Yeah, don't you. SH: No, I find them bothersome. JK: Really? SH: Yes, if they are anything like you. JK: Wow, you're funny. SH: It wasn't a joke. JK: Still? You would make a great actor. SH: I am a great actor. Haven't you seen any of my dramas or movies? 

JK: Really? When do you have time? SH: Well, I don't do esport, kdrama, kpop, internet gambling, surfing, mindless chats and hanging out, so I have a lot of time actually besides training and my regular duties.

JK: You sound like me before. SH: When did you get lazy and sloppy? JK: I didn't, I woke up one day and reprioritized what I value more in life. SH: What? All work and no play, makes for a lousy lay? JK: You need to work on your poetry.  SH: F* that, you need to work on you're delivery. 

JK: Really, well let me tell you, my delivery is powerful, explosive and unmatched.  SH: That's what they all say. So what was your so call realization? Something priceless, something you tell people when they have lost everything or when they get suicidal, don't do it, your life is important? You matter?

JK: <Was that a cry for help?> What's up SH? Is something bothering you? SH: Yes, you are annoying the s* out of me. <hangs up> JK: <surprised> F* Not my problem.

<An hour later>

JK: S* Now I feel bad. F* D* it. Now what am I supposed to do? Oh, he's so difficult to talk to. This is not going to work. F*, F*, F*. D* it. Should I call him back? Does he want me to call him back?

<calls JW>

JK: Hey wonie, I have a friend who's being really difficult. JW: Wait, who? JK: You don't know him. JW: I know all your friends. JK: No you don't, I have more friends than just you guys. JW: Since when? JK: Since the other day? JW: You met someone? JK: You can say that. JW: Like a gf? JK: No, didn't I say it was a guy. JW: No, so it's a bf? JK: No. But I don't know what to do with him. JW: What do you mean? JK: So do I just F* him over and move on? JW: What? That's not your style JK. 

JK: Maybe you really don't know me. JW: Trust me, that's not you. JK: Okay, I just want to say that just once, you know, to know how it feels. JW: So how does it feel? JK: Pretty good. Like I would be really good at it. JW: You're not in a movie. JK: That's it, I need an acting outlet like him. I got all these pent-up emotions I want to try out. I don't want to just play myself in life, I want to try other parts, I think I would be really good at it. 

JW: Maybe you should hook up with someone in the entertainment industry? JK: Yeah, thanks JW. JW: So what are you going to do with that guy. JK: Didn't you just tell me to hook up with him? JW: <puzzled> I did. JK: Don't worry JW, I got this.

<calls SH>

JK: Hey Hoonie. SH: That's rather informal. JK: I'm older. So I'm sorry about earlier. You want to hook up. SH: No. Don't think you can F* me over and move on. JK: That's not my style. SH: What's your style. JK: I don't have one, why do you think I'm single? SH: Cuz, you're a loser. JK: So why are you single? SH: Cuz, I'm a loser, is that what you want to hear. JK: No, but you can be infuriating. SH: And you can be annoying. <hangs up>

JK: Hm, that went well. I feel closer. <ponders> If Layla was here and I was mad at something, what would she do? <lost in thought> Oh, I know, she would get the tennis ball and have us go out and play.

<The next day>

JK: Hey Hoonie. SH: What now? F* I forgot to change my #. Do me a favor and never call me again. <hangs up> JK: I guess he doesn't like me. Strange, I don't think I have ever been rejected. <15 mins later> JK: Feels, good. Problem solved. And here I was all worried. I can't believe my luck. No more guilt, I'm free of him. <goes to work out>

<The next few days, JK went about his business without a care in the world.>

JK: I have all this free time, now that I'm laying low for several weeks. <calls J> What's going on with our vacation plans Jbird? J: I had booked us on a private iland, but there was a tsunami which devasted the iland. 

JK: You booked us to the eye of the storm? J: Yeah, good thing we got delayed. JK: How is it on your side?  J: Everyone was evacuated. I've been busy at work because of it to re-route tours and helping our clients. JK: No problem J, just take care of yourself and your clients. J: What about your company. JK: I had already checked and made some adjustments, changes, and plans.

JK: <not sure what to think. Does J sound sus? Is he hiding something? He booked us to the eye of the storm? You can't make this stuff up, the tsunami is all over the news> I'll also have my company donate and help with the relief.  J: Ok, I'll talk to you soon.

JK: <not sure what to do now. calls JW.> Hey wonie, you heard our plans right? JW: Yeah J called, said it was canceled. JK: You want to hang out? JW: The tsunami impacted our supply chain, so I'm tied up with business. JK: Ok, catch you later.

JK: <calls Hee> My Hee bro, let me guess, you're tied up also? HS: Then why did you call, Jakey? JK: I was having a late-night ramen itch. HS: Another time, JK, we're organizing an online concert relief for impacted victims from the tsunami.

<JK bros tied up>

JK: <now what?> I should update my profile on tinder? <takes a selfie> JK: <Reads the site> Start dating and find real love. Go beyond the superficiality of instant attraction, scientifically matching people based on the tangible qualities that build a foundation for a deeper relationship. 

<JK ponders on why his perception of things leans toward adult themes, oh wait, I'm 27, surrounded by single guys, s* I need a gf.>

<A couple of bad dates for JK from tinder, but that doesn't stop JK from searching for true love.>

JK: Maybe I need a high-end celebrity matchmaker? I should hire the best, and outsource this kind of stuff to someone who knows what they are doing. If I haven't found the one, I need an expert who can facilitate life's most important merger, right?

<A slow bumpy start to nowhere, but it's all good.>

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