Chapter 3 - Getting On Each Other's Nerves

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Chapter 3 - Getting On Each Other's Nerves

The next morning sun rays shone through the open curtains, lighting up the Gryffindor Boy's dormitory. Harry pulled himself up into a sitting position, rubbing his eyes - trying to adjust to the morning light. He looked groggily across the room and saw that the rest of the boys were all still asleep - apart from Dean, whose bed was deserted.

Sleepily, Harry dragged himself from the mass of bed sheets and made his way towards Ron's bed, where he shook him not too gently. Ron, who was less than pleased about being awoken, glared at Harry, turning away from his friend. Harry shook him again this time more vigorously. Ron groaned, before he reluctantly rolled out of bed and dressed quickly into his robes - as did Harry. The two boys made their way downstairs to the common room, where Hermione, as usual was waiting for them by the Fat Lady Portrait. She quickly pecked Ron delicately on the lips, before they all made their way towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

Dean nor Ginny showed up for breakfast and Harry felt a flash of angry jealousy pang through him. Hermione noticed and placed a consoling hand on his arm. He watched the oak doors for the whole of breakfast, waiting for them to arrive, but they never showed.

After breakfast, Harry and his friends walked towards their first lesson - Defence Against The Dark Arts. Harry was strangely nervous for the lesson that he usually always got the best marks in. Maybe it was because Lucius Malfoy's wife was teaching the class or maybe it was because he would have to see Malfoy. Either way he was really reluctant to set foot in the room.

Narcissa Malfoy stood outside the classroom door, waiting to greet her students for her first lesson as a teacher of Hogwarts. Her eyes were glued on the corridor where her beloved son would appear from, but already he was late for the lesson. The bell had rung a while ago and still there was no sign of him - her precious son was never late to anything. Eventually Potter and his friends showed up and took their place in the classroom, but no Draco. He was really late by now and Narcissa grew evermore impatient.

She reluctantly made her way back into the classroom and began with the lesson.

"Today," she said. "We will be studying Dementors. Now I know not many of you will have actually encountered these soul-sucking creatures in person, but it is always useful to know how to defend yourself against them."

The classroom door swung open and Malfoy stumbled inside, closely followed by a sniggering Blaise. Narcissa Malfoy looked up and glared at her son with cold eyes.

"And where have you two been?" she snapped. "Lessons started ten minutes ago!"

Malfoy, who had turned a light shade of pink, mumbled an apology and made his way over to the only remaining seat - beside Harry Potter, the boy he so desperately hated.

"Late for mummy's lesson, Malfoy?" Harry hissed as Malfoy sank into the seat beside him.

"Shut up, Potter!" Malfoy snapped, blushing a deeper shade of pink.

"Or what?" Harry taunted, loving watching Malfoy squirm restlessly in his seat.

"Boys, quiet please!" Narcissa said, glaring angrily at her son, who looked quickly at the floor.

* * *

Harry, Hermione and Ron left the classroom, making their way towards Hagrid's hut, when they heard footsteps behind them. Harry knew who it was before he had even turned around.


"What do you want, Malfoy?" he said, sighing as he came face-to-face with his nemesis.

Malfoy came to a halt and glared at Harry with a cold, piercing stare. "The next time you try to embarrass me in front of my mother, you will regret the moment your mother saved your stupid life," Malfoy growled, his eyes burning with rage.

"I'm so scared," Harry said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "What are you going to do? Get your Death Eater friends on me?"

Malfoy looked raging as his fists had tightly curled by his sides. Hermione gasped at Harry's remark and gave him a scornful look.

"You can't say something like that! He's not his father, Harry," she said, much to the anger of her two friends - who both shot her disapproving glances.

"I don't need you defending me, Mudblood! I fight my own battles!" Malfoy spat, stepping backwards casually as Ron made a lunge for him - his hands poised and ready to strangle.

"That's my girlfriend, you slimy git!" Ron growled as he struggled to escape from Harry's tight grip on his shoulders.

Malfoy flipped them all off as turned back to the castle, leaving the two boys fuming after him. "You're lucky to have a girlfriend, Weasley. Who else would want a blood traitor like you? Only a Mudblood."

"Git," Ron mumbled, pulling himself free and walking towards Hermione, who was looking at her feet - tears stinging in her eyes.

Harry watched after Malfoy, feeling slightly guilty. He probably shouldn't have said some of the things he had said.


He hated him, why should he even consider apologising? Malfoy had called his best friends some unforgivable things, yet why didn't Harry hate him?

He quickly shook the doubt from his mind and made his way after his friends, who were making their way towards Hagrid's hut.

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