24 :: boss's lair

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The voices belonged to what seemed like a number of 2 men who were standing right in front of the door Jungkook was hiding behind.

"You need to report him to the police." One of them said, Jungkook glueing himself to the wall, trying to overhear their conversation without letting any details slip.

"The police won't take this chance from me. I will punish him using my own method." and that's when it clicked.

It was Kim Taehyung who was talking. And the subject being discussed was actually him, Jungkook himself.

Jungkook stopped breathing when he couldn't hear their conversation anymore.

"Are they gone?" this thought crossed his mind for a mere second before he came to realization. "It's a trap."

He hastily pushed himself away from the door, eyes wandering around the room in search of a good hideout.


There was nothing in this room that could potentially save him from getting exposed.

Then, his eyes found the window. It wasn't a big nor small window, just right for him to jump out through it.

The only con was the height. Jumping from the second floor didn't sound that bad, especially for a trained assassin like him.

But people like Kim Taehyung and his family had houses built a good distance away from the ground, and considering the tall ceilings Jungkook could only approximate that the landing from the second floor wouldn't be soft.

As he tried figuring how and where he would land while still keeping his undercover, his eyes registered the doorknob being turned. 

"It's now or never." He hopped on the window sill, opening the window wide enough for him to skim through.

Jungkook looked back at the door one more time before he jumped out, the only thing his ears could pinpoint were the faint voices of the two men who entered the room in a rush.


Taehyung unlocked the door, the strange gut feeling telling him there was someone in there.

They both rushed in, eyes searching the room for a specific someone Taehyung believed sneaked in there.

"No one's here." Wooshik stated, a feeling of relief washing through his body.

"No one is here now. But there was." Taehyung spoke lowly, as if he sensed he was being listened to.

He made slow steps towards the window, gaining Wooshik's attention. "I've never left the windows open. Especially in this office." he traced the window sill, as if trying to feel the person who had stepped on it seconds ago.

"You've been stressed, Taehyung, you could've left it open this time," Wooshik tried reasoning, hoping it was just an accident.

Taehyung couldn't hide the suspiciousness that had plastered on his face, but decided to brush it off, in case it really was him who forgot about the open window.

But something still kept him close to the window, eyes glued on the surroundings. "I guess you're right."


The fall wasn't hard. And his body seemed intact. That was Jungkook's health report in the first seconds after he regained his consciousness.

He must've blacked out for a few seconds after his body hit the ground.

He stood up, careful not to make any sudden movements in case he was being watched. He looked up, watching the window he jumped out of.

Clear. Kim Taehyung and his man didn't see him.

He fastened his pace, making his way towards his motorcycle in the most unnoticeable way.

When his eyes found the motorcycle, he could feel all of his muscles relax, as if they were holding in the tension of the mission throughout all of it.

"I was one mistake away from being dead caught." He sighed, a sudden sensation of pain making him stop his movements. He closed his eyes, ignoring the sharp feeling. "It's from the fall." he assumed, continuing his mission.

Just when he hopped on the motorcycle, turning the engene on, he felt a faint vibration in his pants' pocket.

"Fuck." He cursed, not expecting any phone calls right now.

He swiftly fished his phone out, the name "Hwan" being displayed on the screen.

"Oh right," Jungkook sighed, a tone of amusement present in his breathy voice. "How could I not expect a call from you?" he stated whilst looking at the ringing phone.

Knowing his boss hated waiting too much on the line, Jungkook picked up the call.

"..." the line was silent and he wasn't going to be the first to start the conversation.

"Need you at the usual place." his boss wasn't the type to beat around the bush and this time he didn't hesitate either. "Now."


Truth to be told, the only ending to this night Jungkook has thought of was resting at home or planning the next mission his boss had probably called to tell him about hours earlier, but he definitely didn't asume he'll see you again, right inside his boss's lair.

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