Chapter 4 - Hagrid's Gone

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Chapter 4 - Hagrid's Gone

Harry, Hermione and Ron knocked on the Half-Giant's hut door and waited. Something, however, was wrong. After waiting for a while, there was still no sign of their friend. They hadn't in the time they'd been there heard any noise from inside either, apart from the occasional shuffling of his dog, Fang, sniffing around at the door. Usually the loud clanking of pots and pans was present as a half-giant was not the most graceful of creatures, but the lack of noise unnerved the three friends.

"I'm going to Professor McGonagall," Harry said finally, after he'd grown tired of waiting. He was about to turn on his heel and make his way back towards the castle when Hermione called him.

"Harry, it's no use! He's not there!"

"Why not?" he challenged. "He could be in trouble. I want to know where he is!"

"He's gone somewhere," she mumbled, looking shamefully at the floor.

"Gone where? How do you know where he is?" he asked quietly.

Hermione flinched. "Professor McGonagall made me promise not to tell anyone ..." she muttered, looking away from them.

"You've been keeping a secret from me?" Ron snapped, his jaw clenching and his fists tightening into his palms.

"I promised I wouldn't say anything," Hermione mumbled, feeling ashamed under their angry glares.

"Tell me where he is!" Harry snapped.

"I can't ..."

"Hermione, who am I possibly going to tell?" he scoffed. "It's not as if it's a matter of importance to the Ministry of Magic."

"He ... Grawp has escaped again, but this time he's not in the forbidden forest. Hagrid's in pieces."

"Are you sure he's just not hiding?"

Hermione shot him a look. "It's not difficult to miss a giant cowering behind a tree," she snapped with a quick role of her eyes. "No, McGonagall suspects Lucius Malfoy has kidnapped him."

"Kidnapped?" Ron snorted, chuckling with laughter. "More like giantnapped."

"It's not funny, Ronald!" Hermione snapped. "If Grawp gets into the wrong hands, he can easily turn against us. Lucius Malfoy would have an advantage. The Ministry are concerned about his capture too."

"It hasn't been in the Daily Prophet or Quibbler," Harry said, "so it's obviously not that important."

"That's where you're wrong. It's all been very hush-hush in the Ministry, they don't want to panic anyone that there is a giant in the hands of suspected Death Eaters," Hermione replied. "Percy seemed to think it was extremely important - he told me that Kingsley Shacklebolt and the other Ministry Workers have been working day and night to get Gwarp back."

"What were you doing talking to Percy?" Ron snapped. "I'll kill him..." He grumbled.

Hermione rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. "We're just friends, Ronald."

"Get to the point about Hagrid!" Harry snapped suddenly, causing both Hermione and Ron to jump.

"He's adamant that Gwarp has run off to the mountains and is convinced that the other giants will hurt him."

"When will he be back?"

Hermione shrugged. "McGonagall just said a group of Ministry Workers have gone after him."

Harry sighed in exasperation and made his way up the slope towards the school.

"Where're you going?" Hermione called. "I told you all I know."

"I need to clear my head," he mumbled, before he disappeared into the stone castle, leaving Hermione and Ron staring after him helplessly.

*   *   *

Draco made his way past the library and flicked a glance inside. He was startled to find Harry sat staring aimlessly out of the window.

"What are you doing, Potter?" he asked, sliding into the chair beside the dark haired boy.

"Go away, Malfoy," Harry replied, his eyes narrowing slightly, but not looking away from the window.

"Make me, Scarhead," Malfoy replied, cockily. "What's gotten your knickers in such a twist?"

The blond haired boy leant forward, his lips almost brushing Harry's, but not quite touching. Sparks were flying and Harry felt the same tingle running down his arms and spine as he had when their arms had brushed. He suddenly snapped back, pushing the body away from him.

"Back off, Malfoy!"

Malfoy raised an eyebrow at Harry. "I'm not doing anything. I haven't moved from my seat," he said, leaning back against the wall. "What have I supposedly done?"

Harry blushed and looked away. Had he just imagined Malfoy again? It was starting to become a problem. Standing up, he quickly fled the room, leaving Malfoy staring after him with a confused expression on his face.

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