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Ghane baadalon se tum, Mere dil-o-dimaag par chaaye rehte ho

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Ghane baadalon se tum,
Mere dil-o-dimaag par chaaye rehte ho.


"Good morning, Parishay." Mahad greeted her with a heart-melting smile as he walked into his office. Parishay had to physically stop herself from swooning over him.

The talk she had with Faiza yesterday had made her realise that she'd never be enough for Mahad. So she had to take those steps back that she had taken towards him. "Good morning, sir." She said in her best professional tone and gave him his morning coffee.

Mahad frowned at her blunt tone. "Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah," She nodded, "I've mailed you your schedule. You've three meetings today, two of them are with the D&K Ltd and Latina Corporations at 11:30 and 2 respectively. And the third meeting is with the department heads to discuss this month's performance." She said looking at her iPad. "You also have to respond to the SPM University from where you'd been invited as a guest lecturer."

Mahad shook his head. "Say no to the University."

Parishay made her changes in her Ipad. "Okay."

"Let's go for lunch today." Mahad offered.

She avoided looking into his eyes. "I'm busy today, and you've got meetings as well." Saying that, she excused herself.

Mahad was taken aback at her behavior. She wasn't her normal self, and he knew it. But then he shook off his thoughts thinking she must be having a busy day. But her strange behavior continued the entire day. She avoided being in the same room as him, and when she did, she made no eye contact and kept the communication minimal and strictly professional. Even when he offered to drop her home in the evening, she denied it saying her cab was already waiting downstairs.

The next day was no different, and neither was the day after that. Parishay had been successful in staying away from him for almost a week. But that one week had been the most torturous for her. Everytime she looked at him, she wanted to break down in his arms and have him reassure her that he was hers, and just hers. Every night she returned back to her empty apartment, it reminded her of how empty her life actually was. She missed him. God, she missed him.

Seeing him every day and not being able to get close to him was killing her. Her broken heart couldn't take it anymore, so she decided to resign and leave. Yes, she knew she was running away like a coward but maybe that's what she was, a coward. She neither had enough confidence in her love nor she had enough trust in Mahad's love.

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