9. Maydayx3

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Preview - Dark matters in my universe.

<At Jake's Place>

JK: <startle> WTF Hoonie. SH: Sorry, I'm out of toothpaste. <goes over to JK and looks down, JK covering himself> SH: What's wrong, you backed up? JK: It's none of your business. SH: Do you need help? JK: F* No. SH: What's with the novel? JK: I like to read when I'm taking care of business. SH: So you're going to be long? JK: WTF SH, you just violated a man's most precious sanctuary. SH: His toilet? JK: Yes, get the F* out. SH: Does this mean breakfast is going to be late?

JK: No, there's no breakfast, there's no contract, there's no fake us. SH: Chill JK, the article about us is already out. JK: We can redact it, it was fake news conspired by my adversaries to hurt my business because they're jealous of my genius. SH: Not your visual? JK: You can't rely on your visuals in the business world, they would eat you alive.

SH: So I can help, planning and scheming is my forte. JK: What experience do you have? SH: I played a hotshot CEO against a corrupt business opponent in one of my kdramas. JK: What? How do you expect me to take you seriously in your boxers? SH: What? They're Gucci. JK: Go make your own breakfast. SH: I don't know how to? JK: You don't know how to make cereal or toast? SH: No, I had a cook. JK: Get out.

<At breakfast>

JK: What's this? SH: It's called an eastern omelet. JK: I thought you can't cook? SH: I watched a youtube video. JK: <takes a bite and spits it out> Never mind. How do you burn toast? SH: I think your toaster is broken. JK: I'm good with just coffee. <takes a drink and spits it out> Why is there salt in it? SH: Oh, you need to label your condiments. JK: <goes get some juice>

SH: So, your place is nice, it's like a work of art. I like the earthy modern use of space, light reflections with running stream and jungle-like feel. I would have pegged you for someone who would indulge in more cold and opulent texture given your career choice. JK: This place was featured in an architectural mag.  Do you think it's too exorbitant? It's more of an investment.  I designed it myself as a way to heal from a loss.  It has all the amenities that you don't need to leave the place. SH: So why do you? JK: To feel normal. 

SH: So where's your dog? JK: She passed away a few years back. SH: And it doesn't bother you to have her pictures around? JK: I don't want to ever forget her.

JK: You shouldn't walk around naked. SH: I have my boxers on. JK: My mom has the entrance code and she visits often. SH: You're 27, and your Mom still has free access to your place? Isn't that an invasion of privacy? JK: She worries about me and she cooks and cleans when she comes over which makes her happy.  I guess I get lonely in this place, so I don't mind. But I'm sure with you here, she knows to knock. Besides, we'll get homemade food and we can trust her.

SH: She's not going to know this is all fake is she? JK: No, she's the reason, why I'm going along with this, I don't want her to worry about me, and to stop setting me up with someone. SH: So I'm just here for companionship and to replace your dog? JK: Of course not. SH: So you don't need a good F* sometimes. JK: <looks at him strangely like WTF> I thought we had a no-touchy rule. SH: I wasn't referring to myself. JK: No comment. SH: You still haven't told me if you ever F* a guy? JK: No comment. SH: So is that a no? <mumbles> Maybe that's a yes.

<A few weeks later before Dinner>

JK: Do you have plans tonight? SH: Why? JK: I went back to work, and my staff were applauding with respect and admiration, instead of looking scared of me like I was a tyrant. I also notice a spike and added growth in my company's stocks. Is this what you call the SH effect from our union? SH: You do math? JK: I also noticed your branding and stock did the same.

JK: So I wanted to take you out to celebrate the success of our fake union and the start of something wonderful together. SH: Another night JK, I already made plans for us. <goes to change>

SH: <walks out holding a bat with military gears> Ok, I'm ready to do battle with your adversaries. JK: <cracks up> Are you serious? They aren't loan sharks where we have to hire goons and fight with them. SH: Why not? JK: That's just in kdramas. We settle our differences in the boardroom, stock exchange or golf course. SH: That's no fun. Anyway, how about going to the batting cage with me and batting some softballs. JK: Are you serious? Or was that some type of perverse analogy?

SH: Both. I called up the CEO of your opposing company to join us. Apparently, he's young and has a big fat crush on me. JK: You're not going to F* him are you? SH: I'm on your side Jakey, I thought we should F* him over. JK: Wouldn't that make things worse. SH: Yeah, but wouldn't it feel really good. JK: Not really.

SH: How about if we break his leg, just one? JK: No, that's assault. We don't do that. SH: We can wear masks. JK: No. We're not gangsters. SH: D* JK, you're no fun. JK: Don't think I don't know what you are doing? SH: What am I doing? JK: Unleashing your inhibitions for me to deflect them for your own enjoyment. SH: You think you really know me? I can slit your throat without any forethought. JK: Is this one of your acting lines? SH: And you said you have never seen me in a kdrama.

SH: How about if I sweet talk him into selling his company for peanuts and you can acquire his a*. JK: You can do that? <pause> I mean. No. SH: We all know, he's a da* and inherited the company from his daddy. He's a bully with a small d* and abuses his authority with the women in his company. We need to take him down. JK: How do you know this stuff. SH: I'm in the know, I listen to staff gossiping on the sets or board members complaining about things.

JK: Wait, has this all been a setup? You're using me? SH: No Jakey. JK: We're not crime fighters. The women should report this to the police. SH: You know that doesn't happen. They need their jobs. You know he's an idiot. He's just been messing with you because he's jealous of your success and visuals. Now that you have me, he's going bonkers. We gotta gut out evil at its core, we're a team now. JK: <looks at him strangely like am I living with a psychopath?>

SH: We don't know what he would do next and he's going to tank his company.  If you outsmart him and acquire his company, you would be saving the lives of his employees. JK: Let me think about it, but we can meet him and play nice for now. SH: Ok, dinner's at 8:00 at Mingles.

<After a couple of weeks living together and resolving any differences, JK and SH settled into a happy routine with little spats here and there like any good couple real or fake.>

<JK thought about how their worlds were intertwining, unlike before, where their lives were separate, never to meet or cross path, maybe they did, but didn't notice each other, but now it's unavoidable. A collision course of unknown purpose, racing across multiple dimensions, with each other as safety or penalty yet to be determined.

Now they are orbiting around each other, matters around them were rotating around them without colliding, there must be some gravitational force drawing them together for them to influence their surroundings. This was strange. Why didn't they meet before? Why now, was there a grand purpose for their union now that kept them apart before.>

<What kept us apart can pull us together>

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