Chapter 11 - Acquaintances or Friends?

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Chapter 11 - Acquaintances or Friends?

Being back at school, Harry finally found himself relaxing back into the routine of daily life. Now he no longer had to worry about Ginny, he felt a lot easier. She was in good hands at St Mungos and would be returning to Hogwarts in the autumn when she had had the child. Harry felt on top of the world, not even Draco Malfoy's snide glances and mean comments had the same effect on him.

Malfoy, who before, had found joy in tormenting Potter as one of his free time activities, found himself feeling surprisingly lonely. The conversation between Pansy and Blaise was even less stimulating than when he used to talk to Crabbe and Goyle. Potter was the only thing about Hogwarts that he actually enjoyed.

Wait? Had he honestly just thought that?

Why did Potter not talking to him, bother him so much?

It was infuriating!

Why couldn't things just be the way they were before. It was almost boring now.

Sighing, Malfoy snapped the book shut and sat up from the dark, leather sofa on which he had been lying. "I can't take it!" he groaned, slapping his head against the hard cover of the book.

"Can't take what, Draco?" Pansy cooed, sliding instantly to his side. Malfoy rolled his eyes at her clingyness - just because he had kissed her in a moment of weakness, no, madness, didn't mean that they were in a relationship. She needed to get that into her thick skull. At this point, Malfoy was in despair and glared coldly at her as she placed a comforting hand on his leg.

"Don't touch me," he growled, pushing her away and standing up. Blaise shot him a warning glance and Malfoy scoffed, making his way towards the fireplace.

"Draco," she gushed, looking close to tears. "I didn't mean to ..."

"SHUT UP!" Malfoy hissed, rubbing his fingers against his temples in a circular motion. Why was he feeling like this? He was far too tense and it was getting on his nerves. Everything was getting on his nerves.

He swung around quickly and marched from the common room, waving a dismissive hand as Pansy called after him. His arms swung quickly as he broke into a jog, wanting to make sure that he was alone. When he was sure that no one was following him, he sank down against the wall, his head resting against his knees.

Harry made his way towards the Room of Requirement to practice some of his spells before the Defence Against the Dark Arts test tomorrow. The door appeared from nowhere, as it always did, and Harry was about to enter when he saw someone slumped against the wall a few feet away from him.

"Are you okay?" he called, making his way towards the person.

No reply.

"Excuse me?" Harry pressed, shaking the boy's shoulder gently.

"WHAT?!" the boy screamed.

Harry's jaw dropped as the tear-stained face belonging to Malfoy looked up at him. "What could you possibly want?" Malfoy snapped, burying his face back in his arms.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked.

No response.


Slowly, Malfoy shook his head, as he burst into tears again. Harry felt bad for him as the minutes passed and still the sobs didn't subside.

Finally, he decided to help him and gently took Malfoy's arm - ignoring the sparks that fluttered inside him as they touched. Malfoy stood up slowly, wiping a arm across his wet face. He sniffed and looked at Harry with confusion mixed with anger. Why is Potter helping me? he thought angrily.

"I ... er ... you looked like you needed some help," Harry stuttered, looking at his feet.

"Um, thanks?" Draco replied, realising he had asked the previous question aloud. He almost slapped a hand against his face in embarrassment, but Harry just smiled, his green eyes sparkling. Malfoy realised that Harry's eyes were as impressive as everyone made them to be - no wonder all the girls went for him. Apart from him being The Chosen One.

"No problem," Harry answered, making his way inside the Room of Requirement.

"What are you doing?" Malfoy asked curiously, following after Harry absentmindedly. It felt like the right thing to do.

"I'm practicing for the test tomorrow," he replied, holding the door open as Malfoy slipped inside.

"Test?" Malfoy asked, realising suddenly that the two boys were alone in the Room of Requirement.

"Defence Against The Dark Arts," Harry said calmly, as if being alone didn't faze him. Well if Potter isn't bothered, why should I be? Malfoy thought as he made his way to the centre of the room.

"Damn, I completely forgot about that," he muttered. "Mum's going to kill me if I fail."

Harry reddened slightly, before he muttered - barely in a whisper - "I could help you if you like?"


Okay, so that's the end of this chapter folks. Draco and Harry are finally alone for a while ;) I quite liked writing this part truthfully :D I hope you are still enjoying this story - I'm sorry that it's not completely Drarry at all moments but there are hopefully a lot of surprises still to be written so yeah, thanks for reading this far.

Please keep voting and commenting - the response honestly puts a smile on my face every time :D

I'll add another chapter when I get a chance, until next time folks :D

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