Chapter 29 - I'm Losing You

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I'm sorry it's been such a long time since I last updated, I was having a lot of trouble finding inspiration on how to continue this fanfiction and still make it interesting for you all to read. That doesn't excuse the fact that it's been over a month - I know that's a long time to wait - but hopefully now that I've started writing again it might encourage me to finish this fanfiction and add more Drarry moments, because there are a few more to come yet ;)

Anyway happy reading, I'm off to reread Harry Potter again :P see you all soon Wattpadians :D

Emma x

Chapter 29 - I'm Losing You

Lucius Malfoy crumpled the letter in his hand, groaning in frustration. He wanted to be loyal to his family, but he didn't want to be killed as a traitor by the Death Eaters. Either way he was going to miss out on being there for his family, but the only thing left to decide was how he wanted to be remembered. Did he want to die a traitor to his family, but be tortured for deflecting from the Death Eaters or hated by his family but potentially killed in the upcoming battle? 

He couldn't decide. 

Sighing, he sank down into the chair he had got up from upon the arrival of the letter from his wife. The attack on Hogwarts was less than a day away and he was beginning to get nervous. He knew there were going to be a lot of casulties and his son could potentially be among them ...


Harry slept peacefully with a content smile on his face. Today he and Draco were going to go to Hogsmead to get butterbeers. It was their first proper date together and he was excited. There was nothing that could possibly put a dampener on his mood. 


"Harry! Get up!" 

Groaning, Harry rolled over to open an eye and see Hermione peering down at him, frantically shaking his arm. 

"Blimey Hermione!" he gasped, tugging his duvet further over his body. "What are you doing in here? Where's Ron?"

"We're under attack!" she said, quickly running to the other beds and shaking his roommates awake. The other boys moaned in protest, but Hermione soon had their attention. 

"You can't be serious," Ron grumbled, lying back down. 

"Get up, Ronald!" Hermione cried. "I'm being deadly serious. Lucius Malfoy seems to have aquired himself a strengthened army and is quickly approaching. McGonagall says we can't afford another war, so we're all being evacuated."

"How ... wait ... how do you know this?" Harry asked sitting up quickly. 

"Narcissa Malfoy had a tip-off."

"This can't be happening ..." Harry said, trailing off. What would it take for him and Draco to be left alone? 

"Well it is, Harry, so get up and go and help your boyfriend!" Hermione all but growled, throwing his clothes at him. 

"Calm down, 'mione!" Ron mumbled, rolling over and pressing his face into his pillow. 


Ron shot out of bed and smirked sheepishly at his girlfriend, who rolled her eyes in frustration.

"You're sounding more like my mother every single day," Ron moaned, wiping his eyes groggily. Hermione slapped his arm, before turning to Harry.

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