Chapter 31 - At an end?

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Chapter 31 - At an end?

"DUCK!" Ginny screamed at Harry. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" she shouted, pointing her wand above Harry's head. 

Harry ducked just in time to see the death eater behind him, fall to the floor lifeless. He smirked at Ginny, who smiled back and joined the line of Dumbledore's Army - or the remains of it.

"YOU'RE NOT GOING TO WIN THIS POTTER!" Yaxley spat, glaring coldly at the boy. "You might have a giant, but we have more power than you can ever imagine!"

Harry gulped, trying to keep his thoughts collected, but his mind kept wandering back to Malfoy's motionless body. He clenched his fists tightly together. He didn't want to live if Malfoy didn't. He'd spent too long being in denial and now Malfoy was dead - the person he cared for most. Dead. Anger raged through him as he stood up.

"KILL ME!" he screamed, moving towards Yaxley. "I BEG YOU!"

Yaxley looked slightly surprised, before an evil grin made its way across his lips. " Very well," he replied pointing the wand at Harry's chest. "Avada Ked ..."

"NO!" Ginny screamed dashing forwards. She threw herself in front of the spell and let out a shrill scream. Harry watched in horror as his ex-girlfriend fell to the floor.

"GINNY!" Dean cried, running towards the lifeless girl. "YOU MURDERER!" he spat at Yaxley.

"GINNY!" Ron cried, tears spilling down his cheeks as Hermione hugged him tightly. "Not Ginny, 'mione. Ginny ... Please God not Ginny!" He let out a sound of pure agony and sank to the floor on his knees.

Harry couldn't stand to see the pain in his friends face and turned to glare at Yaxley who was laughing menacingly. "You think this is funny?" he raged. "YOU KILLED HER!"

"I always get the last laugh!" Yaxley said with a smirk, raising his wand again. 

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted and the wand flew from Yaxley's hand.

Another flash of green whizzed past Harry's head and a nearby death eater crumpled to the floor. Yaxley looked as surprised as Harry felt; he spun around to see Dean stood with his wand shaking in his hand. He looked defeated. Worn. Heartbroken. And in that moment Harry realised just how much his friend had cared for Ginny.

"I forgive-" he began, but was cut off as another flash of green rocketed past him. He watched in horror as the boy before him crumpled to the floor.


"DEAN!" Harry shouted, running to his friend.

Everyone was dying around him. "STOP!" he screamed, tears rolling down his cheeks.




Draco ...

Who next?




He didn't know, but he didn't want to find out.


Sorry it's so short, currently I'm not very well and haven't been able to write a chapter I can be really proud of, but I felt I needed to end the suspence you have all been feeling as to whether Draco would surive :P This chapter had to be quite quick as it's meant to show the quick succession of people dying and is meant to represent the quick confusion Harry feels about it all: it doesn't really make any sense to him.

Once this is finished, I will re-edit all of it and make some chapters longer and make sure all the grammar and spellings are right, so bits might be added here and there. But thanks for sticking with the story, it means a lot.

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