8 :: the new ceo?

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| Jungkook's point of view; night of the killing

"Short recap of what I need to do," he nervously tapped the steering wheel, feeling kind of anxious about this mission. Why? It isn't any different from the ones he's done before so why does it feel so nerve wrecking?

He shook his head, trying to regain focus. "Focus, Jungkook, you need to focus."

Yeah, that's right. He needs to forget about you in order to do this mission right. You? When did you come into this internal monologue?

"Oh come on, you need to kill a man, get a grip!" he mentally slapped himself, regaining focus.

"So the plan is clear," he said, taking a quick glance at the gun that was placed onto the seat next to him. "I just have to get unnoticed to the roof of the building next to the VIP zone of the hotel, the perfect place where my aim would be flawless." and with that, he stepped out of the car, making sure his cap was covering his face.

In no time he arrived at the set destination, the sky looking especially beautiful. "Such a nice night for a sweet killing, hm?" he chuckled, appreciating how easy this mission was. "It's gonna be quick with no complications, just how I like it,"

He walked around the surface, trying to find the best spot where his aim would be perfect. As he was doing so, his eyes caught a glimpse of some people talking in the outdoor restaurant. "That must be them, I need to get ready."

He kneeled down, carefully charging his gun. "No need to rush, I have to wait for the perfect moment," he whispered to himself, making himself comfortable knowing it might take a while.

After some time passed, he saw the 3 men sitting down, waiting for the ordered food to arrive. Two of them seemed way older, and the third one must be the son of one of them. The question is, is he the son of his target or not?

He fixed his gun, carefully aiming to the man that sat next to the younger man. "Guess this was it," he spoke, before he pulled the trigger.

A loud gun shot was heard, and his target fell dead onto the floor, blood splashing against the white table.

Mission done.

He looked a little longer at the scene that was unfolding in front his eyes, panicked men running around and scanning the zone. How naive people can be.. do they really think the one who pulled the trigger will be there? Inside?

But little did he know there was someone who has noticed him.

And that someone would definitely revenge this wrong doing.

| Tiara's point of view ; 3 days after the killing

After you received a message from Mr. Kim's secretary that your letter has been received and that you needed to talk personally to the director in order to clarify the issue, you got a grip of yourself and decided to end your little day off and actually get back to work. No stupid man can stop you from doing your job.

This morning you got ready for work, doing your usual routine. The marks of that night have faded, which is a relief. Don't want no co-workers to start questioning you.

After 30 minutes of being stuck in the traffic jam, you finally arrived to the hospital. You were away only for a day, nothing big could've happened, right?

As soon as you entered the building, one of your colleagues, Mara, ran up to you "Girl, you have no idea what happened!" poor girl was out of breath.

"Take a deep breath of oxygen, you don't want your lungs to get all worked up, do you?" you joked, clearly not being up to date to the feet-sweeping news she wanted to tell you about.

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