12. Morning

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Preview - The morning after

<The next morning>

SH: F* JK, If you ever pull that stunt again, I'm going to F* you up so bad, you won't be able to walk for days. JK: <puzzled, what happen to SH> What's wrong Hoonie, you don't seem yourself today. SH: What do you mean, this is how I'm always. Why? Have you been fantasying about me? JK: No, F* No. Did I go to the hospital? SH: What? You don't remember? Or are you trying to forget I saved your f* a*? JK: No, I remember, it's just you were different at the hospital.

SH: Were we in public? JK: I guess. SH: Well, I have an image to uphold. JK: You mean, you being nice to me was fake? SH: What are you talking about, when was I nice to who? JK: <maybe the 2 Hoonie personalities from the 2 worlds got swapped briefly?> Nevermind. JK: <mubbles to himself> F* I have to put up with his sorry a* again. How am I supposed to do that? SH: Don't think I didn't hear that. JK: So what happened? SH: How would I know, if the doctors don't. JK: All I remember was that I was in so much pain, my heart was going to break. SH: Sounds psychological? Are you sure you don't want to see a shrink? JK: No, F* No.

SH: Maybe the other JK got into an accident, and you felt his pain. JK: Wait, you know about the other world?

SH: Why wouldn't I? JK: I don't know, sometimes we're in a different world, or our personalities or mind are swapping. I can't tell. SH: Well, as long as it doesn't interfere with my F* life. JK: How could it not? SH: You know what I mean. JK: No I don't. SH: Well does it really matter, as long as the other Hoonie doesn't mess things up for me. I got a system here.

JK: You don't find this whole thing to be scientifically astonishing. SH: No, F* No, for all I know it's your diabolical attempts to get into my pants again. JK: Does everything have to revolve around your p*? SH: Yes. That's where my power and confidence are derived. JK: <shook> I give up, I'm going to take a shower. SH: You want me to join you? I'm pretty good with scrubbing the back. JK: No, F* No. SH: How about helping a bro out with his back later? JK: S* No. SH: That wasn't an invitation for a F*. JK: I know. Get out.

<How we met>

SH: So my agent said my fandom wants to know how we met. It needs to be spectacular to match my image, nothing corny or old fashion. JK: You serious? Why don't you just say we were so wasted, we accidentally went into the wrong room, f* and woke up naked. SH: Perfect. JK: I was joking, that didn't happen. SH: What do you mean, that's exactly what happened. JK: Only we didn't F*, I wasn't wasted, and I had boxers. SH: That's just your side of the story.

SH: Besides how do you know, we didn't F*? JK: I would know if I did or not. SH: Close enough, so we embellished a little. JK: Whether we F* or not is not something anyone would overlook. JK: Can we just say we went into the wrong room wasted, spill more wine on ourselves accidentally and woke up naked, but nothing happened. SH: between 2 hot guys. JK: F*, ok, no one would believe us.

SH: Exactly, and I can't be caught naked in a hotel room with another hot guy and nothing happened. JK: Why not? SH: That would hurt my image, like I lost my touch. JK: That you're a slut? SH: No, a real man. JK: What? How would anyone know? SH: Don't the hotel have videos of us going into the same room and you answering the door in your robe? JK: F*. Can't we make up something else. SH: Like what? JK: Like, that aliens brought us there to mate for the next evolution. Ok, nevermind.

SH: And we don't have any proof that we met before that time. People can trace things. JK: S*, Ok, but I was the bomb. SH: You were just ok. JK: FU* JK: Then you were below par. SH: FU*. JK: Wait, a gentleman never tells. SH: That's only with women. JK: What? Wait, what are you saying. Nevermind, I don't want to know. 

SH: Ok, Jakey. Cuz I was going to share my wealth of experience with you. JK: STFU. You're bluffing. SH: How would you know? If you haven't experienced the Hoonie touch? JK: <pause> OMG. I went from dateless to fabricating my sex life with a porn star. SH: Thanks, but that's for private consummation. JK: You mean consumption? SH: Both. JK: <shook>

<That night>

<Jake and Sunghoon dreamt about the 100+ times they almost met each other during the 10 years since JK had returned to SK, each time they felt a strange fleeting moment of connection, only to be disrupted by something else unknown to have missed the opportunity to actually form a glance or encounter with each other.>

JK: WTF, SH, why are you in my bed naked. SH: I got scared, your place feels like I'm going to be eaten by wild animals by myself. JK: Stop making things up. SH: I'm not, I have a phobia about sleeping alone in new places. JK: Really, since when. SH: Since I lost my dog, I developed somniphobia and I can only sleep at my place alone where I feel safe knowing my dog would protect me as a spirit guide there. JK: What? She can't leave the house? And why didn't you say anything before?

SH: I thought I was cured and it wouldn't be a problem. JK: This isn't some trick of yours to try to F* me. SH: I promise JK, I won't violate our no-touchy rule. But I don't think I can sleep if you're not naked. JK: F* No, that's where I draw the line. SH: <looking sad and scared> JK: That's not going to work, you're a grown man, mate. <They continue to argue and eventually fell asleep, and woke up naked in their boxers.>

JK: How the F* did this happen again? SH: Don't look at me. <JK was not the gullible type, but he believed SH. Something else was going on that they had no control over, perhaps it would reveal itself later?>

<Are we in a time loop?>

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