Chapter 8 - Ginny's Not Well

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Chapter 8 - Ginny's Not Well

Harry found Ginny in the common room fast asleep on the sofa, she was still rather pale and Harry felt a pang of sympathy twist through him. She really was an amazing girl and he knew it, it's just he didn't feel that romantic connection anymore. He desperately wanted to because he knew that his parents would have liked her a lot and he knew that she was good for him, he just didn't seem to feel the same way for her anymore. He had almost said something when Mrs Wealey had begun to talk about future plans, such as babies and weddings. He had felt sick with nerves through the whole conversation, only nodding to keep her happy. But inside he was terrified. How could he possibly know what he wanted in the future, when he wasn't sure what he wanted now?

He knew - deep down - that he should end it with her, but he just couldn't bring himself to. She meant so much to him and he couldn't just dump her because Ron wasn't happy with them going out in the first place, so if Harry caused her heartbreak, Ron would probably kill him. All the worries of what would happen kept replaying inside of him - it was getting annoying. He felt as though he couldn't breath.

"Harry? What are you doing?" Hermione asked from the other sofa, looking up from her book.

Harry swung around suddenly, startled. He hadn't noticed that anyone else had been in the room. He must have looked like a right idiot just standing there aimlessly. Blushing, he smiled shyly before darting off towards his room.

"Harry!" she called, running after him. "I need to talk to you."

"Later, I've got to go," he mumbled, not looking at her in fear that he would break down and reveal everything he was thinking.

"Now, Harry, it's important."

Reluctantly, he turned around and sighed. Hermione smiled at him, before taking his hand comfortingly. Sometimes Harry wished that he could tell someone about what he was thinking and feeling, but he didn't want Ron or Ginny ever finding out. "Ginny's refusing to go and see Madam Pomfrey even though she keeps complaining about feeling sick. She'll only listen to you," Hermione said slowly and carefully, weary of whether he was going to snap at her.

"I can't make her do something she doesn't want to Hermione," he sighed, looking at the floor.

"I'm not saying that, Harry. Please just talk to her."

Harry sighed and held up his hands in defeat. "Fine. I'll talk to her."

"Harry? Hermione? Where are you?" Ron shouted through the common room entrance. "Hagrid's back!"

Harry and Hermione looked at each other, before quickly making their way towards Ron. He smiled at them both; his smile faltered however as he saw Ginny, who had stood up slowly - pausing for a moment as she steadied herself.

"Gin?" he asked, walking towards her and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"Head spinning ... feel sick ..." she paused as she ran to a bin and threw up. She groaned, cluching onto her stomach as she walked back towards them.

Harry winced and made his way towards her. She was shivering as he wrapped his arms around her. "You need to go to Madam Pomfrey," he whispered and she answered with a small nod.

The hospital wing was empty when they got there, except for Madam Pomfrey, who was sat at her desk writing on a piece of parchment.

"What happened here?" she asked as Harry and Ron help Ginny towards her.

"She's ill," Harry replied, helping her onto a bed.

Madam Pomfrey took one look at Ginny and immediately spoke. "She needs to go to St Mungos."

So what do you think is wrong with Ginny? I'm not going to say else it's going to ruin the plot - obviously.

I decided I might as well write another chapter because the response was so positive. Bear with me because I haven't got to the best Harry Draco bits yet so yeah. I still hope it's alright. :D

Remember to vote and comment, it makes my day :P

Thanks bye x

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