21. Blood

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Preview - The blood of my enemies.

JK: WTF are you doing here? SH: WTF are you doing here? JK: I'm taking a dump, where do you think you are? SH: My private sanctuary. JK: The toilet? SH: Yeah, everyone knows this stall is mine from when I was the legendary princely trainee. JK: What? Get out <SH steps back>

JK: What's wrong with you? Can't you see someone was using the stall? SH: It's not my fault if you forget to lock the door. And hurry up, I need to use the toilet too. JK: Use the other ones. SH: No, this one is mine. JK: Seriously, I'm going to be long. SH: TMI. <mins later, JK comes out and washes his hands.>

JK: Can you not violate my space? SH: I want us to be close. JK: In the restroom. SH: <smirk>

JK: WTF are you doing here at Hybe? SH: I was tailing you to make sure no one was stalking you JK: By stalking me? SH: What are you doing here? JK: I have a lunch date with Hee. SH: Are you cheating on me? JK: We're in a fake relationship and he's my bro. SH: You mean like a date? JK: No, he's my friend. SH: Can I join? JK: No. SH: Why? JK: Cuz I wanted to ask him for advice. SH: Isn't he the one that likes me? JK: F* you're right, maybe that's why he invited me. F*, they all like you. SH: So now they're competition for you? JK: You're right. <would they sabotage my relationship with you?> No, wait, they're my best friends, they wouldn't do that, right?

SH: What are you going to do? JK: F* whatever happened to bro code, you know, bros before hos? SH: No, I never had to choose. JK: what about me? SH: You're my ho. JK: fake ho. SH: Whatever. JK: You never had a friend? SH: Not a close one I would call my bro. JK: Really?

SH: I'm a private person. It's hard for me to trust anyone. They always want something from me, you know whether it's fame, money, my beauty, a good f*? JK: <giggles> SH: And I lose interest fast. I have friends, just not that close.

SH: So what were you going to ask HS about? JK: <not sure if he should> Well, a friend has been having these wicked thoughts. SH: I consent. JK: STFU. That's why I can't talk to you about these things. Nevermind. Let's just go. Lunch on me. <JK text HS, sary Hee, something came up, next time on me.>

<At lunch>

JK: What do you mean by ho? SH: chad? JK: what? SH: Besides, we can't be in a fake relationship if we refer to each other as bros. JK: right. Ok, you're my dawg? SH: You're my b*?

<The night before>

<Jake was wondering what ail him, he searches on the internet, weird body sensation, abnormal desires, hormone disorder. It can't be latent puberty, I'm 27.>

HS: Hey, bro, you want to have lunch and catch up? JK: I was just thinking about calling you. Yeah, sounds good. There's a new ramen place near Hybe, you want to try? HS: Yeah, sure, bro. JK: I also wanted to chat with you about something. HS: Like what? JK: Just guy things, we can chat during lunch. See you then. <hangs up>

<back to lunch>

SH: You can trust me JK, you can tell me anything. We're in a secret alliance. JK: That's not a good idea. SH: I thought you said you're an open book. JK: About everything else but this. SH: You like me don't you? JK: What? No. F* No <S*, he knows> SH: It's okay. I know you're embarrassed about these things. Am I your first? JK: What? No. I bagged many. I'm that sexy Australian guy, #1 bachelor in the business world, investment prince. The titles are published from reputable magazine sources based on factual criteria and legit account polling. 

SH: So why are you so nervous around me? JK: For the record, we have a no-touchy rule.  I think the herbal supplements my dad sent me have expired.  I just haven't been eating and sleeping too well lately, that's all.

JK: Why aren't you nervous around me? SH: Because I'm not the one with issues <about us>. JK: I don't have any issues <about us>. SH: How long is it going to take for you to resolve your issues <about us> JK: I don't know, it's not something I can predict at the moment. <And you're not helping>

SH: Anything I can help you with? JK: I think it's something I need to figure out by myself. SH: Well, if it's something you're not sure of, maybe you need a test drive. JK: I'm not buying a car.

JK: Maybe you're right about a test drive. But who can I trust? SH: <shook>

<JK noting some things to work on>

1. Mistakes are part of the process - The person who doesn't make mistakes is unlikely to make anything. All the people you see winning right now have all failed more times than you have.

2. Let go of what's holding you back - If you want to fly, give up what's weighing you down, bad people, bad habits, and bad attitudes. If it isn't helping you forward, then it's holding you back.

3. Keep growing - Life is too short to live the same year twice. If you were the same person as last year, then it's time to turn up the heat.

4. Take in positivity - You watch a lot of funny and weird stuff on social media, but make sure to absorb positivity as well.

JK: <He scraps his notes and throws them away> S* that was useless. I need to look elsewhere for inspiration. <He googles quotes from famous people who have conquered the world.>

Genghis Khan

An action committed in anger is an action doomed to failure. There is no value in anything until it is finished.

Conquering the world on horseback is easy; it is dismounting and governing that is hard.

If you're afraid - don't do it, - if you're doing it - don't be afraid!

Even when a friend does something you do not like, he continues to be your friend.

A leader can never be happy until his people are happy.

Come and sip from the cup of destruction.

All who surrender will be spared; whoever does not surrender but opposes with struggle and dissension, shall be annihilated

It is not sufficient that I succeed - all others must fail.

A man's greatest joy is crushing his enemies

Remember, you have no companions but your shadow

Violence never settles anything.

JK: Apparently, there is a cost to being by your side. SH: Are you referring to the increased hate, death threats, spies, and saboteurs you have been getting? JK: So you know. SH: Of course, I have a team of lawyers, publicists, hackers, bodyguards, branding, and damage control specialists, protecting my rights and safety, and managing public opinion and fandom. Don't worry JK, you're under my protection now.

JK: So what does that mean?

SH: We shall bathe in the blood of our enemies as we conquer the world.  JK: <shook -  metaphorically, right?>

<The road to world domination is paved with sacrifices, carnage & mayhem.> 

Bonus -

JK: Do you think people understand our wit and poetry? SH: Not the dumba* waging war on life and liberty. JK: What about the haters? SH: They can all go F* themselves.

JK: Did you just draw first blood? SH: I'm a vampire.

JK: You know a fate worst than death? SH: Yeah, when they cancel your a*.

JK: The value of your character once lost, is lost forever. SH: What about my hard-on?

JK: Seriously, you want to end with that? SH: It's the source of all power.

JK: More like the downfall of an empire.

<If we are to survive, we need to govern with our hearts, not with our d*>

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