Chapter 7 - What Happened After The Match

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Chapter 7 - What Happened After The Match

The Gryffindor Quiddich team stood in the tunnel, waiting to be called out onto the pitch. Harry, as the captain, stood at the front of the team and held his firebolt tightly in his hands. his knuckles turned white and he bit nervously on the inside of his lip. Ginny stood beside him and she looked almost as pale as he did. Harry looked at her for a moment, taking in the bags under her eyes. She looked ill. Ron, who was standing on the other side of Harry, seemed fine. He wore a smile on his face and appeared to be rather relaxed.

"What are you so happy about?" Harry asked his friend.

"I think today's going to be a good day," he mumbled as a voice rang out over the loud speaker.

"GIVE A WARM WELCOME TO THE UNBEATEN GRYFFINDOR TEAM!" Dean boomed - it was his turn to be the commentator.

Cheers rang out among the stands, all the houses except Slytherin cheered.

"AND PLEASE WELCOME THE SLYTHERIN TEAM!" Dean added with a little less enthusiasm.

Fewer cheers rang out, the ones that were cheering were mainly from the Slytherins. Harry smirked - everyone wanted Gryffindor to win and it made him feel slightly better. He led the team out onto the pitch, flying in a line until they reached their starting positions. Harry hovered over the circle of red and green players, waiting anxiously for the game to start.

*   *   *

The game had been a result for Gryffindor. They had beaten Slytherin easily thanks to Harry's catching of the snitch. Malfoy wasn't happy and no sooner had the game finished, he had stormed off back to the castle muttering profanities.

He made his way back towards the common room, when he was stopped by Pansy. He was about to turn away when she grabbed hold of his arm.

"Why have you been avoiding me, Draco? You ran off when I told you I loved you ... Am I really that bad?" she muttered, looking at him in the eyes.

Malfoy immediately felt guilty, but was struggling to find the words to say. He stood there with his mouth hung open, trying to process anything.

"Why can't you love me, Draco? I would do anything," she whispered, edging nearer.

Malfoy's eyes widened as she got nearer, but his body seemed too shocked to move. He was rooted to the spot, unable to do anything.

"Just give me a chance," she whispered as she closed the space entirely and kissed him delicately on the lips. She smirked against his lips as she wrapped her arms around him, running her hands up his back to hook the back of his shoulders.

Malfoy had to admit it felt pretty good to be kissed, even though he didn't have any romantic feelings towards Pansy. He just couldn't bring himself to pull away.

Pansy was thrilled that she had gotten the first kiss she had always dreamed about with Malfoy and wasn't going to let him go easily. She kissed him with more passion, feeling surprised as Malfoy didn't pull away. In fact he did the opposite and wrapped his arms around her waist. His fingers brushed a bit of her skin revealed from beneath her robe and she gasped, kissing him again. She could feel the sparks pulsing through her as she enjoyed every moment in his arms.

"What the?"

Malfoy and Pansy sprang apart at the sound of a very confused - and almost hurt - sounding voice. They swung around to see Blaise standing there with his mouth hung open.

"It's not what it looks like!" Malfoy muttered, straightening his robes.

"Really?" Blaise challenged. "Because it looks to me as if you were sucking her face off!" he growled.

Pansy squirmed awkwardly and hurried off towards the common room. Secretly she felt quite amused, it was the first time boys were arguing over her.

"I wasn't," Malfoy argued, mentally cursing at the rubbish remark.

Blaise raised an eyebrow. "So what were you doing?"

"I ... er ... She was upset. I was comforting her."

Blaise's eyes softened for a moment, before he clenched his fists together in anger. "Why would she go to you though?"

"She likes me ... not my fault."

"You know I like her though!" Blaise snapped. "Now she's going to have false hope that you're actually interested in her."

"I might be," Malfoy lied, smirking as Blaise tensed. He got worked up way too quickly. He never had been as much fun as Crabbe and Goyle.

"Are you?" Blaise demanded.

"You never know," Malfoy simply remarked before walking off.

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