Chapter 34 - All Must Come to an End

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Chapter 34 - All Must Come to an End

Draco pulled away first, panting slightly as he ran his arms the length of Harry's. "You and me?" he asked, squeezing his lover's hand gently.

"You and me, Draco," Harry replied softly, kissing the Slytherin again, wrapping his arms tightly around the boy's neck, desperate not to let him go.

"What's going to happen about Ginny's child?"

There it was, the question he had been desperately trying to avoid.

Harry shrugged, a huge weight sagging onto his shoulders as the guilt of his ex-girlfriend's death sank in. She was really gone. The kind, red-haired girl, who had brought him so much happiness, taught him so much about himself and loved him - if not as a lover - until her dying breath. Tears prickled in the corners of Harry's eyes as he remembered her cute smile, happy-go-lucky attitude and the tender first kiss they had shared in the Room of Requirement all those years ago.

"Harry?" Draco mumbled. "Are you okay?"

Harry nodded numbly, brushing away the tears. "Fine," he replied. "We've should go back to the castle everyone will be worried."

He began making his way back through the forest, only pausing when he saw that Draco was still stood rooted to the spot. "Are you coming?"

Draco shook his head. "I can't."

"Why not?" Harry demanded.

"I don't want people to see me like this," he replied.

"Draco, you don't have to hide who you are."

"What I've become, you mean. Face it, Harry, I can never be the same person I was before. I have bloody werewolf blood running through my veins, reminding me that at any moment I could turn and accidently kill you!" Draco muttered. "How do you think that makes me feel?"

"You'll always be the same person that I fell for all those weeks ago," Harry muttered. "And I'd never be afraid of you. I've battled a lot worse."

"That's not the point, Potter."

"No, don't do this Draco! Don't turn this around on us! Nothing, NOTHING, can make me change the way I feel about you!" Harry snapped. "Why can't you just understand that you're the one putting barriers between us!"

"That's rich, coming from the guy who couldn't descide whether he loved me or that Weasley girl!" Draco snapped. A second later, he looked shocked at what he'd said. "Harry, I ..."

"Save it," Harry hissed, turning away from the blonde boy. "I'm done talking to you about this."


"Don't!" he sighed. "Just don't."

He quickly began making his way back towards the castle, trying desperately not to cry. He wouldn't let himself, not again. If Draco was having doubts about them, then it was Draco's decision and his alone, there was nothing more Harry could do about it.

What stung the most though was that Draco had accused him of not being able to choose. He loved Draco, hell he had to after everything they'd been through, but Ginny would always hold a special place in his heart. It was only natural.

"HARRY!" Draco came darting out from the trees, red faced and panting deeply. "HARRY, I'M SORRY! God, I'm so so sorry! I didn't think, I ..."

"... you judged me on something I couldn't help. Ginny was my girlfriend for almost three years, Draco! You can't just turn off the feelings you have for that person!" Harry said calmly.

"I know," Draco replied, "I know and I'm sorry. I was jealous of the two of you, you always looked so happy together and I wanted to be that person that made you happy! But she was always the one that made you smile ... not me," he muttered, trailing off and sounding choked.

Harry smiled. "You're an idiot," he said, kissing Draco softly on the lips. Fireworks exploded between the two of them, igniting the sky around them in the radiance of their passion. Love. True love.

Harry broke away. "Now we really should get back to the castle," he said with a breathless laugh.

Draco smirked, his cheeks pink, but pleased.

Back at the castle, Draco and Harry linked hands as they walked into the Great Hall. They were greeted instantly but a hushed whisper to his wife by Lucius Malfoy, but Harry's focus was solely on the red-haired girl, who was lying on a stretcher in the centre of the hall, beside Dean, eyes closed, looking peaceful. Seamus was knelt beside Dean, his eyes full of tears as he wrapped a West Ham scarf around his best friend's neck. It was all too much for him and he let out a wail, hugging the boy tightly, unwilling to let go of him.

Harry watched silently, clutching Draco's hand tighter, as Mrs Weasley and Arthur Weasley kissed their daughter on the forehead, before making their way from the hall, unable to bear the pain of losing one of their children. Fred and George were sat numbly beside their little sister's body, no smile present on their lips. They had always held a soft spot for their younger siblings. Ron was stood a few metres away from Harry, eyes fixed on the Chosen One. They held nothing but sadness and guilt. Hermione was beside him with little Archie bunndled up in her arms.

Harry released Draco's hand and made his way towards his two best friends. He stopped before them.

"I'm sorry about Ginny, Ron," he mumbled. "I should have done more to protect her ... and Dean."

Hermione let out a soft sob, snuggling closer to Archie. Ron's expression didn't change - it was haunting. Finally, he shook his head.

"You can't beat yourself up about this, Harry," he muttered. "She wouldn't want that, neither would Dean."

"But if I'd have just made her leave ..."

"You couldn't have known, and Ginny made up her own mind. She was always stubborn," Ron mused, a small smile appearing on his lips. "I'm going to miss her and Dean."

"Me too," Harry muttered. "Any news on what's going to happen to Archie?"

Ron smiled. "He's going to live with all of us. Ginny would have wanted him to grow up with all the family surrounding him."

"Good," Harry replied, trying to ignore the sadness that had crept over him. He'd grown fond of the little boy, even though he had turned out not to be the father. "I'll visit him sometimes."

"How much do you want to see him?" Ron chuckled. "I'd have thought you'd be fed up of him considering he's going to live with you some weeks."

Harry was confused. "Me?"

Ron nodded and Hermione smiled, passing the bundle into Harry's arms. "You might not be his biological father, but you're still his dad."

Harry beamed, looking fondly down at the sleeping boy in his arms. Draco came to stand beside him, smiling at Harry. "He's cute, I suppose."

Harry nudged the Sytherin in the ribs, making him chuckle. "Archie, meet your Godfather Draco. I know you'll love him just as much as I do."

Draco smiled happily, his eyes lighting up as he stared at Harry. Life was perfect. He had everything he had ever wanted and more.


And done! Thank you so much guys for reading my fanfiction, I really hoped you enjoyed it, eventhough I made it more of a romance story. It's been fun to write it, and I'm kinda sad that it's the end now, but I'm going to re-edit some of the chapters considering I started writing this like a year or so ago, so there might be a few changes. I might also add a few extra chapters in the POV of some of the characters, maybe.

And again I want to reiterate that the characters are all J.K.Rowling's - she created these amazing people - but the plot and scenarios are mine.

But anyway, thanks for all the support on this story. If you liked the story please vote and drop a comment.

Emma x

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