18. Answer

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Preview - Only you can see the infinite possibilities of US. Eyes of seers, lips of souls.

SH: <I've Loved You Since Forever> In this universe, there is you and there is me, waiting for the day our stars would meet.

JK: <pondering> Wouldn't we explode? SH: A re-birth? JK: How do you do that? SH: Do what?

JK: Presume to know the answer. SH: Finding people to challenge our views/ perceptions of the world is ecstasy. JK: Is that what I am to you?

SH: That's right, a sexy brain gives me the biggest hard-on.  JK: <giggles> me? SH: No, me. JK: <shook>

SH: What if the other doesn't achieve ecstasy? JK: I find our convo stimulating? SH: Half the time, I have no idea what you're saying. JK: Half? SH: I'm bad with math. JK: Even when I speak in Korean only? SH: You make a lot of international references. JK: I do?

SH: But that's ok. I want to be more worldly, you know a man of intrigue with an international vibe, mysterious, sexy, and sophisticated.  A global prince that no one can resist. <blushing with a chuckle>  JK: <nodding> That's right. <tiny applaud as SH waves in acceptance of his glory.>

SH: The answer is before you. JK: Answer to what? SH: What you're searching for? JK: And what is that? SH: The answer. JK: <To circular for his taste> Nevermind.

JK: Do you think we were supposed to meet earlier? SH:  Earlier than 7:00? I need more time than that.

JK: More like 6:30 in 2020? SH: I don't need that much time? I know to conserve water when I brush and shower. I just get lost in my beauty looking at the mirror sometimes. JK: <acknowledging truth> right.

JK: Have you ever dreamt of someone you were supposed to meet? SH: I don't usually remember my dreams. Why, have you, and was he hot like me? JK: What if it was you? SH: You mean you have fantasized about me in the past? JK: More like unknowing encounters in passing, a lost soul yearning to find his mate, with a  brief boost of energy when he's within my radius.

SH: Like a love alarm that pulsates when I'm near? JK: Exactly, but it's my heart. And when I look around, it slowly dissipates, so I've learned to stop and close my eyes to retain that feeling as long as I can.

SH: Nope, can't say that I have. < I'm going to kill the writer, if she gave him a heart transparent and now he wants to find the owner, who's not me.> You think someone owns your heart? <He better be referring to me?>

JK: Yes, that's right. Someone owns my heart, it's the only one I have.  SH: <fuming it could be someone else> What are you going to do? JK: <puzzled> I don't know, what do you think I should do?

SH: Are we still talking about me? JK: I thought we were talking about me. SH: No, the owner of your heart. JK: Wasn't that just a metaphor? SH: <pouts> Was that even an answer? <I know your game, you're not ready to profess your undying love for me.>

SH: So, do you think I have a good a*? JK: Are you changing the subject? SH: No, I can have multiple conversations at once. JK: With the same person? SH: Yeah, I played a grandmaster before. JK: I can't even get you to stick to the subject at hand. SH: That's because I'm still processing it.

JK: Oh, well that makes perfect sense. SH: Really? JK: No.

SH: Don't bully me with your intellect. JK: Don't bully me with your sex appeal. SH: Is it working? JK: <shook>

JK: Your best feature is your humor. SH: Your best feature is your understanding of my humor.

JK: I thought we were looking for answers? SH: Even I know you need the questions first. JK: Not always. SH: You expect us to come up with answers without questions. JK: Yes, exactly.  SH: Ok, now we're just wasting everyone's time.

JK: Are you saying time is the answer? Like with time, all things can heal? SH: No, it's the question. Like what time is it? JK: More like, laughter is a break from reality. And your time is up.

SH: I'm the spin master, I decide when to stop.  JK: <waiting>  SH: <staring at him> Oh, are you waiting?

JK: <pouts searching for redemption>

SH: I often look in the mirror to find the answer. JK: I know what you mean.

<The truth untold>


Fam first. Respect the bro code omerta. The code of silence and the prioritizing of the values of brotherhood over opportunistic pursuits.

SH: What does that even mean? JK: Haven't you watch mafia shows like the godfather, sopranos or vincenzo? SH: Yeah. JK: Well, even they know to protect the family, and not speak ill of or snitch on each other, or risk death. SH: Oh, And I thought, it was code for canceling our antis? JK: You mean like drawing them out for prosecution? SH: Yeah, when you cross the family, it's cement block for you. JK: That's old school. Hey, let's come up with our own kiss of death. 

SH: <throws a pinky kiss.> 

JK: Maybe there more to it? SH: Like what? JK: Like a lesson in tolerance, acceptance and forgiveness.  SH: For who? JK: Those spewing hate. SH: I wouldn't hold my breath.

JK: Ok, then we're on a crusade to rid ourselves of antis and haters? SH: Hey that was my line. JK: Why do you get the better lines? SH: Because the writer likes me better. JK: F* no, she likes me more.  SH: How do you know? JK: Cuz, she's canceling your a* in the next chapter. SH: WTF.

JK: <giggles> Just joking, this isn't the game of thrones where the protagonists are a revolving door they knock off every few episodes. SH: Who won? JK: The dragons? SH: So why you wanna cancel my a*? JK: Oh, that was just payback for not leaving me any hot water this morning. SH: You can't afford a waterless tank? JK: It came with a water conservation setting to shut off hot water after 15 mins of use, and goes on again after 1 hour. 

SH: F* How do we override that? JK: We don't. It's good for the planet.

SH: Wait. Was that the answer? JK: Yes. <save the planet> 

SH: F* <I'm not your top priority?>

<Innovation derived from imagination yields infinite powers>

Bonus - 

SH: What am I to you? JK: You're like a fine wine. At first, you seem too expensive for my taste, but over time, your value increases.  I enjoy savoring every sip reminiscing past memories with dreams of future endeavors together with each bottle bringing unexpected joy. I look forward to my next shipment. 

SH: Nice. You're like a roller coaster. JK: Oh, how so? SH: At first, you look exciting and thrilling, and after the ride, I want to go on again and again. JK: Nice. SH: But the line is too long. JK: What? you want a FastPass? SH: No, I want you to close the park for me only. JK: What are you a celebrity? SH: Yeah. JK: <giggles> SH: Are you giggling like a kid? JK: F* No. I'm an adult.

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