Chapter 5 - Two Different Girls

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Just another small chapter guys, I hope you still like it. Things are beginning to get complicated for both the boys :P

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Chapter 5 - Two Different Girls

Draco stared in disbelief after Harry, his mouth hung slightly ajar. Had he just imagined it or had Potter looked like he had almost expected him to kiss him when he had lent forward? Something was definitely playing on Potter's mind and Draco didn't like not knowing what was going on. It was so much easier to get on Potter's nerves when he could see plainly what he was thinking. Potter was usually easy to read, but he had changed. This year there was something different about him. Draco thought for perhaps for a fleeting second, that he, himself, had not been sure entirely sure whether he was going to stop himself until their lips had touched. But then he had stopped himself – he wasn't sure what was wrong with him, but he knew for definite that he wasn't gay. It wasn't possible, for years his father had been setting up with several of his Death Eater friends' daughters, but nothing had ever come of the relationships. That didn't automatically mean he liked guys ...

Did it?

Shaking his head, Malfoy stood up and made his way out of the library. He made his way along the corridor towards the Slytherin common room, when from out of nowhere the Room of Requirement appeared. He hid around the corner as he watched as Ginny quickly ran out, looking nervously around.

Strange, he mused, watching as she disappeared from view.

Dean followed after her, appearing from the Room of Requirement, leaving Malfoy stood there with his mouth hanging open. Dean and Ginny? Room of Requirement? Were they having an affair?

So many questions buzzed around his head as he continued on his way to the common room. Why should he even care what the Weasley girl was up to? He should be happy that Saint Potter's life wasn't always perfect. But instead he was feeling angry. Why was he feeling angry? It's not that Potter meant anything to him ... He hated him ... Always had done ... Always would.

It was infuriating.

"Draco!" called a sing-song voice.

Malfoy stopped in his tracks and inwardly groaned as he turned around slowly.

"Pansy," he said in a bored tone.

"Where're you going?" she asked, linking her arm through his.

He sighed and unlooped his arm, and began walking briskly towards the common room. Annoyingly, Pansy kept up with him.

"You know, sometimes I feel like you don't like me very much ..." she said finally.

Draco paused for a moment and racked his brains for an answer. "Of course I like you – you're Slytherin."

Pansy seemed convinced and they walked in silence towards the Dungeons. As they got to the common room, Pansy grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"Draco, I think I'm in love," she whispered.

He gulped and ran his slightly damp hands on his robes. "With who?" he choked.

She looked at the floor, turning slightly red.

*   *   *

When Harry returned to the common room, he found Ginny relaxing on the sofa, her long legs stretched out. He quickly shook the thoughts of what had just happened in the library out of his head and made his way towards her. Before she could say anything, he had captured her mouth with his own and they were kissing passionately. He moved himself onto the sofa and pressed her gently against the fabric, not breaking their kiss as his hands ran up her arms – making her shiver violently and squirm under him.

"That tickles," she whispered, pulling him closer to her and running her hands up his back. He flinched violently, but ignored it and continued kissing her. She made all his doubts go away and he felt safe encircled in her arms.

"I love you," she whispered against his lips.

He froze for a second, before kissing her again. "I know," he muttered, silently adding "That's what I'm worried about."

The Fat Lady's portrait swung open, revealing Hermione and Ron. Ron, who noticed his sister and his best friend first, turned away quickly and glared at the wall. Harry sprung up from the sofa and looked shamefully at the floor – he knew Ron still didn't like their relationship.

"I would like it much more if you didn't make out on the sofa in plain view of everyone," Ron mumbled, dragging Hermione towards the sofa opposite.

"Ron, leave them alone," she muttered, kissing him quickly on the cheek. "They're in love," she said, looking at Harry as she said it.

It was almost as if she didn't believe what she said.

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