Chapter 10 - Christmas Holiday At The Burrow

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Chapter 10 - Christmas Holiday At The Burrow

The Christmas holidays soon arrived and everyone had regrouped at The Burrow to celebrate the festive season. Mrs Weasley pottered around the house, making sure Ginny was comfortable at all times. She had found the news of her pregnancy very exciting, but at the same time she felt a bit angry with her daughter for being so irresponsible. Fred and George spent most of the time messing about, pulling pranks on the people around them – mainly targeting Ron, who had been dozing off frequently, not really paying attention to anything around him. Hermione was sat by Ron on the sofa, flicking through her Charms textbook as she revisited the spells they had been taught in order to gain more knowledge. Harry was the only one who didn’t feel very relaxed – he had spent most of the first day back at The Burrow, nervously looking after Ginny and anxiously waiting for the arrival of Percy and finally Mr Weasley – who he was worried was going to react badly to seeing Harry because of Ginny’s pregnancy.

By the time Arthur Weasley returned home from the Ministry of Magic, Harry was quite sure that he was going to pass out with nerves. However, Mr Weasley surprised him, by greeting him cheerily and offering him a place to sit at the dinner table, right next to wear he sat at the head of the table. Smiling briefly, Harry sat down beside him, politely joining in the conversation Arthur threw at him.

“You never got to tell me, Harry, all those years ago, just what the function of a rubber duck is,” Arthur said, as the rest of the family began gathering at the table.

Harry was about to reply, when Mrs Weasley appeared carrying a humungous turkey. “Now, now, Arthur, dear, let Harry eat his dinner in peace. We don’t want any work talk at the table,” she said, putting down the bird and settling into her seat at the other end of the table.

Arthur nodded. “Very well,” he said, before muttering so only Harry could hear him. “You will have to explain it to me some other time.”

“Of course,” Harry replied, smiling as he tucked into the delicious looking Christmas spread.

“Harry, dear, will you be sharing a room with Ginny?” Mrs Weasley asked. “She needs constant watching now she’s expecting.

Harry nearly choked on his food. Ron, who had been stuffing his face with turkey, sat up straight. “No he isn’t,” he said. “He’s staying with me, like he always does.”

“But, dear, I thought you were sharing with Hermione?”

“Hermione doesn’t mind, do you?” Ron replied, looking over to his girlfriend, who had paled slightly.

“Oh, no, not at all,” she mumbled, staring at her dinner. “Ginny will be perfectly fine with me.”

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, glancing over at Ron, who had visibly calmed. 

The rest of the dinner went soothly, and Harry even found himself enjoying himself as the evening progressed. The Weasley's seemed genuinly thrilled to have him back under their roof. Eventually, as it was getting late, Harry decided that he would go upstairs to get some sleep. Ginny, who noticed him leaving, followed after him. 

"Where are you going?" she whispered, grabbing his hand. 

"To bed," he replied, gently prying her hand from his. 

Ginny's face crumpled and she began to sob. The Weasley's were still laughing together in the living room, so thankfully they didn't hear, and Harry led Ginny into her bedroom. "What's wrong?" he whispered, kissing her head gently. 

"Do ..." she sniffled, wiping away her tears. "Do you even still love me?" she gushed, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. 

Harry was thrown by the bluntness of the question. He did still love her, didn't he? He had to, for the sake of their child. 

"See you can't even say it!" she pratically screamed. 

"Ginny, calm down, of course I love you," he mumbled, trying to ignore the guilt that was creeping up inside of him.

She sat up and smiled, her tears stopping almost suddenly. Harry raised an eyebrow at her sudden change of mood - the hormones were definitely kicking in. "I love you too," she whispered, drawing him in for a kiss.

Suddenly, the door flew open and a very angry Ron appeared at the thresh hold, followed by a slightly out of breath, pink faced Hermione.

"What are you doing in here?" Ron bellowed at Harry, grabbing his shirt and pulling him from the bed.

"Ron!" Hermione gasped.

"SHUT UP!" Ron screamed, his face beetroot with anger. "GO!" he ordered Harry. 

"Why are you being such a git, Ronald?" Harry asked as he passed him. "She was upset, that;s all."

"Was she upset last time when you couldn't keep your hands to yourself?" he snarled. "I'm not going to let you ruin her life."

"You're ruining my life, Ron!" Ginny screamed. "GET OUT," she fumed, "BOTH OF YOU!"

Harry and Ron left the room feeling startled, there was definitely going to be a long way to go and Ginny's raging moods certainly weren't helping. There was definitely going to be a lot more trouble, both Ron and Harry decided as they made their way towards Ron's room. 

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