11. Dilemma

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Preview – What if tomorrow never comes?

<SH returns home upset from the call>

SH: <See JK on the floor, dials 211> JK, what happened. What's wrong. Checks his vitals. <The ambulance comes and takes JK away>

<SH is upset with himself that he wasn't home at the time JK collapsed. Why didn't JK call him if he was in pain? Why did he collapse? He was worried. He finally found someone he likes spending time with, someone that made him laugh, someone who gets him, who can tolerate his cynical side, someone who was not a pushover, someone of his equal, his better half, someone who would put up with his bs*. Is this what love is?

He had been too selfish about his own pride and lost sight of JK's delicate disposition when it comes to matters of the heart. It's all or nothing for JK, he knew that. But he got greedy, he wanted too much too soon, and JK wasn't ready. He knew JK wasn't ready to give himself wholeheartedly for love yet. He knew for JK it would mean a lifelong commitment. He knew he had to prove himself before JK would make that leap of faith.

Was this it? Did he failed again? He sobbed profusely. The icy prince who never smiled, never cried before, who never cared for anyone else but himself. He protected himself with a facade of envy, only to be lonely. He knew JK didn't care for status, fame, or riches. He just did what made him happy and what made others happy. JK had a caring heart. What happened, what went wrong this time? What can he do? What must he do?

Is this where the story ends?>

<Please exit through the gift shop>

SH: Wait, JK mentioned something about the call from him in 2021. He must have altered something that affected today. But what? And how can he reverse that? He must have been hurt by me in both worlds, he must have felt the pain from both worlds. I can't talk to him in this world, maybe I can reach him in the other world.

He looked at his phone and noticed a missed call from an unknown #. What if this is JK's # from 2021? I need to be careful and make sure I reverse anything that might have happen. He dials the # but it doesn't go through. What else did JK say? There was a thunderstorm when I was talking to him. That must be it, I need to wait for the next thunderstorm to call.

SH: <calls> Hello, is this JK? JK: I don't want to talk to you SH. SH: Please, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I was wrong, please forgive me. JK: Why did you say all those mean things to me. SH: Please listen. Know that I love you. Know that you will always be my soulmate. I may get forgetful or deny it because I'm scared and insecure. But know that my feelings for you are true and forever. I will always find you. <connection is lost> Hello, Hello <tries to call back, but no connection> I hope that works.

<The next day>

SH: JK are you awake now. JK: Yeah, I'm hunger. SH: Here, I have some porridge. <feeds him> JK: What happen? Did I have a heart attack? SH: Something like that? The doctors couldn't explain what was going on with you. All your vitals were fine, but you couldn't wake up. I'll tell you more when you fully recover.

JK: Where's my phone. SH: I'll hold on to it. You need to rest and not get upset with anything. JK: Thanks SH. Where's my Mom? SH: She went to the gift shop downstairs. I'm sorry if I hurt you. You mean a lot to me. Don't ever leave me again, promise. JK: You're different SH. Nicer to me, why is that? SH: I guess it took almost losing you to realize how important you are to me. JK: Thanks SH. You mean a lot to me to. I love you.

<Those were the most beautiful words in the whole world, it pierced SH's heart. He couldn't form the words quite yet, but JK knew that SH loved him, he could feel it in his heart. JK knew in time, SH would grow to be able to express these words of love to him.>

<Without you I am nothing. Nothing else matters.>

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