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Khaamoshi se matlab nahi, matlab baaton se haiDin toh guzar hi jaega, masla raaton se hain

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Khaamoshi se matlab nahi,
matlab baaton se hai
Din toh guzar hi jaega,
masla raaton se hain.


The activities of the day had tired Eshal out and she slept on Arsalaan's lap while crying.

"What happened to Mehr suddenly?" Arsalaan asked Zartaaj about her strange behavior.

"It must have been because of what I asked from her." Zartaaj said.

"What did you ask from her?"

Zartaaj stared at Arsalaan and answered, "I asked her to marry you."

His eyes widened. "I can't believe this, Ammi! How could you even think of it?" Arsalaan whisper-yelled because he didn't want Eshal to wake up.

"I just want you and Eshal to be happy." Zartaaj defended herself. "And Mehr is the only one who can keep you happy."

Arsalaan just furiously sighed.

"Do you think that I don't know about Mehr's feelings for you? I have known it for a long time, and I had even started to see her as my daughter-in-law. But then suddenly one day you said you wanted to marry Aqsa. I understood that Mehr's feelings were unrequited, and also that you can't be forced to love her. So I accepted Aqsa with open arms because your happiness was important to me. And don't get me wrong, I have no complaints about Aqsa. She was a great person, wife and daughter-in-law. And if Allah had given her a chance, she'd been a fantastic mother to Eshal too. But she's not here anymore, and it was His decision. But you and Eshal still have your future in front of you, and I want you both to live it happily, filled with love. A love that only Mehr can bring into your lives. And do you know why? Because Aqsa loved you, but not like Mehr did. No one can love you like Mehr." Zartaaj finished her emotional speech, leaving Arsalaan speechless.

"I agree that she loved me. But that doesn't mean she still loves me. And moreover, do you really think she's fit enough to become a mother to Eshal. Don't you remember her? Egoistic, self-obsessed, spoiled daddy's princess, that's all she is." Arsalaan pointed out, making Zartaaj shake her head in disappointment.

"The Mehr you're describing died the day she watched you say qubool hai to Aqsa with a smile on her face." Zartaaj sadly smiled. "You were not the only one observing her that day."

The tear stricken face of her from his nikah day flashed in front of his eyes.

"Everyone says that Mumbai changed Mehr. Little do they know that she went to Mumbai because she had changed already. If she'd been the same spoiled daddy's princess, as you say it, she'd have done everything in her power to stop your wedding. But she didn't. She understood the true meaning of love and let you marry someone whom you loved. If she is mature enough to understand that, she is mature enough to raise your daughter."

Zartaaj stood up saying that and left the room, while Arsalaan sat there replaying his mother's words again and again. He saw the peaceful face of Eshal and caressed her cheek.

Was his Ammi right? Was he keeping away Eshal from a mother's love because of his stubbornness?


Mehr brought up a spoonful of tomato soup near her lips and blew on it. Then she carefully took the spoon near Tahir's mouth. He opened his mouth and gulped the warm liquid down.

"Baba, I'm thinking of going back to Mumbai. You're getting better now, and I've taken a lot of leaves already." Mehr spoke while feeding him.

Tahir knew this topic would arise sooner or later. "Are you enjoying your job, beta?"

Mehr looked at him confused. "Yeah, the job profile is really good, my colleagues and boss are awesome. And the pay is enough to fulfill my needs." She stated.

"Yes, but do you enjoy your work?" Tahir deepaned.

Mehr stayed silent, not understanding the meaning of her father's question.

"I used to love what I did. Every morning brought a new determination in me to work better than yesterday, and that is the reason why I could build such a big company. Mahad loves what he does, and that is why he is taking our company to great heights. Do you have the same kind of passion towards your job? Does it excite you?"

It didn't. She worked for the sake of working. And Tahir knew the answer with just the expressions of her face.

"Mehr, I know it was me who forced you to apply for jobs and give the interview because I wanted you to explore it before deciding if you want to do it or not. That way, you'd make sensible decisions. That time, you didn't want to work because you thought that you had me to fulfill all your needs. But now if you tell me that you don't like your job, it is because you tried it and realised that it doesn't make you happy. So tell me honestly, does your job make you happy? Is it worth living alone in a strange city, away from your family?"

Mehr thought about it and shook her head. "No, it doesn't make me happy. Yes, I've learnt to live alone, take care of myself and I'm glad for that. But I've also hated my life that I've spent crammed in my cubicle, working on projects that I absolutely don't care about. I just felt so lonely and stuck there."

"Then quit your job. Stay at home, with us. Take some time off, explore what makes you happy and then do that." Tahir held her hands and encouraged her.

Mehr looked like she was in deep thought.

"There is something else on your mind, isn't it?" Tahir said after observing her for a minute. She looked distracted.

"No," She tried denying.

Tahir smiled. "A parent knows when the child is stressed. It is okay if you don't want to tell me, just know that I'm always here to listen."

Mehr was distracted thinking about what Zartaaj had said to her a few days ago. She had said no to her at that time, but she wasn't able to shrug it off her mind. In fact, that was all she had thought about lately. She knew there was no reason to tell Tahir about it, she had already said no to the proposal, but she still felt the need to talk to someone about it.

She opened her mouth to speak, but then decided against it. His health was not perfect, and she had no idea how he'd react to it, so she let it be. She finished making him eat the bowl of soup and then left him alone to rest.

Her thoughts were already messed up, and now her father had also suggested that she should leave her job. It was all too much for her, and she just needed a break from it. So she went to the movie room and played a random comedy film to distract herself. It worked, and fifteen minutes into the film, she was laughing her heart out. It felt good to behave carefree after so long.

By the time the movie ended, it was almost dinner time. Mahad was back from the office, so she had dinner with him and Faiza, checked up on Tahir again and then went to her room to sleep. She'd think about the life-changing decisions she had to make tomorrow. 


Thought of giving you guys a treat of double update ;)

Enjoy! And Vote.

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