Chapter 1 - The Journey Back To Hogwarts - Part One

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Alright so this is my first attempt at a fanfic. Seriously if you don't like the idea of Draco and Harry then don't read this. Anyway I hope you enjoy and vote if you like it.

A/N - All credit goes to J.K.Rowling who first came up with the amazing Harry Potter series. Without J. K. Rowling's amazing characters and storyline Harry Potter fanfiction would not exist.

Also, I know that I have used the word 'gormlessly' a lot (and most annoyingly to me in the wrong sense, but bear in mind I was 14 when I started this and I've not gone back to edit all the wrong uses out) so please just ignore it - I am a lot better at choosing adjectives now I promise)

Also just to reiterate again I was 14 when I wrote this so yes I know it's not the best work here on Wattpad (truthfully I don't really like the story at all). However, I have been seeing comments that are rather insulting so if you don't like it, don't read it! Simple really.

Drarry - A Love Triangle

Chapter 1 - Part One

The Journey Back To Hogwarts

The Hogwarts Express began its journey back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It had left at exactly eleven o'clock from King's Cross Station as it always did on the first day back after the summer holidays and was currently flying through the countryside filled with the excited students.

The red locomotive pulled the many carriages that were filled with chattering students, all of whom were excited to be returning to what they deemed the best school in all of England. Harry Potter was amongst those returning to Hogwarts and was sat in one of the train's compartments with his two best friends, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley.

The journey to the station had been a long one and they were all tired, although it was most noticeable in Ron, who having arrived at his seat had already fallen asleep. His mouth was hung ajar and loud unattractive snores reverberated from him. He had barely managed to wave goodbye to his parents before he had been sleeping soundly with his head pressed against the cool window at an uncomfortable angle. His neck position didn't seem to faze him as his eyes remained firmly closed as the train whizzed through the darkening countryside. His girlfriend sat beside him, her back pressed up against his shoulder and her legs propped up on the seat. She was re-reading her Charms Textbook once again, just to catch up on a bit of light reading before Flitwick gave her the first test of the year. Harry, who had occupied one of the seats opposite to Ron, was currently on his feet pacing uneasily back and forth the small room. His hands rung nervously together - the dazed expression on his face suggested that he didn't realise what he was doing - but occasionally he would wipe his clammy hands on his trousers as if to try and get rid of the nerves he was feeling in the pit of his stomach. It had been almost impossible for him to sit still from the moment he had boarded the train.

Ron wasn't awoken by Harry's persistent pacing, but Hermione, who was flicking contentedly through the large book on her lap, became increasingly agitated. The dull thud of his shoes on the hollowed out floor was distracting her from her invaluable studying time. She snapped the book shut so quickly that a loud startling bang rang throughout the compartment and a cloud of dust arose from between the pages in shock. The sudden noise shook Ron awake and he groaned, running a hand across his eyes groggily. His glare narrowed tiredly at his girlfriend. He shook his head disapprovingly as he shifted into a more comfortable position. Hermione noticed his disgruntled figure and shot him an apologetic glance before returning her attention to the culprit of the noise. Harry had stopped his anxious pacing and had turned to face her with a questioning look.

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