Chapter 15 - A Secluded Corner

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Chapter 15 - A Secluded Corner

Harry rubbed his eyes groggily as he pulled himself limply from the mass of Gryffindor sheets that covered his bed. He tiptoed from the dormitory and made his way into the common room, closing the door quietly so as not to wake anyone.

"Alohomora," he whispered as the Fat Lady Picture looked scornfully at him.

"What time do you call this?" she asked, rubbing her eyes as Harry smiled apologetically.

"I thought you were meant to open when the someone says the password?" he challenged, smirking as the Fat Lady huffed and swung aside.

"Manners don't cost anything," she said, shaking her head at his tone of voice.

"Neither does a replacement painting," Harry mumbled as he darted past before she could object.

He smirked to himself as he made his way towards the library, ready to brush up his knowledge on the Defence Against The Dark Arts for their upcoming test. What he wasn't prepared for was seeing Draco Malfoy sat at one of the tables, reading a book.

"Malfoy?" he asked, walking towards the blond boy cautiously.

"What do you want, Potter?"

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" Malfoy snipped, glancing up at Harry quickly. He had to look away quickly as his heart began to race; the green eyes had made him feel butterflies in his stomach. He really needed to get more sleep.

"I don't get why you hate me so much," Harry mumbled, looking at the floor to try and hide the hurt that flashed across his face.

"I'm revising, Potter, go away."

Harry turned to leave when he realised that Malfoy had the book that he needed.

"Er, Malfoy?"

"What?!" Malfoy said angrily glaring at him and running a hand through his blond hair in despair.

"Can I look at that book too?"

"What?" Malfoy asked, startled. "No!"

Harry nodded numbly before making his way towards the tables in the middle of the room. Malfoy instantly felt bad and turned around to watch Potter leave.

"Oi, Potter!" he called. "Grab a chair."

Harry turned around feeling startled and smiled. Did Draco Malfoy, his enemy, just offer him to come and sit down? He couldn't keep the smirk off his face as he made his way towards the blond boy and sat down beside him.

"Stop smiling," Malfoy hissed, blushing slightly as Harry chuckled.

"S ... sorry," he mumbled through his laughter. "Do you want me to help you?"

"No," Malfoy said quickly. "We both know how that ended last time."

Now it was Harry's turn to blush as he looked down at his knees, unable to meet Malfoy's cool grey eyes.

"I'm joking, Potter," Draco said, nudging Harry with his arm playfully.

"That was mean, Malfoy," Harry said, smiling.

"What can I say? I'm just being myself."

"Being a jerk more like ..." Harry mumbled, grinning as Malfoy put a hand on his chest feigning hurt.

"Touche," he whispered, staring into Harry's emerald green eyes. How had he never noticed him properly before? The eyes were hardly difficult to miss, but then again he had never really spoken - or spent enough time speaking - to Harry.

Harry cleared his throat awkwardly as he began to flick through the pages of the book. He frowned in concentration as he tried to find the right section - it almost pushed Malfoy over the edge as he managed to gasp out two short - brassen - words.

"Kiss me," he whispered.

Harry's eyes widened and his jaw fell open. "W - what?" he spluttered, staring wordlessly at Malfoy, who was watching him with such intent that he thought his eyes were about to pop from their sockets.

"Kiss me," Malfoy repeated, not caring whether anyone heard him. In the second, he wanted the Boy Who Lived - he didn't know why, but he desperately did.

"Malfoy, look, we've only just stopped being enemies ... at least I think we have ..."

"Shut up, Potter," Malfoy hissed, grabbing Harry's face in his hands and dragging the boys lips to his own.

Then they were kissing in a secluded corner of the library. Malfoy's hands tangled themselfs in Harry's ruffled black mass of hair, loving the silky feeling on his fingers. Harry didn't pull away as Malfoy's tounge swept across his lower lip, begging for entrance. He kept his mouth closed, but still returned the kiss as passionately as he could. Harry had never felt emotions like this before - he could feel sparks erupting and was sure that someone would hear the pants and thumps as Malfoy pushed Harry roughly against the shelves.

"Not here," Harry breathed, drawing away from Malfoy for a moment.

"Why?" Malfoy replied, still breathless as he had forgotten to breath during the kiss. Stupid Potter, always making me look stupid, he thought with a smirk.

"Where then?" Malfoy argued, trying not to feel slightly disappointed that their kiss had ended so soon.

Harry began making his way from the library. "Room of Requirement," he whispered, sending Malfoy a cheeky smirk as he left.

Malfoy watched him go, sparks still buzzing through him. He had never felt so alive, yet at the same time he felt guilty. What was his father going to think? He certainly wouldn't approve. Malfoy snapped the book shut and began making his way back towards the common room.

He certainly had a lot to think about and the attractive dark-haired Gryffindor kept popping up before his eyes.


FInally I uploaded - yay! - It's been ages I know, but I hope you enjoy this chapter and keep commenting and voting because it makes me happy :) Anyway until next time people :D x

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