Chapter 27 - A Thin Line Between Love And Hate

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Chapter 27 - A Thin Line Between Love and Hate

Narcissa Malfoy couldn't quite process what she was hearing. Her son in love with ... Harry Potter? She couldn't fathom what she was trying to take in, all the while Draco was standing in the corner sheepishly looking at the floor, unable to meet her gaze. 

"Harry Potter?" Narcissa questioned. "As in Harry Harry? The boy you hate?"

Draco rolled his eyes at her. "How many Harry Potters do you know mother?"

"I can't believe it. Are you sure?" she asked. 

Draco nodded. 

"For how long?" 

"A while now ..." he admitted, blushing slightly.

"It's your choice, dear. But Harry Potter?"

"He's different ..."

Narcissa smiled softly at her son, who was blushing furiously at this point. "Trust you to go and fall in love with The Chosen One," she said laughing. "That's about as different as you can get."

Draco smirked, raising his head and laughing with his mother. "So you're not upset?"

"Well I would have liked Grandchildren, but I just want you to be happy. We've been through a lot lately and if Harry can make you happy then who am I to stand in your way?"

Before he could process what he was doing, he had rushed forward and ensnared his mother in a hug. She smiled and patted his back - it had been a long time since he had willingly shown her any sort of affection. 

"Don't tell Father just yet," Draco said quietly with a gulp. 

"You'll have to tell him sometime, Draco," his mother reasoned. 

"When he decides to actually give a damn about his son. Why does he have to be hated by everyone?" 

"He's made some bad decisions, but he's trying to do his best Draco ..."

"By preparing an army?!" Draco hissed, pulling away from his mother sharply. "Forget it, he'll never accept me for who I am, so I'm not going to bother!" 

"Draco!" Narcissa pleaded. "He's your father."

"Well he did a great job of raising me didn't he? Handing me to Voldemort!" he snapped, pulling back his sleeve to show his mother the fading Dark Mark on his arm. "He almost got me killed."

"Draco, please understand ..."

"No!" he snapped, turning on his heel and storming from her office. Narcissa watched after her son, feeling a sinking feeling inside her chest. Lucius was going to have to change or she was going to have to walk. She couldn't lose her son. She wouldn't. 

Sighing, she turned and pulled the quill from the draw and began to compose her message to Lucius. 

*   *   * 

Harry was feeling miserable. He still hadn't spoken to Draco since he had confronted Dean and Ginny and he was still gutted about the paternity of the child. Hermione had attempted to comfort him, but it had been difficult as Ron was still not talking to Harry - he felt betrayed that Harry hadn't told him everything. They were supposed to be best friends.  

"Come on, Harry, please tell me what's wrong," Hermione pleaded, kneeling down beside him and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. 

Harry shook his head, looking away. How could he explain to her the true emotion that he was feeling when Draco didn't have a clue how he felt and thought that he was not over Ginny. Harry knew  that he was over Ginny. But Draco didn't. 

"Harry, please, I'm not going to judge you you know. I'm worried about you," she said softly, worry apparent in her voice.

"I don't need you to be worried about me. I'm fine," he said finally. "I'm fine," he repeated more for his benefit than for hers. 

"Harry, don't lie to me. I may not know everything that's gone on with you and Malfoy, but I'm not stupid. Perhaps I can help."

Harry shook his head. "I have to fix this myself," he said, getting up and making his way from the common room. 

He heard Hermione calling after him but he didn't turn around. Instead he walked quicker towards the Slytherin common room. As he turned the corner, he saw Dean walking towards him. 

"Harry!" Dean called, stopping Harry from getting past with his arm. 

"I don't want to talk to you," Harry bit out, attempting to move Dean's arm. He didn't budge. 

"Please I just wanted to appologise ..."

"I bit late for that Thomas."


"MOVE OUT THE WAY!" Harry roared, stepping back and pulling his wand from his pocket and pointing it at Dean. "Don't make me use a spell against you."

"You wouldn't."

"Try me," Harry dared, gritting his teeth angrily. "I've fought people better than you."

"Oh yes I remember you've fought Voldemort. One moment do let me bow down to you!" Dean snapped sarcastically. "The Chosen One can't be defeated."

"Just move."

"Make me," Dean said stubbornly. 

"I didn't want to do this," Harry began. "Petrificus Totalus!"

Dean's body froze and he slid to the floor, his eyes glaring up angrily at Harry. 

"I did warn you," Harry muttered, before he sprinted down the corridor. 

*   *   * 

Malfoy made his way towards the Slytherin corridor, just as Harry rounded the corridor. They both stopped in their tracks, almost touching but not quite. Harry looked up into Malfoy's calm grey eyes and felt his heartbeat increasing. 

"Draco," he whispered. 

Malfoy tensed, but didn't walk away. 

"I-I think I l-love you," he whispered, gazing at Malfoy intently waiting for his response. 

"No Ginny?"

"No Ginny," Harry confirmed. 

A smirk spread across Malfoy's face as he pulled Harry towards him by the wrist. "God I've missed this," he whispered, pressing his lips against Harry's as he began to passionately kiss him. Harry smiled and wrapped his arms around Draco's neck, positioning himself so that their kiss could deepen. Their mouths moved together perfectly in sync as Malfoy pressed Harry roughly against the wall as he pressed delicate kisses up Harry's neck, under his jaw, before finding his way back to The Chosen One's lips.

Harry's heartbeat was hammering inside his chest as he attempted to stop himself from moaning and embarrassing himself. They could finally be together and he had no worries on his mind as he pressed himself closer to Malfoy. He brushed his tongue gently against Malfoy's lower lip and the blonde boy let out a husky groan, but opened his mouth to him.

It was perfect.

The moment was perfect and nothing could hold them back now.

"Well ... well ... well," a voice slowly snided. "What do we have here then?"


Here you go guys :D I hope you enjoy this little chapter ;) Also I need you guys to come up with a better name for the child of Dean and Ginny, because I'm not happy with Archie but I need a name that would suit him. Anyway keep voting and commenting. Thanks :D  

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