2 :: hell

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| Tiara's point of view 


Such a simple 4-letter word, right? Yet those 4 letters were enough to describe the night you've been with the mysterious man, whose name you still didn't know.

And anyone could've sworn they did always think about something sinister when it came to talking about hell, but in your perspective, the hell you've gone through together with him was something you'd repeat night after night.

He warned you, you'd get burnt by his fire but you didn't listen.

And well, it was too late. You got addicted.

But burnt? Not yet.

| Flashback to that night

His hands secured themselves tightly around your tiny waist, his hot breath fanning over your ear, his seducing whispers sending shivers down your spine.

"You're driving me crazy and I've only known you for like 10 minutes," he lowly chuckled and you could've sworn you felt your heart skip a beat and body tense.

"I love the effect I have on you," you smiled, your fingers grabbing him by his chin, making him inch in, your bodies practically glued to each other.

"But what you've no idea about is.." you whispered, your lips gently brushing against his. Your teasing clearly turned him on even more and his attempt to capture your lips into a heated kiss gave it all out. 

"The effect you have on me is literally making me lower my guard and lose lucidity," you breathed out, not understanding why and how he was making you feel that way.

"I told you you'd get burnt," he chuckled, continuing right after. "But you burning because of me is a sight I'll never want to forget," he smirked, softly biting your earlobe, the pleasing feeling making you let out a barely audible moan, a proud smirk plastered on his face.

"I'm starting to grow addicted to your game of words," you chuckled, locking your hands around his neck, your fingers softly playing with his short mullet.

If you were a bit more present in the moment, present with your right mind, you would literally dig a hole and jump in it, so the handsome man wouldn't be able to further watch you embarrass yourself. Your sober self would never, never in a million years, say such things to a man you barely knew, but here you are, a few shots in and word play going strong, no traces of embarrassment left behind.

"Glad to hear that," he let out a soft chuckle, finding your responses to his words funny. 

Yup, you definitely embarrassed yourself.

He then planted a deep kiss onto your now reddened lips. "Let's go," he flashed you a teasing smile before he grabbed your hand tightly and started speed walking out of the crowded club.

"Wait," you didn't even get to fix yourself as he had already sprinted out of the club, making you follow his fast pace as well.

"I can't keep up, my heels-" you whined, trying to keep up with his fast pace but the killing pain that came from your ankles was unbearable.

"Oh, Tiara," he let out a faint chuckle before he swiftly lifted you up, his well built arms tightly wrapped around you.

"Where are we going?" you laughed, surprised by his sudden mood change.

Such an interesting man, hm?

"Let's make this night unforgettable," he whispered, his eyes locking with yours, and the glint in his glowing eyes made you understand — this man was something else.

Something different, something anyone would want to discover.

You stayed quiet, deciding to let him enjoy himself as his glistening eyes gave it all to you. He was special, and you couldn't tell if you felt that way because of the alcohol your body was flooded in or because your heartbeat's pace was increasing by each passing second.

But one thing you knew for sure — he made you feel alive.

"Hop in," he said pointing to his black mercedes cabriolet. "We don't want to waste any time," he winked, you both getting into the luxurious car.

You did as told, following him into the convertible car. Before you could buckle up your seatbelt, his large hand softly touched your exposed thigh, caressing it softly.

"Don't buckle it up, forget about rules and shit for tonight, it's just me and you," he said with a deep voice, making you instantly let go of the seatbelt, following his demand unknowingly.

Oh lord, this man had too much power over you.

The moment he drove off the club's parking lot, you could swear you felt your heart skip a beat at the insane speed he was driving at.

He, most probably, felt your body tense so he started massaging your thigh with his hand in a relaxing manner, his other hand swiftly handling the steering wheel. A hot sight to admire indeed.

In a matter of seconds, a rush of adrenaline flashed throughout you, making you raise your hands up in the air, the cold strong breeze blowing your hair.

"I've never felt this good in my entire life," you shouted out excited-ly, earning a chuckle from the man from beside me.

"You'll feel even better when you'll see what i'm capable of," he commented smirking, knowing he could make you feel like you were on the 9th cloud.

"We'll see about that," you laughed, not caring if anyone heard you - if that was even possible.

He remained silent at my comment, taking my words as a challenge.
Oh, he liked being challenged.

You sat back on your seat, tilting your head in his direction.
"What's your name?" you suddenly asked, realization hitting you hard.

You were in a car with a stranger whose name you didn't even know.

Good job Tiara, well done!

"You're going to forget it anyway after tonight," he chuckled but stopped shortly after that, taking a quick glance at the rear-view mirror.

"You'll help me remember it tomorrow," you blurted out, not picking up on what he meant, your thoughts still clouded with his beauty.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't," he tightened the grip on the steering wheel, his what-seemed-a-very-expensive-wristwatch reflecting the moonlight.

He started driving at an even faster speed, making you question whether you'll arrive safely at the needed destination or not.

"Can you slow down? I don't think it's safe to-" you were cut off by his smoky voice that made you quickly fix your eyes on his figure.

"It's always dangerous when you're around me, so might as well get used to it."

Little did you know it wasn't a joke, nor a dumb way of flirting. He was dead serious.

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