10. Signals

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Preview – Do you know my name?

<Jake receives a call>

JK: Hello? J: It's me, J. JK: What's up bro, got new plans for us for our vacation? J: Oh, were we going somewhere? JK: Yeah, why, is it canceled again? J: I don't recall making plans for us, but we can go somewhere next time. But I called to ask when you were coming back, Hybe wanted to know from everyone. JK: Back? Back from where I'm home and who is Hybe? 

J: What? Are you okay JK? We need to get back and start working on our next comeback? Don't worry about NI-KI, he's been staying with me. JK: Who? J: What's wrong with you JK? You okay man, did I wake you? JK: Is this Jay Park. J: Yeah, is this Jake Sim. JK: Yeah. What year is this? J: What? 2021. JK: What? J: JK I need to call others, so can I say you'll be back Friday? JK: Sure. J: Ok, talk to you later.

<Jake realizing not only did his world collide with SH, but another one when they were younger, they took a different path, as kpop idols? How is this possible? J must be pulling his leg. His friends are pranking him.>

JK: <calls JW> JW: Hey JK. JK: What's year is this? JW: What, 2030, why? JK: Oh ok. Thought I was going to get someone else. JW: Who? JK: Nevermind. JW: So what's happening with you and Hoonie? When is he going to let us come over? JK: I'm working on it. Give him so more time. He's shy among strangers. JW: Really, he's a celebrity. JW: D* JK, you went all out. How the h* did you snag him? JK: It's a long story, I'll tell you one day. JW: So is it true what they say. JK: What do they say? JW: That he's incredible in bed.

JK: What? Are you sure it's not something fabricated by his own company to elevate his status? JW: Is that not true? JK: <giggles> You know I'm not one to kiss and tell. JW: Right, that good uh. I want to meet him. JK: Why? JW: I heard he's more gorgeous in person. JK: Really? JW: You don't think so? JK: No, that's not it. Didn't you say he never smiles? JW: Yeah, but that's what makes him so mysterious and hot. JK: Should you be saying this to me.

JW: Oh, right, you're going out with him. Sorry, JK, I got carried away, cuz he's just a big celebrity. I didn't think you were into that. Now you have to go to all his functions and celebrity events. You're going to get death threats, hate mail, and sasaengs. JK: F* I forgot about all that. I better get a bodyguard. JW: Tell me everything. I'm a fan. JK: Next time JW. JW: OK, catch you later.

JK: Hello? J: It's me, J. JK: From where? J: What do you mean? JK: What year is it? J: 2030 of course, are you okay. JK: I guess. Didn't you just call? J: No. JK: Are you pulling a prank on me? J: Why would I do that, I mean no. JK: You're not from Hybe? J: What's that? JK: What about your friend NI-KI? J: I don't think I know anyone named NI-KI. JK: He's not staying with you?

J: I live alone. But my mom is worse than yours when it comes to interfering with our lives. JK: They mean well. J: Sure if you want to get fat, go on bad dates and want a clean house. JK: So I'm back to work, don't worry about vacation plans. Next time. J: Ok, I'm still tied up. JK: Just let me know if you need anything. J: Wait, Now I remember why I called, you haven't told me about how it happened with Hoonie. JK: What do you want to know? J: D* JK, you got skills. How the h* did you land Hoonie. You know he was my friend at BH as a trainee, before he left.

JK: What, he's the skater you were referring to? J: You didn't know? JK: Why would I, you never mention his name. J: Oh, I thought I did. I guess I didn't want to talk about him. But I'm all good now, it's been years. But I'm glad one of us nailed him. JK: What? J: You say that a lot JK. JK: Sorry, I was surprised. I didn't know you liked him that way. J: Are you kidding, everyone likes him that way. JK: Oh, really. I guess he's very popular.

J: Did you not know him from before? JK: No, I didn't. J: How can you not, he's all over the news, dramas, products, Olympics, endorsements? That's strange. I can understand if you were out of the country, but you have been in SK for the last 10 years. And you live in the same neighborhood. JK: You know where he lives? J: Ok, I'm might have looked him up a few years back. JK: I got another call in, we'll talk later.

JK: Hello? SH: Hey Jakey, returning your call? JK: You are? I can't remember. SH: You left a message that you were coming back Thursday and would call back so we can hook up. JK: What did I mean hook up? SH: Why? Did you mean something else? JK: I don't know, I don't know what I meant to begin with. 

SH: JK, you're losing it. JK: I know I am, what year is this. SH: 2021. JK: F*. SH: Are you ok, you don't normally cuss? You seem different. JK: So what am I to you. SH: We're soulmate JK. What's wrong, is something bothering you? JK: Are we dating? <static> Hello, SH, are you still there? I guess we lost connection.  Or did he hang up?  I hope I didn't ruin anything for me in 2021.

JK: OMG, I'm getting JK 2021 calls. There's a thunderstorm out, it must be creating a connection between the 2 worlds.

JK: Hello? SH: Hey Jakey, returning your call? JK: What year is this? SH: 2030. JK: Oh, good. Something bizarre is happening. I got a call from you in 2021. SH: What, I called you from 2021. I didn't know you back then. JK: No, it was from the alternative universe, where we became kpop idols. SH: Really. Back then, I joined before as a trainee to improve my choreography with no intentions of becoming a kpop idol. JK: Yeah, and I almost became a trainee, but my Dad had a call, so I missed the audition in Australia.

SH: Really, if you were there I might have stayed, but I don't know. JK: Really, I don't know if that would have been enough for me. SH: F* JK, can you be honest with yourself for once. The only one who doesn't know he has the hots for me is you. JK: Ok, now that I know you better, I'm going to go out on a limb and agree. 

SH: S*, I don't want your charity JK. Go F* a log. <hangs up> JK: F* That went badly. S* Did I just piss off 2 Hoonies? Now, what should I do? Flowers, no he's too practical, candies? No, he hates sweets. A massage? That might make things worse. Steak? I'll buy him a yummy steak dinner and we can watch a movie together. That sounds good. F* Why does my heart hurt again. <holds his heart in pain again, wondering if he needs to call 112, and passes out.>

<The universe is vast, but I will always find you>

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