Chapter 2 - Strange Feelings

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Chapter 2

Strange Feelings

Harry made his way to the Gryffindor common room, trying not to think about the look of disappointment in Ginny's eyes as he had refused to sneak off with her. It pained him to think that she still had strong feelings for him, yet he didn't reciprocate those feelings. He desperately wanted to remain the way they had been before, but something felt different and it was confusing him.

Something had changed in their relationship, but he wasn't quite sure what it was. It was almost as if he was regretting his choice to be with her, but that was impossible as he knew she was good for him. Everyone thought so - Mrs Weasley especially. She was already planning ahead for the future, when Harry still wasn't sure what he wanted now. She had talked about weddings and children, but Harry had had to leave the room as a sudden feeling of sickness had overcome him. Things were moving too fast and he wasn't sure he was keeping up.

He found Hermione and Ron in the common room - snuggled next to each other on one of the red fabric sofas. Hermione was too preoccupied with the giant book that rested on her lap - Hogwarts A History - to notice Harry enter, but Ron, who had been gazing at nothing really in particular, smiled at Harry as he emerged through the portrait.

"How long does it take you to walk to our common room from the dining hall?" Ron joked as Harry flopped onto the sofa beside him. "We've been back ages."

Harry shrugged. "I got held up. Hagrid talked for longer than I expected."

Ron nodded, even though the look on his face told Harry that he didn't believe him in the slightest. "And is that why Ginny isn't back either? I suppose Hagrid's still talking to her then?"

Harry blushed and looked down at his hands. "Pure coincidence," he replied.

"Of course it was," Ron said, raising an eyebrow.

Harry ignored his best friend's comment and turned to Hermione, who was now listening to their conversation intently. "How did Ginny seem to you earlier?" he asked her.

"Fine," Hermione replied. "I didn't really speak to her though. Before I had the chance to, she had run into Dean ..." she paused and slapped a hand across her mouth, her face looked agast. "Oh, Harry ... I didn't mean anything by that," she gushed. "I mean she is still completely into you ..."


"And she thinks that the relationship is going well, perfect I think she said ..."

"HERMIONE!" Harry snapped, glaring at her. "You're not making me feel any better."

Standing up, he made his way towards the stairs that lead to the upstairs dormitories. He looked back at his friends, who were looking at each other with raised eyebrows. Hermione looked as if she was about to cry and Ron had wrapped a consoling arm around her. They had a perfect relationship - everything Harry dreamt of, yet here he was getting uptight about Ginny saying their relationship was "perfect". Rolling his eyes, he turned away from them and proceeded to make his way upstairs to the bedroom he shared with the four other guys - Ron, Neville, Seamus and Dean.

Dean ... The name infuriated him. Why would Ginny turn to him? Surely Harry was the one she should be able to talk to, not him! Ignoring the pang of jealousy that ran through him, Harry pulled off his robes and clamboured into bed. No sooner had his head touched the pillow, he drifted off into a deep slumber.

*   *   *

He made his way along a dark, cold corridor, shivering as a gust of icy air hit him. He looked down at his body, which was dimly lit by the small light that was being illuminated from the tip of his wand, and realised that he wasn't wearing a shirt. Had he forgotten to put it on? Surely he would have remembered, but as he looked around he couldn't see a door leading to anything. Shaking his head, he continued along the dark corridor, his soft footsteps' rapping delicately on what he presumed was a stone floor.

He had almost given up hope of seeing anything, but as he swung around he realised that a door had suddenly appeared at the end of the darkness, enlightening the space before him. Pushing it open, he was surprised to find an empty room. Completely bear. There was nothing, not even a light.

Strange, he thought, looking around again in case he had missed something.

There was definitely nothing in here. He turned around to leave, but the door had vanished, leaving him stuck in a room with nothing to help him escape. His hand crept to his pocket for his wand, but it had disappeared along with the thin beam of light.

He was trapped.

Perhaps forever.

Suddenly, Harry whirled around as he felt a hand touch his shoulder gently.

"Ginny?" he whispered to the air.

There was no reply.

He spun around again, desperately trying to locate whatever had touched him. And then, almost as if he had dreamt it, a flash of green and blond whooshed past him and again he swung around.

"Malfoy?" he questioned the air.

Draco Malfoy emerged as if from nowhere and walked towards Harry with brisk long strides.

Moving backwards, Harry's eyes bulged as Malfoy got nearer, with no intention of stopping, and in no time had closed the gap between them.

"What are you doing?" Harry spluttered. "Where am I?"

No response.

"Malfoy!" he demanded indignantly. 

He was so close now, that Harry could feel his breath warm against his lips. Hot sparks were flying between them and any lingering words caught in Harry's throat. The remaining distance soon vanished and Malfoy's lips pressed against his - soft and delicately at first, yet there was something more than that, lust perhaps. It was passionate, everything that was missing with Ginny.

He sighed into the kiss, his shock had died down and believed that nothing could stop them in this moment.




Sitting up quickly, Harry looked around at his surroundings. The empty room and Malfoy had vanished and Ron stood beside his bed, looking at him with confusion.

"Er, Harry?"

"Yeah?" he replied, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and looking expectantly towards his friend.

"Why were you kissing a pillow?"

Harry blushed as the other guys sniggered from their beds - they were all awake now and watching him with blatant amusement.

"He's probably dreaming about Ginny," Seamus said, smirking.

Neville roared with laughter and even Dean wore a half smirk, however, he his amusement was more muted than the others'. Ron glared angrily at Seamus and flipped him off.

"That's my sister you're on about," he hissed, walking away from Harry and sliding into his own bed.

Harry stared up at the ceiling for a moment, before closing his eyes again. How had Draco Malfoy of all people appeared in his dream and not Ginny? Why was Malfoy there? It didn't make any sense.

Eventually he drifted off into an uneasy sleep once more. The blond haired Slytherin didn't return to his dreams for the rest of the night.

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