Chapter 26 - The Paternity Is Revealed

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Chapter 26 - The Paternity Is Revealed

Harry turned sheepishly towards Ginny, acutely aware that all his friends were watching the drama unfold around them. Everyone was in shock and no one dared to speak. He gulped, flashing a small smile at Malfoy, before making his way towards the red-haired girl. 

"Ginny ..."

"What the hell, Harry?" she snapped, before he could get a word in. "Why are you playing with my emotions like this?" 

"I'm not!" Harry defended, protesting at her unfair remark. "You're the one who's been fooling around with Dean behind my back!" he roared. 

Malfoy watched the scene unfold, aware of the fact Ron was shooting him dirty looks. He wanted nothing more than to punch Weaselbee in the face, but he knew that it would just agrivate the situation more. He cared for Potter too much than to start a brawl with Harry's best friend. 

"Tell me honestly, Ginny! Is Archie even my child?" 

Ginny fell silent, staring down at the brown haired baby in her arms. She owed the child the right to know the truth, that meant that Harry had to know too. But she wasn't sure how to tell him. How was she supposed to tell him that it had all been a lie? 

"Look, Harry, don't get mad," she began and instantly Harry felt his hands ball into fists. "I honestly thought he was, but they told me that he wasn't."


"Because he needs you in his life! I need you to! Please Harry, just let us be a family!"

"Who is Archie's dad?" Harry hissed, ignoring Ginny's previous remark. 

Ginny looked sheepishly at the ground. "I think you already know ..."

Harry spun around to where Dean was stood. "YOU!" he spat. "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DESTROY EVERYTHING THAT'S MINE?" 

Malfoy felt something rench in his heart. What was Harry talking about? 

"First you take my girlfriend, then my child?!"

Harry's words ripped through Malfoy like a thousand knives shreading him to pieces. He felt like he had to get away before he broke down. Harry obviously didn't feel the same way about him as he felt and it hurt. Harry was still caught up in Ginny's web and he didn't want to be hurt anymore, so he turned and fled back to the castle, unnoticed - except by Ron who wasn't going to do anything about it. 

"Calm down, Harry," Dean mumbled pathetically. 

"CALM DOWN?! CALM DOWN?! HOW THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT ME TO CALM DOWN WHEN YOU'VE ROBBED ME OF EVERYTHING?" Harry gasped, choking up with tears. "I've never had a proper family of my own and you took the closest thing I had to one. I thought you were my friend."

"I am Harry, but ..."

"How can you say you are when you went behind my back and slept with my girlfriend?!" 

"I love her, man," Dean protested. "You took her away from me first! I STILL LOVED HER!" 

Harry's jaw dropped open and he hung his head slightly. He had dated his friend's ex and there had to be some sort of rule against that but that didn't mean Dean was off the hook. 

"Whatever Dean. Just stay out of my way," Harry fumed, marching briskly off to the castle, leaving everyone staring after him in surprise. 


Draco practically ran to his mother's office. Surely she would understand what was going on with him. He and his mother had always been close, so naturally she was the one that he could trust with something like this. Surely? 

He didn't have the option not to.

He had to tell someone or he was sure that he was going to explode. 

He knocked on the old oak door and waited to be invited in. There was no reply. 

Slowly he pushed it open. 

His mother was stood in the centre of the room, not moving. She had a piece of parchment in her hands and she was looking intently at it. 

"Mum?" Draco whispered, making his way towards her.

Quickly, Narcissa Malfoy swung around, shoving the piece of parchment into her pocket and smiled warmly at her son. 

"Draco!" she said happily, wrapping her son in a warm embrace. "Did you knock?"

Her son nodded, raising an eyebrow. "What was on the parchment?" he asked. 

"Nothing important, dear," Narcissa replied, moving to sit at her desk. 

"It seemed as if it was," Draco argued.

"I assure you it wasn't. Leave it Draco."

Draco wasn't convinced by his mother's answer. There was no way that it wasn't important. He hadn't seen her look so worried since Draco's father had volunteered Draco to work for the Dark Lord. 

"I need to talk to you, Mum," Draco said finally, looking at the floor. 

"What is it?" Narcissa asked, not really paying attention as she was too busy looking for her quill. She had  to reply to the mail tonight. 

"Mum!" Draco persisted. 

Narcissa had to tell Draco soon, but how could she tell him without him being offended. There was no way he'd be happy about it, but not telling him would be worse. Wouldn't it? Maybe not ... She was so confused and stressed by it all. 

"MUM!" Draco roared. 

"What?!" she snapped, angry that she had allowed herself to be lot in thought. 

"Mum, I love Harry. What should I do?" Draco pleaded. 

Narcissa Malfoy's jaw dropped open and she stared at her son; speechless.


HEYYYYY GUYS! I'M BACK! Well kinda. Sorry for not uploading for a while, I have been extremely busy as of late because as you may know I finally finished my exams and then had prom (which was fun!) and then I've had a million and one other things to do, but still here I am with another chapter - which has been highly anticipated (I've read the comments :D) and I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint. My best friend told me off for not updating for so long - for which I am sorry! - but I hope you at least find this chapter mildly worth your time :D and keep voting and commenting because it truly makes my day! 

What do you think the letter was about? And who from? AND are you all happy now the baby is Deans - kinda? ;)

Trouble is still to come :D <---- Oooooh foreshadowing :P

So adios my fellow wattpadians - until next time :D i bid you adieu :D

Byeee :D

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