Chapter 19 - Draco's Heartache

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I've finally broken up for the Easter Holidays, but for me that doesn't mean a rest (boo!) instead I have to revise for my upcoming exams! I wish I had more time to keep updating regually, but as I don't I will try and write a tiny bit a day and hopefully have something else up by the end of the week. If not then I'm profoundly sorry and will try to find time :D 



Chapter 19 - Draco's Heartache

Draco quickly wiped away the tear that had leaked from the corner of his eye and clenched his fists together. There was no way that he was going to cry over Potter. But his emotions were whirling inside him and he couldn't make sense of what he was feeling. He had never felt this way before and he wasn't sure that he liked it. Butterflies were erupting in his stomach, yet it felt like it was constricting as he tried to breathe. Was this how it felt to be in love? 


He wasn't in love. He couldn't fathom being in love with Potter - of all people. Perhaps it was just a phase he was going through - perhaps this was a test that he had to overcome. Yes, that's what it is - maybe it would strengthen his and Pansy's relationship. He had been happy with Pansy - she made him smile occasionally - never as much as Potter - but he liked her company. And since Blaise wasn't speaking to him anymore, she was all he had. 

Perhaps going out with Pansy hadn't been the best idea - to try and keep his mind off Potter - as Blaise liked Pansy and Draco knew that. He hadn't been acting like a good friend, and Blaise had only ever been nice to him - especially since Crabbe and Goyle's deaths. He had helped Draco become better and had been the only friend that had stuck by him - no matter how badly Draco treated him. 

A sudden rush of emotion swept through Draco and he collapsed to his knees, tugging on his blonde hair. His eyes screwed shut as he tried to hold back the tears. What was happening to him? Was he developing the emotions that his father had tried so hard to kick out of him all those years ago? Potter had definately changed him, Draco knew that. He didn't even understand why he had hated the Boy Who Lived anymore. Harry was a good guy. 

Quickly, Draco stood up, picking up his fallen broom and mounting it. He kicked off and flew off towards the castle. As soon as he had touched ground back at Hogwarts, he practically threw his broom back in the shed and sprinted towards the school - a huge grin plastered on his face. 

He ran into Pansy, who was walking with Blaise. Blaise, who immediately looked disgruntled, glared angrily at Malfoy, who shuffled about uneasily on his feet. 

"I need to talk to you," he mumbled, looking sheepishly at Blaise.

"I don't want to talk to you," Blaise replied, crossing his arms angrily across his chest. 

"Please, Blaise. It's important!" 

"I don't care!" 

"You should! It's better for you too!"


"I can't say. I need to talk to you alone!"

"Why can't I know?" Pansy interupted. 

"SHUT UP!" both Blaise and Malfoy snapped together. They smirked at each other as Pansy raised her eyebrows. 

"Fine," she huffed. "I can tell when I'm not wanted!"

With that, she turned and stormed away, leaving Blaise and Malfoy standing awkwardly in the corridor. Malfoy was the first to break the silence and smiled sheepishly at Blaise. 

"I'm sorry that I got with Pansy," he mumbled. "I thought it would help me get over someone ..."

"Did it?" Blaise asked. 

"Did it what?" 

"Did it help you get over the person?"

"No, it just made me want him more ..." Malfoy admitted. 

"Him?" Blaise asked raising an eyebrow.

"HIm? Did I say him? Pshh I meant to say her," he replied, beginning to sweat slightly. 

"No, you definitely said him. Malfoy," Blaise asked. "Are you gay?"

Malfoy shook his head quickly. "No, definitely not."

Blaise raised his eyebrows before nodding. "Well you did act like a bit of a dick. I have liked Pansy for ages."

"I know, bros before ho-"

"Don't say it!" Blaise snapped. 

"Sorry," Malfoy muttered. "I meant mates before dates."

"Sure," Blaise said smirking. 

"We cool?" Malfoy asked. 

"We will be when you break up with Pansy."

Malfoy chuckled and punched Blaise lightly on the arm. "I will do," he mumbled as they made their way back towards the common room. 


I know it's short, but hey I hope you enjoy it :D 

I liked writing about Blaise and Malfoy's bromance, I always thought that they were better mates than Crabbe and Goyle :D 

Anyway please vote and comment to tell me what you think

Okay, byeeeeee :D <3

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